This guy not only did it deliberately, but he did it after he knew what his actions would cause!

Li Ke felt the malice of Twilight Protoss. Although there is no malice, it is indeed the most malicious feeling. This guy is really interesting, so he wants to make things like this. She has no morality that can be recognized by humans, nor can she be constrained by human morals. She is a completely inhuman thing. Except for appearance and appearance, she and Aatox are not equal to monsters. Same, it’s a monster!

“Aiya, it’s so funny. Do you want me to leave? That interesting human being.”

Just when Li Ke thought about it, he heard it This voice of Zoe.

“Is that right? How about a fight between Fiddlesticks and Atox you two, whoever wins can fight with me? Although I don’t like fighting, but if you The flesh and blood that are willing to fight fly all over. If it is wonderful, I will be merciful and have a fight with you.”

When Zoe said this, she still gestured a boxing in the air. The action continued to stir the nerves of these two incomparable gigantic monsters.

“Go to hell!!!”


But obviously neither of these two meant to listen to her, because as long as People who have dealt with the Twilight Protoss and have been scammed by her will decide not to believe any words in her mouth anymore. And after Aatox had learned such a painful lesson, how could he believe her again, and Fidek was obviously the same as Aatox.

“It’s not good, it’s boring…then I’ll leave, I wish you good luck.”

But this result will naturally not make Zoe feel interesting, so she He shook his arm, waved his hands at the two monsters who rushed over, and then, amidst their angry roars, got into a hole opened out of thin air, making Aatox’s rage almost straightforward. Fainted with Li Ke stimulation. But before he could say anything, in front of these two giant monsters, several round holes appeared out of thin air, and a bad breath came from inside.

Atoxton had a familiar feeling, and then he immediately put the sword in front of him, and passed a simple array structure to Li Ke in his heart.

“Quickly use the power of the Ascendant in this way! Mortal!”

Li Ke didn’t doubt him either, because he also saw what Zoe Teleport came over. , But at the moment when a golden blue shield converged in front of the two of them out of thin air, dozens of meteorites tyrannize in the universe and burning with blue purple sparks rushed in front of them, and each All have a diameter of more than ten meters.


You don’t need to think about their hasty defense. Obviously, there is no way to stop these dozens of meteorites. So when Aatox’s roar was submerged in the sound of huge strikes, Li Ke’s consciousness was destroyed by the huge impact in an instant, and the familiar darkness appeared in front of his eyes again. And the last thing he saw before he fell into a coma was the scene where Fede Tike was also submerged in dozens of meteorites, and the scene where a meteorite hit the town.


After that, Li Ke was submerged in the collision of heaven-shaking and earth-shattering. He didn’t know anything anymore, and when he woke up again At that time, he found himself buried in a large piece of floating soil and stones, and severe pain came from his right arm. And when he struggled to get out of the clod of dirt, what he saw was a very large pit, and Aatox, who was standing on the pile of dirt, but the light on it was extremely dim.

He stood up, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he had broken free of Atox’s control, and now Atox seemed to be in a bad state, and there was no way to threaten him anymore. , He can’t even perceive the surroundings as before!

So he directly began to bury the soil around Aatox, because he had been waiting for this day for too long, and when he was burying, he still thought of himself must inform People nearby, must build a monument to commemorate the fallen soldiers of Demacia on this, because only in this way can people go and strip off the buildings on Atox’s body without problems. But when he happily continued to bury this troubled himself with his painful hands, and forced himself to leave his newlyweds, and even the ancient man who couldn’t solve it with his hands, he suddenly realized something.

“Where are people? Are people dead?”

He immediately climbed out of this irregular crater that was hit by countless meteorites, but his eyes were deserted. , That piece of wood has disappeared, and the town where Karina and the others are staying has only a vague ruin left, and only a huge crater can be seen.

Lux, Garen, Karina, and those ordinary people who are hard-working, but seriously alive, just die like this?

Is he killed by a casual’joke’ that looks like a comedy artist, even in this serious world, a character who is so out of place?

Is this God?

Or, is this the morality recognized by these Heavenly Gods?

Li Ke raised his head and looked towards the stars that seemed to be the Infinity Edge, as if he had seen those so-called gods. He couldn’t help but think of the story of the casting star Aurelion Sol, and the “tens of thousands of soldiers” who died only as the background in the backstory during the Protoss battle. The unremarkable numbers in the past are now so cruel, and he also understands that since Zoe has said such things, it means that he has entered their eyes.

“The worst, but with the face of a child…”

Mumbling these words, Li Ke walked among the ruins of this village, watching It arrived at the things that were crushed to pieces, and the big pit that covered the whole village. His heart was calmer than ever before, and after seeing a scorched arm, he picked it up silently.

This is undoubtedly Karina’s arm, because Li Ke, the ring on her charred arm, recognizes it clearly.

“It’s terrible. I want to celebrate with this rose when you really walk out of the haze.”

Li Ke sighed and put this arm down Being in the same place, because he knew that such a movement could not be hidden from Demacia’s people, when the time comes it was the most appropriate to let them handle it. After all, he couldn’t just and honourable walking in Demacia. But despite thinking this way, Li Ke pressed the dried and crushed rose in his arms to the ground, and silently activated his magic.

He made a decision, then turned and left, and with each step he moved towards Aatox, a rose would start to grow with his steps, and slowly full After this ruin, in this winter, a sea of ​​bright red roses bloomed. He didn’t even know how he did it, he just wanted to do it strongly, and the dry and shattered roses responded to him. But he didn’t look at the sea of ​​flowers behind him, because he still had more important things to do.


Li Ke held the sturdy hilt again, then called with his own magic, and reactivated Atox’s awareness. And his behavior also made Aatokes feel extremely surprised, because he didn’t believe that Li Ke was walking right into a trap! But Li Ke felt his doubts, so he responded to this doubt.

“I need your help, I need to gain the power of the Ascendant, tell me the location of your brothers, or tell me how to make the Ascendant ceremony. In return, I will help you “

He has been spotted, Li Ke doesn’t think that Zoe who says that kind of talk will let him live, and his answer Aatokes was taken aback for a while, he was a little bit uncomfortable. Believe in your ears.

“Are you crazy?”

Li Ke just shook the head and walked out of this huge pit.


At this time, Aatox also saw the destroyed town in Li Ke’s eyes.

“Is revenge for those mortals?”

Li Ke paused, then nodded.

“Just take it as it is, after all, I now have a reason to kill Zoe.”

After he finished speaking, he twisted it with a sad heart. Head, thinking about how he would tell the family of these people after he killed the Twilight Protoss after revenge for these people, and couldn’t help but sigh. He walked over a slope next to a pit in the small town, and saw Karina with a broken arm, Lux, Garen, and the civilians who were intact.

So he and Atox, who wanted to say something, “Don’t let Li Ke see that you are complimenting him”, the two fell into an unspeakable embarrassment together.

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