“You, don’t understand your magic?”

Nasus asked questioningly, and Li Ke, who discovered that Nasus was not in battle, also slightly changed his abilities He revealed some and explained his training method a little bit.

“That’s right, but simple applications are still possible. I asked Sivir to do that kind of training. It is precisely because I have a method that can completely heal her. I can restore her body with vitality. The best condition.”

That is not vitality, but something more terrifying.

Nasus said in his heart. With just a few words, he understood why Li Ke could not control his power well, because he hadn’t realized how much he could do. I don’t know how terrifying his own power is: if he wants to, he can use dead things like Malphite and sand to create a brand new race, and all he has to do is to use his own magic power. Instill in it, and then instill in the idea of ​​wanting the other party’s activity. Even the emptiness that is evasive for others is nothing but a garden that needs to be cultivated urgently to him.

Give death the power of’movement’, then the dead will be resurrected. Give life the power of’activity’, then that life will feel great joy, as well as the sublimation and fullness of life. The ability to absorb part of oneself should also be used to extract part of the power that oneself uses for’activities’. And in this part, it is very likely to store all the records of one’s own’activities’ so far.

In this case, you can understand why he can use his own power after extracting his own kinetic energy, because he will instinctively use all the power higher than his existing life class, and unconsciously The forward metamorphosis (evolution) continues.

Although it’s not wrong to say that it is directly understood as magic of life, it is still fundamentally different. After all, there is no concept of’movement’ in the deadly era where the universe has not yet appeared. This magic, in theory, can make the dead silence move.

Although after moving, the guy in front of him will definitely be blown up by the big cosmic burst, and become a creation god who was blown to death by the universe he opened up.

“I haven’t studied it, so I don’t dare to lie, but your magic is indeed a great thing. It can give life to things you can’t expect, even if it’s the air around you. Will be activated by your power, but you don’t realize it yourself.”

“Ah?! Is it like this…many thanks to you, after all, no one else told you Mine.”

Because I don’t understand Li Ke’s strength characteristics, and how his strength should be awakened and trained, Nasus didn’t say much. even more how he now cares more about Sivir, creation magic or something, he simply doesn’t want to care. Li Ke was very happy, because finally there was someone who had the ability to recognize the nature of his power and told him what was going on with his power, so he couldn’t help but admire it in his heart.

“As expected of Nasus, he easily did what other Ascenders couldn’t do!”

But the atmosphere on the court is still very embarrassing. After all, the two of them are fighting. They talked harshly with each other, and ended up calming down so much, and they discussed the abilities of one of them in a harmonious way. So after the two people stopped the conversation, the scene was directly embarrassing. After a few seconds of silence, Li Ke and Nasus watched each other big eyes staring at small eyes for a while, Li Ke couldn’t help scratching his head.

“Well, let’s go see Sivir?”

Nasus thought for a while, he looked at the stick one’s head around to look for, and wanted to figure out what happened here In fact, there are those people who clearly recognize themselves, who have the intention to directly announce Sivir’s identity to the public and take him away. But he still shook the head in the end, because if he follows him when his identity is exposed, Sivir will encounter a lot of trouble. Before there is enough power, rashly exposing her identity will only expose her to countless attacks. And conspiracy.

Unless you first establish an organization with a certain strength, otherwise I am afraid that you will not be safe with this human being. After all, even if he has a plan, he will not kill Sivir before he achieves his goal. And he doesn’t understand magic, and he can also be a bargaining chip for exchange. I just don’t know what Sivir thought. If it were…, things might be more convenient.

After all, with such power, the bloodline of those ascended in my memory will not be missed.

“Now I am not suitable to appear in front of her, so when she wakes up, I will leave. But I will live in this city and observe you. Hope we will be in the future. Among them, I can cooperate happily.”

He pondered for a moment, and then said his rejection. Although Li Ke was a little confused, he was still nodded. After all, as long as Sivir is there, the way his goal is achieved again is at best a discount.

And Nasus did what he said, seeing that Li Ke instilled what he thought of the vitality into Sivir’s body, allowing Sivir’s body to be constantly’renewed’ and become stronger . And after flushing and a comfortable expression appeared on his face, he knew that his guess about Li Ke’s power was correct. And he immediately put on his cloak and moved towards the soldiers and priests who rushed over, avoiding Sivir being disturbed by those filthy things.

Sivir woke up again, the first thing he saw was the broken wall of the courtyard, and the second thing was a look of dissatisfaction with desire, like Li Ke whose desire was not satisfied. So she covered her chest subconsciously and stepped back. She also said something she had always wanted to say, but she didn’t dare to say it in the past.

“Why your Heal way is so nasty!”

She only feels that she is full of strange things now, although she has endured this experience a lot Oh my god. But every time she encounters such a feeling, she has a feeling that she has been lived one way or another.

Although she also understands, this is just a side effect of Li Ke’s magic.

“If you think it’s dirty, we can cultivation in ordinary ways. Then you don’t have to be treated like this, right?”

Li Ke directly and casually answered this general It is a woman who feels she can do it, so she can only get up from the ground in an anguish, and stop talking about this topic. But standing up, she finally saw the back of Nasus, and involuntarily thought of a four-legged creature, and felt like she had seen each other a long time ago. So she was still a little dizzy in her mind, looking at Nasus who was going away suspiciously, and asked Li Ke a little suspiciously.

“Who is that? He looks like a dog?”

Then she was slapped directly on the back of the head by Li Ke, almost touching the ground. .

“Be polite to me!”

Li Ke decided to give her etiquette class.

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