“Must be killed, all invaders!”

As the fist slammed out of the ground, Li Ke also heard a sound that did not sound like a human After this sound, the earth on which he was standing began to crack and bulge upward. The floor of the great hall, which was originally broken, is now more broken. Some organ frames that have been buried for many years have also collapsed due to such an attack, causing some strange burst noises in this area. And a throbbing jitter.

Furthermore, this kind of jitter continued to expand and increase with the stirring of that fist. Before Li Ke moved, several cracks suddenly appeared under his feet. The speed rushed towards the wall 20 meters behind him, and then it expanded like a potato chip that was gently broken apart. In just two or three seconds, the broken palace roof above Li Ke appeared. A crack as wide as the bottom of his foot.

“… Before I came out, I dismantled the Guardian who guarded things?”

Li Ke couldn’t help but spit out, and then leapt up before the crack expanded further. Dodge the next crack spread. And Nasus, who had been expressionless, also appeared in front of him at the next moment, and grabbed the two sides of the crack with his two hands, trying to tear the earth apart to form a hole through which he could pass.

He succeeded, and the broken palace above Li Ke collapsed as a result. Several tons of huge boulders directly hit the head of this Nasus, buried it, and hid in the open space. In the area, because there were no boulders on his head, he only ate some sand and shocked Li Ke. He stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded, and couldn’t understand the brain circuit of the Guardian guy who designed this palace.

The Guardian you designed to drive out outsiders is okay if you just demolish the home.

Although that Nasus really looks like Erha.

Li Ke, who was silently complaining in his heart, did not put down his guard. He still carefully guarded the pile of ruins that were still emitting smoke and dust. The yelling of the mercenaries simply could not affect him, and his premonition was indeed correct. Only two or three seconds later, there was a rumbling sound from the ruins, and the huge rocks looked like cannonballs. The same moved towards all directions flew out.

Then, a Nasus man with a long staff in his hand and gorgeous armor, the lower part of which is still in the Malphite, appeared among the piles of boulders, and his scarlet eyes were watching Li Ke’s first place. In an instant, the sultry feeling released a brighter red light.

“The low-level species is detected, and the removal will be executed.”

The Nasus, half of his body still buried, raised one of his hands directly to Li Ke, and then It looked like something heavy hit the ground, and then a strange sound of water splashing onto the ground sounded. In this brief moment, Li Ke’s feet also turned into a dark land. One after another, blue sparks also rose up beside Li Ke’s horrified eyes, and every spark showed a very different appearance. A sense of stability.

This move can kill me!

The feeling in the dark made Li Ke clear about this in an instant. He did not dare to neglect it. Although the ground under his feet had become something like a quagmire, Li Ke still jumped up suddenly, moved towards A Malphite that hasn’t turned into black silt jumps up. And at the moment when this piece of Malphite raised flames in the black quagmire below, and assimilated the piece of Malphite he had stepped on into black mud burning with blue flames, it jumped again onto a stone pillar that barely collapsed. Although the stone pillar was gradually assimilated under the corrosion of the black silt and blue flame, Li Ke knew that this was not the worst thing.

The worst thing is that the Nasus, whose lower body was originally trapped in the heap of Malphite, stood out from it because the surrounding land became silt, revealing his two wings behind his back. There are four strong feet. Yes, the feet of this Nasus are not feet, but the body of a lion, and there is a pair of black eagle wings behind it.

Ah, by the way, this thing is five meters tall.

“What the hell is that…”

Looking at the constant spreading outwards, whether it is iron, corpses, or stones can be corroded and assimilated, and The black mud that ignited the blue flame that I didn’t want to touch at all. Li Ke immediately thought of Nasus, that is, the E skill of Death God Nasus in the desert stepped forward… Soul Flame. But he clearly remembered that even though Nasus had a dog head, he didn’t have the lion-like lower limbs. He walked on two feet. And most importantly, he didn’t feel any breath of life from this monster, but a sense of threat.

It’s like passing through the hot, buzzing transformer on the street in Great Xia. The shuddering feeling is the same as when you are playing with your mobile phone when you suddenly find that a seventy-yard car has just whistled past two centimeters in front of you at the speed of an F1 car. So far, Li Ke has only felt this unpleasant feeling in the two dark descendants, Pantheon and Zoe.

Cooperating with the cold tone and the mechanical tone, Li Ke immediately thought of some things he had seen in Aatox’s memory, those strongest by the empire scholar, and one of the weapons built by the Ascendants. These are constructed by countless fantastic ideas, various precious materials, and the divine force of the Ascendant, and each of them is almost an unrepeatable artwork, which can be replaced to a certain extent. The role of the ascended, but as long as any ascender is serious, then this thing can live a few seconds longer than a mortal.

However, if there is no transcendence to a certain realm, or simply a Master Dafa, then this thing is no different from the Ascendant. And the Ascended One might be touched by words, but these cold structures really only act according to the master’s orders.

“Shurima’s skills, are they so amazing?”

Li Ke once again felt his powerlessness. The military force gap in this World is too huge, but It is absolutely impossible to let him sit still. Looking at the construct giant beast that was constantly rushing towards him, Li Ke roared, before the pillar under his feet completely collapsed, moved towards the giant beast jumped over, and the scimitar in his hand was also lifted high by him. Up, moved towards the brain of that construct pierced past.

The process was very successful. Li Ke’s high speed made his knife successfully pierce Taric on the head of this giant beast.

Then, the knife in his hand broke into countless fragments, and he himself was blown out by this structure and a scepter, directly smashing three walls. .

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