“You are not right.”

The god who suddenly appeared grabbed Li Ke’s shoulder directly and said the words just now. Li Ke also felt an unimaginable heart palpitations for a moment, and quickly drew out his sword, and slashed it at the child.

However, the other party only stretched out a hand, blocked the sword in Li Ke’s hand, and said something that made Li Ke’s heart heavier.

“You…should not exist in this world.”

Undoubtedly, it is a fellow of Atox’s level!

Li Ke’s instinct urged him to escape, but the battle-tested warrior has long been able to speak such instincts into his fighting will, and his hand quickly grabbed the boy’s hand, and The boy didn’t mean to resist either, letting him grab himself and cast his magic. The pain of tearing gave this careless god a price. He felt that part of his existence was torn apart and was being taken away by the person in front of him. But they didn’t really get anything from him, and…

“Your magic skills are too bad, and you are using the wrong direction.”

Light A light palm knocked Li Ke out. The Heavenly God, who was like a little child, still did not open his eyes, but concentrated on’looking at’ Li Ke, as if he had seen something unwilling.

“There are the power of the Darkborn, the power of Heavenly God, the power of the void, the roaring Thunderlord’s Decree and flames, and the Frost Energy from the Eternal Dark Frost in your body at the same time. , I understand, it turns out that he borrowed your power to seize the power of Heavenly God and tore off their most essential things from in the sky. The essence of your power is…”

This little child, Heavenly God, finished speaking, but Li Ke couldn’t understand the last few syllables, but he understood that the other party was talking about himself. But the attack from the opponent made him feel bad. The power of his within the body was sealed by some kind of magic in an instant, and although his magic was not sealed, the speed of mobilizing his vitality was here. The time was surprisingly slow, and I knew it was also affected by the seal.

“Zoe hid your matter. It seems that she doesn’t want you to be treated terrifying, but is that really her idea? It’s really interesting.”

The boy with his eyes closed walked to Li Ke’s side when Li Ke stood up, and his tone remained calm.

“Heaven Realm has lost hundreds of gods because you bowed to Aatox. Mortal, you must pay for your crimes.”

After he finished speaking, he said it again. Holding the Longsword attacked by Li Ke, he smiled happily at Li Ke.

“If it were other gods, they would have said that. But unfortunately, I am a god of knowledge…, so I won’t say this to you, because it means I want to take you to Heaven Realm and make you a ruthless thing that will always walk according to the law. But I want to take you away because your magic is bound to affect the unchanging Heaven Realm, let Heaven Realm There are new waves and knowledge.”

He showed a distressed look, and his name was the same as before. Li Ke could only hear a general idea, but he couldn’t hear clearly. He mobilized the power from this young man and wanted to use his own power to attack him, but what he absolutely didn’t expect was when the power from this young man emerged from his hands. , Did not turn into a sword according to his idea, but turned into a book of high mathematics.

Such a change made Li Ke stunned. Even a teenager who closed his eyes opened his eyes slightly.

“It seems that you like knowledge more than swords.”

The young man’s smile is even brighter.

“Then, you are my believer and follower, and I will also shelter you, my believer, I will treat you as if I didn’t see you. But, discover the true meaning of your magic as soon as possible. That is the only thing you can keep alive in this war.”

After he finished speaking, he disappeared like when he came, and the next move that Li Ke prepared hasn’t The shot was lost. He looked at the place where the boy disappeared with some confusion, and looked up towards the sky again, to see the silhouettes who were constantly emitting dazzling light and making deafening noises every time they attacked each other. . He knew that it was a battle between two people called Heavenly God, but now he can’t get involved at all, and he can’t even get out of his body under a passing Deity Hand.

“Unfathomable mystery guy…”

He clenched his fists, and dispersed the high number books in his hands. And turned his head, looked towards Sivir, looking at this woman who can help her gain strength. Then he found that Sivir’s eyes radiated light, a kind of light that didn’t want to admit defeat and wanted to have the same power as those who existed. And when she found herself looking towards the other party, she turned her head and looked towards herself, who was slightly embarrassed.

“Your eyes are dangerous.”

Sivir said this sentence a little bit hard, in her eyes, this man finally showed his hidden emotions There was a sense of unwillingness in those black eyes, and a sense of self-confidence that he could do it. She doesn’t know how to evaluate Li Ke this time. She thought that this guy was just a dreadful guy, but now it seems that this man even wants to be an opponent of God, and he is so arrogant that he can’t explain it. To the point.

Don’t he even think about it, what is he going to drink right?


It’s quite interesting, if I have that kind of power.

Sivir couldn’t help but believe in what Li Ke told her before, because if Li Ke is a guy who cares about gods, then he shouldn’t lie to each other. Worthless mercenary. In other words, she may indeed be a great character!

But what they didn’t know was that just after the unfathomable mystery Heavenly God disappeared, he was found by the female Heavenly God who left with him, and they all appeared above Ionia, Observing those darkborn weapons that will be useful in the future, to prevent them from appearing like Atox.

“You shouldn’t let the mortal go, his power is very dangerous.”

The woman stood beside the boy and said these words softly.

“I will support you in controlling the chains of that majesty, but in exchange, you have to conceal this matter. You don’t want to see them gain control of that lord, right?”

The woman was silent for a while before she spoke, as if she wanted to explain something.

“We are for the stability of Heavenly God. We cannot engage in meaningless confrontations in this situation. Therefore, the control of that adult is safest only with us.”

The boy did not refute, but after showing a smile, he asked for a word.

“Aatox, can it really threaten Heaven Realm?”

The woman closed her mouth, because even if Aatox became so strong, but in In front of Myriadth, who was serious, he was still worthless. However, the fact is that he wreaked havoc on Heaven Realm and slaughtered those Protoss wantonly.

Those who are neutral, there are also Protoss who have good strength but are alone.

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