“Ah, the great son of the desert, the gatekeeper of the empire, the mobile library, the custodian of knowledge, the guardian of the empire, the guardian of Vikaula, the scholar, the teacher, the inheritance of the empire Defender, light protector, the wisest and most scholar of the Heavenly God warriors, the twins of the empire, the patron of Heavenly God, Ming Sect Guardian…”

Whenever the priest saw Nasus, he began to use a kind of excitement. In his tone, he recites many titles that Nasus remembers, or does not remember, and he has some truth and rules. But for Nasus, for the Heavenly God warrior who had been in charge of all this thousands of years ago, his careful thoughts when he recited the title made him sick.

So he frowned and stared at this guy who didn’t have the slightest ascender bloodline, but who thought of himself like that.


He gave a brief instruction, and then when the priest stopped because of fright, he said something that shocked the people around him.

“I have no time to care about your thoughts, but the title of gods should be put first. You don’t have to believe in gods, because Shurima is a person with unlimited possibilities and unlimited creativity. Nation. But, we cannot forget that in our most difficult years, Heavenly Gods gave us the strength to survive and the possibility of surviving.”

He certainly knows why he personally The title will be put on the front, so that he remembers that he is the Ascendant that’s all sworn allegiance to the ascending bloodline for generations.

However, this rejection and carelessness of the past, disrespect for the process of their cultural and historical development, made him annoyed for a while.

His walking stick paused heavily on the floor, and in an instant a layer of floating dust fell on the surrounding buildings, not only the guards who wore poor-quality armor, but even poor-quality armor couldn’t be neat. The high-ranking officials and the nobles were unable to stand firmly on this high platform, and even the disc of the sun, which was suspended by a few ropes, began to sway.

He can’t say that he is standing now, because most of him still stays behind to lock his brother and Xerath together. And on the day Azir fell, even though he had started to adjust after…meeting Sivir, he was still accustomed to looking at humans now by the standards of the past.

However, even if he showed such power, the priest still face doesn’t change. He still feels that it’s nothing. The giant beast of the giant war is just like this. His guard is completely You can get a crazy war beast.

So even though his bodyguards have expressions of horror and shock on his face, he still looks confident. And Nasus’ reprimands for his etiquette, and not directly saying that he is not the ascending bloodline act as a test and assistance to him.

“Ah, great Warrior of Heavenly God. Of course I will not forget the Lux of Heavenly Gods. But what I am going to do today is about the honor of the Ascended Bloodline.”

He looked fanatical and holy, but Nasus suddenly didn’t understand what he was going to do. But when he was puzzled, the priest spoke again.

“Although the sacred blood vein of the empire has lived up to its prosperity in the past, under our unremitting persistence and brave battle, my sacred bloodline has continued intact.”


His words were too funny in Nasus’ ears, so for a while he didn’t know what to say, but when faced with this just and honourable guy who defiled the soaring bloodline in front of him, his hand The claws still tore the linen wrapped around Olaf.

But the priest didn’t notice it.

“However, there will always be people who admire the sacred blood of my family and want to steal this glory. There are so many people. So much so that in me, the Eagle Prince heirs In the city ruled by the sole orthodox heir to the ascended bloodline, such madmen and thieves have also appeared.”

When he said this, he couldn’t help being complacent. After all, he appeared in Nasus. At that time, it was indeed not a good thing to come out of a person who claimed to be the ascending bloodline, but he succeeded in turning a bad thing into a good thing.

“So, under the witness of the ancient Heavenly God warrior Nasus, our honorable academician, my guard Captain will capture the madman named Sivir and the accomplices walking rumors and use them Their blood will wash away their sins! Their blood will become Myriadth’s…”

He impassionedly confronted the officials in his city, the nobles, the envoys of friends, and various wealthy merchants. Speaking of his plans, he planned to directly determine the identity of the orthodox heir to the soaring bloodline. However, before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the collar by an angry Nasus and lifted it up like a chicken.

“Who do you want to kill?!”

Nasus tore his robe and straightened his waist, revealing that he was more than three meters tall. And as if walking on the grass, he smashed the guards guarding in front of the priest and interrupted the madman’s speech directly. And without waiting for his answer, he led the person who screamed because of his actions to the botched imitation.

In the original timeline, the young priest now had a similar experience when he reached middle age and lost his initiative. But because of Li Ke, he experienced this process nearly ten years in advance.

Ignoring the attack of the guards, the weather-beaten golden armor on his body can ignore their weapons, and even if he doesn’t care, mortals with ordinary martial arts and ordinary weapons would never want to break his skin. . So Nasus pressed the face of the yelling priest fiercely on the imitation disk that had become hot due to the sun’s rays, making his yelling even more stern.

Be aware that this is a desert with a temperature of more than 40 degrees all year round, and this sun disc is still a large copper plate that has been exposed to the sun all morning.

“Even if this sun disc is just a fake, there is no Gold Rank at all, even if you are such a stupid and useless waste. But as long as it is still under the sun, as long as your blood There is even a tiny bit of soaring bloodline, there will be some reactions!”

The sharp claws directly pierced the priest’s face, but his bright red blood was only on the sun disk. It’s just condensing quickly, and there is no vision at all, or even the slightest reaction.

The young priest seemed to realize something. He struggled harder, but Nasus grabbed his head, lifted him up again, and made a final sentence on him.

“But unfortunately, you are not the soaring bloodline, and you want to murder a real soaring bloodline.”

Nasus looked at this youngster who was frightened, but his eyes There is no mercy at all. If he has even the slightest scruples about himself, or has a little awareness of his situation, or is not so anxious to kill Sivir, then he will suffer at most, but he will have no worries about life.

But unfortunately, he chose the most wrong path.

Waved to convene a sandstorm that swept half of the city, and the clear sky suddenly became dimmed. Not to mention, those guards who wanted to besiege Nasus were also caught in this sandstorm. The wind and sand blew up and fell heavily to the ground.

“So I pronounce you…”

Nasus clenched his paws in the priest’s extremely horrified eyes.

“Death penalty!”

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