In the first day of cooperation between Li Ke and Good Luck Young Lady, they successfully spent an unstable night. After all, the storm has already begun brewing in the sky. Due to the recent weather, the ship that the two of them robbed was very bumpy at night, and when they woke up early in the morning, they also found that their ship had deviated a little from the course. Li Ke and Good Luck were divided for a long time. With all his strength, he pulled the ship back onto the channel.

Li Ke, who lowered the sail that he raised, couldn’t help sighing while lowering the sail.

“It’s the first time I know that sailing on the sea can be so troublesome.”

When the work of more than a dozen people fell on two people, Li Ke realized that he was here. In this era, it is so difficult to operate a large ship that can carry dozens of people and carry countless goods. Basically, they have to do everything. Regardless of adjusting the position of the sails or keeping watch at night to watch the wind and adjust the ship, the job that originally seemed easy has become very tedious and tense. Basically, if it were not for the super power and speed of Li Ke, the two of them You will suffer more in the sea and deviate more times.

This is not a cracking a joke thing. After all, food, fresh water, and wine are all limited.

“There is no way, after all, they are all impossible surrenders. People who can be sent out to do this and official smuggling business are the kind of people who can reassure the boss behind the scenes.”

Sarah is just sighed. She actually blames Li Ke for killing the two Gangplank directly, but when things get to the point, it’s useless to say anything, and the most important thing is that she doesn’t have to try to know that she’s fighting. But the other party’s. Moreover, she is really waiting to die without Li Ke. She can’t drive a big boat alone, and sailing in Conqueror’s Sea in a small boat is basically equal to the scope of courting death.

“But we better watch out for the storm in the sky now, and because I haven’t done a harpoonman job, we may encounter other troubles.”

Good luck. Looking at the dark sea and the black clouds that are already shining Thunderlord’s Decree, she has some anxiety on her face. After all, it is clear that the storm will not be too small, and After the storm occurs, some seabed monsters may also surface, and she is not the kind of experienced harpoonman. She can judge the flow of fish and have a wealth of experience to judge how to use fish to attract those seas. Beast, so she is very worried that they will encounter those terrifying things.

“What’s the trouble?”

Li Ke asked, then looked at the barrels of bloody fish next to Lucky, and raised his eyebrows. But as soon as he finished speaking, he remembered the memory of the Gruffin he had seen. Then his face changed a bit, because he remembered that this is not the Earth’s ocean, nor the world where blue whales and jellyfish are the largest marine creatures. In the ocean of this World, there are more monsters. Not to mention anything else, this good luck Young Lady next to her, the city she is in is the one who hunted these big terrifying Sea Beasts and’prospered’.

And in the memory of that Gruffin, it has seen that just a Vel’Koz has its size monster, as well as some large and small ones, and its size It’s almost a monster, and terrifying creatures like Gruffin are just “losers” who are pushed into shallow waters and some freshwater lakes. Most of the time they are filter feeders, only when there are prey around them. Will take the initiative to attack.

“There are a lot of whales around here, so there are also many monsters hunting whales, and it’s a pity that in the event of a storm, that kind of whales will surface in the sea, so if we are unlucky If it’s good, we’re probably going to face some monsters whose mouths are only ten meters away.”

Good luck Young Lady, who is full of blood and is using kraft paper to make bait, she doesn’t look up. Li Ke’s answer, and try to tie up the kraft paper, and then when a drop of sea water fell, he couldn’t help frowning. And at this moment, Li Ke also heard a faint singing. He followed the sound and looked at it, and found that not far from their ship, some blue creatures were constantly emerging and spraying. Spit out a column of water. Li Ke estimated a little, and found that the smallest of these whales was 17 meters long, and in terms of number, there were at least 30 or more.

The singing he heard is exactly the sound these big guys make when they breathe, and it’s very much like a high-pitched singer with a beautiful tone. It’s a very wonderful experience, and Because they take different breaths, and because they take a very long time to breathe, a feeling of being in the palace of music emerges spontaneously. Li Ke didn’t know how to say how he felt, because humans could never imitate this kind of’song’ with their throats. This was caused by the difference of races, and there was no way at all.

“It’s beautiful, right, but some big guys are here.”

It’s just that this wonderful experience is only a moment, because Sarah stood up and used The hand pointed in a direction, and as soon as Li Ke looked over, he saw a Kog’Maw that was more than ten meters high just out of the sea surface suddenly appeared next to a relatively petite whale, and then for a while. In the rapid and beautiful cry, half of his body was bitten off. And the whales who were breathing, all turned over into the water in an instant, and began to flee from this waters.

But it’s a pity that the monster with a particularly big mouth didn’t let go of the idea of ​​this big meal. In Li Ke’s surprised eyes, he suddenly rushed out of the sea. The multi-meter-high fish head ate the poor whale’s lower body and fell into the ocean again, and then rolled the huge body, moved towards the fleeing whale chased it, and set off waves of giants on the sea. Lang, showing its body over a hundred meters. And that huge fishtail, like half a football field.

And the most terrifying thing is that this monster is very fast, far two or three times faster than the boat at the foot of Li Ke.

“…Are there many such monsters?”

Li Ke was silent for a long time before he couldn’t help asking Sarah who was putting the bait back into the cabin, her face It’s a little bit unnatural. After all, if this thing attacked them, he didn’t think the ship could escape.

“Almost, but these things are rarely seen in the main channel.”

Sarah was quite calm, and she even had time to wash her hands, and then she watched After looking at Thunderlord’s Decree in the sky and the clouds, he pointed at the mast of the ship to Li Ke.

“But let’s take care of ourselves first, cut off this mast first, otherwise we don’t want to go out of this Sea Territory.”

But her As soon as the voice fell, before Li Ke had any action, the wind and raging waves came directly.

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