“Noxus people want this city?”

Li Ke narrowed his eyes. If the other party really thinks like this, then his own time It’s really not enough.

“Well, the ruler here is a diehard, but the cost of attacking here is amazing, so if you can help, it would be best.”

Nora glanced at her nails, a bit dull, Li Ke’s attitude of rejecting beyond a thousand li made her feel bored. If she didn’t study that interesting sickle and pass the time for a while, she too Just look for a chance to leave here.

After all, this kind of man is really boring!

She was also looking forward to something happening on the beach. By the way, she took a sample, but nothing happened.

As for chastity or something?

Are you talking about this with a phantom?

“Of course, I don’t want you to kill everyone here, as long as you can persuade him not to obstruct our normal trade, after all, although Noxus will never compromise, but what about business? There is still no problem.”

She spread her hands, and finally lost the idea of ​​persuading Li Ke. After all, this guy has too much trouble, so many people don’t know. How should I say it. If it’s a general minor trouble, it’s okay, but it’s okay to have a relationship with Heavenly Gods. Although she is not afraid, many of her plans will be hindered. The fake game was only used not long ago, this time again. It’s a bit boring to use, and boring makes her feel very irritable, so forget it. Anyway, Li Ke is also quite suitable as another pawn, there is no need to involve more plans.

“I will consider it.”

Li Ke nodded, if this is the case, he is not unable to do it, but he will not do it when he has a choice.

“Then I will wait for your good news.”

After speaking, Nora Young Lady turned and left and went to her room. And he has made up his mind not to expose himself too much by Li Ke’s side, but to collect enough body samples. Then, she will leave this man who is not attractive to her anymore. After all, revolving around such an uninteresting man is not in line with the enthusiasm of her identity, and once substantive contact, she is very loyal and fanatical. After all, this identity has a lustful hidden attribute in the setting. If you continue to entangle this boredom on the way here, you don’t even look for yourself when you begin to count the sand, and there is the girl with big breasts and deformity next to it. Gangplank, her identity is not necessary.

But when she was walking up the stairs, Nora Young Lady couldn’t help but stopped and turned to look towards Li Ke, who was still looking guarded.

“Besides, you are really a bastard, Malphite without interest, even sharks know the joy of life better than you! Demacia people are more pleasing to women than you, and your head is more like Jarvan’s. It’s as stinky as it is, and the next one can’t stand up like the defender’s! It’s a miracle that a woman like you will look at you!”

She touched her chest after she said this. , And put out a long breath, as if to unload some burden, or to vent something that has been accumulated for a long time. The moved towards with a brisk look walked upstairs, and even the footsteps came out of a cheerful look. Li Ke was a little speechless. He looked at the shadow disappearing on the stairs, and the two women who were slightly nodded beside him, could not help being sighed.

“I was thinking of a way to save the world, but you guys are doing yellow.”

shook the head and knocked the unfathomable mystery by Li Ke, who had no fun. At the table, the two women who were still nodded focused their attention, and then looked towards Sivir very seriously.

“I need you to attract someone over, and during the break time, you will be under great pressure. So if you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me, and I can also ask for anything. Find a way to satisfy.”

He doesn’t intend to get involved with Noxus, so he can only use the method that will be missed by the local monarch, at worst when the time comes directly into the royal court and beat him up. , There should be no problem.

“Can I refuse? In addition, after telling you my dissatisfaction, will you solve it for me?”

Sivir carefree will not be considered full of thighs Knocked on the table, looked towards Li Ke very arrogantly. This is a method used by mercenaries to talk. After knowing that they are the object of the other party’s request, they will assume a arrogant posture to bargain, which is a normal method. But Li Ke can’t stand it a bit. After all, this Sivir is a high school girl in his own eyes, but he feels like a big sister along the way.

A very powerful Taimei.

“No, besides, I will write down your dissatisfaction, and then let you burn and bury it. Although this is a decompression method that I came up with, it may be an inheritance somewhere. The customs of the year.”

He glanced at Sivir whose face had become terrible, and kicked her on the stool directly, letting this guy who didn’t sit down cry out in surprise. He fell to the ground and caused a commotion. On the other hand, Li Ke walked in front of her with remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, and then grabbed the hand she wanted to hit her face, and then patted the other person’s head.

“But I will teach you what I know. As for how much you can learn, it’s your business.”

Sivir just feels that his lungs are going to be Furious, she regretted that she followed such a guy, but when she thought that she could learn the skills of this strong and incompetent guy, she had a feeling of expectation, so when Li Ke stood up and walked out , She also stood up subconsciously and followed Li Ke.

It’s just that after she followed Li Ke and beat up a rogue, and then spread the news that she was a direct descendant of Azir, she didn’t believe it, she suddenly realized a thought that made her a little bit troubled. That is, most of Li Ke’s current performances are fighting methods that use his strong strength to overwhelm others. He didn’t see the exquisite fighting methods he showed, and he obviously won’t have the opponent’s monster power. . This is simply not explained by the physique difference between men and women. At least she feels that she can’t kick a five or six-meter-long sandworm directly out of it, and then run more than the sand that was kicked. The worm is fast.

Did you follow the wrong person?

Can such fighting’skills’ really be taught to yourself?

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