“Don’t do this, I am very interested in you.”

The woman whose name Li Ke doesn’t know took out one from her arms. The bottle, and after leaning against Li Ke’s shoulder and failing, he smiled and opened the bottle that he took out, letting the smell of wine leak out. I wanted to use fine wine to open Li Ke’s mouth, but to her disappointment, Li Ke’s face showed an impatient look at the rarely seen fine wine of ordinary people.

He is really annoying this Noxus woman who suddenly entangled himself. I don’t know why. He instinctively resists this person. It seems that once he gets entangled by her, there will be troubles like Infinity Edge. . And his identity is really not suitable for communicating with Noxus people, so he decided to leave this woman.

So Li Ke picked up his own things and prepared to go to a place where no one was going to think about what to do next, and how he could find Sarah and the others. Then, while finding the exclusive weapon of Sivir in the future, Charikar, he was able to obtain the position of Azir and the others to achieve his own purpose, so that he can use the Ascendant ceremony, or simply get the power from them that can fight against Myriadth. .

These sounds easy, but in fact they are very difficult things. I can’t tolerate any sloppy and mistakes.

But when he was picking up things to leave, the woman behind him suddenly raised her hand, and Li Ke’s right hand suddenly resonant shined with a lightning-like scar, which gave While Li Ke must be in pain, it also made Li Ke think of something instantly. Then, the woman shook the wine in her glass and said nothing to Li Ke.

“ahhhh, it’s so unfeeling, Mr. Immortal.”

As soon as her voice fell, this rare beauty felt like she was flying out, and she still felt her neck Being held tightly by a powerful hand, he couldn’t breathe at all. The three spells from her resonant shine could have bounced a few soldiers out, but they could only guarantee that her neck would not be broken by Li Ke’s blow, and it bounced off Li Ke’s slightly. Fingers for a few seconds, so that she can take another breath.

Yes, at that moment, Li Ke pinched this beautiful woman’s neck and smashed her fiercely into the sand. His huge power even smashed some sand. A lot of sand was stained on the woman’s white cheeks and the clean, excessive clothes. And she was even more dizzy by Li Ke’s blow, and subconsciously wanted to take off Li Ke’s palm, so that her neck, which had already begun to make noise, could be relaxed.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have a sword in my hand.”

Looking at the female devil Ap Carry who clearly knew something and activated the magic mark on her right hand, Li Ke slowly She tightened her palms, allowing the devil Ap Carry little by little to experience the feeling of her neck being pinched. And the female demon Ap Carry couldn’t even make a’chuckling’, she could only hold Li Ke’s hand with her own hand, and looked at the expressionless man with horror on her face.

“Otherwise you are dead.”

Let go of his hand, but Li Ke still did not forget to grab the woman’s hands, and then broke it hard, followed by a mournful scream, the woman’s two hands were completely twisted, but this is not the end. Li Ke grabbed one of the woman’s feet, and then smashed her fist on the other side at the moment she lifted it up. On her knees, her beautiful long leg also turned into a twisted shape.

After finishing all this, Li Ke sat down slowly in the sound of blades and swords unsheathing, and slowly returned to the Malphite he was sitting on, wanting to wait for the woman’s screams to end before asking. words.

“Damn it! What are you doing!”

A little Captain of a mercenary rushed over with someone directly, but he hadn’t waited for his knife to hit Li Ke’s On his shoulder, Li Ke held the back of his knife with his hand, and kicked the guy up with one kick, causing him to hit the two mercenaries behind him. As a result, his scimitar fell into Li Ke’s hands and was used by him to resist the swords of several other mercenaries.

Of course, those who sneak attacked him from behind were naturally turned around and kicked. The rest of the people who wanted to rush up were taken as a pause, and one after another gave way to the road, let those with bows and arrows move forward, and aimed their bows and arrows at Li Ke. Li Ke ignored those things. He knew that his thoughts of slowly interrogating could not be achieved, so he just turned around and pierced the machete in his hand into the wailing woman’s forearm, from her bones. Passing in between, set her arm in the sand.

“Say what you know, and your purpose, otherwise, I don’t mind cutting off your limbs inch by inch, and heal you with hot coals, and then hang the rope on you Put a knife in your body and drag you away with a camel, and until I get a satisfactory answer, you will never die.”

Li Ke’s cruel side is facing Noxus people, especially the Noxus people who are hostile to themselves, or whose target is themselves, have been fully vented. He slowly twitched the blade in his hand, making the woman’s trembling from the pain more intense, but just as Li Ke thought, this Noxus person stopped her meaningless wailing.

She showed a taunt smile, then stared at Li Ke mockingly, and said what she knew.

“I know that you are… a righteous son taken in by Uncle, and even tattooed you with Jiahui representing the heir, but he tried his best to train you, but you…Ahhh !!!”

Heard Li Ke here violently pull out his blade, and because he was too rough, the woman’s arm was completely abolished, not to mention, the sudden pain was also hit Broke her words.

“It seems that we are still enemies, well, I apologize to you, after all, I should have broken your neck all at once.”

For the enemy, Li Ke never will not torture, he will just kill it directly. So Li Ke stood up straight, and amid the loud warnings of the mercenaries around him, he raised the knife he had captured. The Noxus woman screamed in horror and wanted to escape, but it was a pity that Li Ke’s foot slammed on one of her feet, so she could only wait for her own death. But she still worked hard to keep herself alive, so she screamed out.

“Damn! I am looking for you to tell you! You have a lot of inheritance, and there is a family waiting for you in Noxus!”

However, Li Ke does not remain. unmoved, his raised hand still slashed at the woman’s head mercilessly, trying to chop her head in half.

However, when he did this, Sivir, who drew his sword when he shot, jumped over, trying to block his sword in front of Li Ke’s scimitar. But this was in vain. Li Ke cut Sivir’s sword directly with strong brute force, and the head of the woman moved towards Noxus undiminished.

However, this time the opponent’s magic shield was successfully cut open. It seems that Sivir’s shot deflected Li Ke’s blade more or less, or the woman’s magic was indeed subtle enough to give Gave her the opportunity to twist her body. So besides the right half of the shoulder, most of the lungs were chopped off by Li Ke, and the spine could be seen from the wound. She suffered only minor injuries:

Her neck is because of The twist was too great, so it was sprained.

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