It is difficult to explain what kind of situation it is.

But Li Ke knows that Ashe is really sweet, and although her saliva also has the taste of wine that he doesn’t like, what I have to say is that her saliva is for Li Ke It’s really sweet. This sweetness even made him ignore the awkward footsteps of the guards leaving, and the idea that he should refuse.

Well, he didn’t really want to refuse.

But it’s actually a very strange reaction. Li Ke knows very well that the reason why he thinks Ashe is so sweet is because his hormones and brain give it to him because of the current situation. The reaction will cause him to feel this incomparable sweetness. And if we follow the gene, this gene and response is probably because in ancient times, we didn’t know what the hell is that, but the ancestors without hands had to use their mouths to give food to their partners in order to mate. Then it appeared after getting the right to mate.

In other words, feeding the opposite sex with your mouth means that you are greedy for her body, which means that you want to produce the next generation with her. This can make it easier for the other party to react, especially when you feed some high-energy, high-sweet foods, such as hard candies, chocolate, etc., your kiss success rate will also increase on a large scale.

This is determined by genes! It’s not strange knowledge!

Aishe is obviously an unfamiliar guy. She just shook her tongue after breaking in. But for Li Ke, it was easy to fight for the initiative. After all, in many cases, men are The above advantages cannot be smoothed out. So her initiative was taken away by Li Ke before long, and it seemed to be the initiative, or because Li Ke held her waist, she fell into Li Ke’s arms.

Well, this is also a function of genes.

But precisely because of this, after the two people separated because of breathing, Li Ke got a small question from Ashe.

“Why are you so proficient?”

This question really made Li Ke not know how to answer, so he thought a little bit before answering Ai Xi’s answer. The question of soul torture.

“This is a very complicated reason. I won’t be able to say it clearly for a while, but you can think that this is the result of my genes and the images and pictures I’ve watched. Of course, I I’m not denying my experience, but…”

But Ashe succeeded in shutting him up again.

But this time, Ai Xi’s body slowly fell on the ground, and Li Ke’s hand also moved to other places. After all, for him, he actually liked Ai very much. Hope for a girl like this. And unlike Sejuani back then, although he also had physical desires for the girl, but because of the absolute disharmony between the two people’s personality and the conflict in their behavior, there was no such thing as Ai Xi’s. A certain foundation.

His current state of mind is different from the state of mind at the time. At that time, his mind was full of his father finally being free, he would go wherever he wanted to go, and I would do whoever stopped me. But now, he wants to make more people’s lives better.

Also, Ashe didn’t hit him with a pig.

“If you continue, I won’t be sure that I will do anything terrifying. There is bound to be a bloody conflict between us.”

Xi’s smooth chin, Li Ke finally warned this woman who was obviously drunk.

“Grenner’s daughter, she has never been afraid of anything.”

But Ashe just straightened her chest and brought her body closer to Li Ke .


Li Ke wanted to pick her up and lead her to his tent, but when he was about to do so, his mind Suddenly the image of Atox appeared.

He suddenly remembered that he will be in conflict with the existence that can kill the gods in the near future, because the memory of the part that he acquired it will definitely not be that simple. Moreover, my hunch had also clearly told myself that I was bound to encounter a battle that could kill myself.

In such a situation, is it really a good thing?

His stiffness at this moment was caught by Ashe. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Li Ke’s neck, using her warmth to let this worrisome person slowly eliminate his worries.

“Don’t hesitate, my dear, we should never regret what didn’t happen.”

She hesitated for a while after saying this, before she spoke with difficulty .

“But if you really feel unprepared, whether it’s the festival or this matter. I can wait, and if you really can’t help it, I don’t mind Cherna will wipe your sword for you.”

But what she got back was the action of Li Ke holding her up with Princess, and it was different from what she thought, Li Ke didn’t hold her in. Tent, but hugged her on a horse.

“Are there any places around us that can keep us from being disturbed?”

Although this does not match his plan, Li Ke has never been too entangled with one thing. People who have been holding Ashe on the horse for a long time are also because he doesn’t want too many people to hear the movements of Ashe and him. After all, you are simply impossible to expect the animal skin tent to have any good sound insulation performance. . And Ashe also understood Li Ke’s thoughts, so she quickly thought of several places, and finally, she named a place with beautiful scenery and few people.

“Going south, there is a newly built hunter’s hut next to Lake Lakstark. No one has lived in it. There is a firepit full of fuel, pots, fishing tools, and a A sturdy big bed.”

And Li Ke is not welcome. He just pulled the reins and wanted to leave, but at this time something embarrassing happened. It was because he was too anxious. This white horse The horse…

Still tied to the stake.

It’s still convenient for the car…

Li Ke thought of this in an instant. After all, in the current situation, if he let go of Ashe and get off the horse to untie the reins, That would be too embarrassing. Cars don’t have this problem. They can do more if they eliminate dangerous driving. Moreover, the car can be started with only a small key, and it can be carried out while hugging.

“But there will be no mattresses and quilts there. Even if it is a cold bloodline, you will be afraid of the cold after some things.”

Cherna’s voice appeared at this time, she With a helpless expression on his face, he untied the rein tied to the stake and handed it to Li Ke. And after finishing this, she tied a thick package, which was obviously packed in a hurry, to the back of the horse.

“I will explain to them what you are doing.”

Cherna turned around and left after saying this, and Ashe pulled Li Ke. Clothes, asking for his opinion.

“Do you want her to be our gatekeeper? After all, she is your battle maid.”

“Don’t think about it…”

But Li Ke also only sighed helplessly, and then rushed to the south with Ashe.

But the men and women still couldn’t bear it on the road, so when they rushed to the hut, they fell off their horses because of a kiss, and rushed in embarrassment. Arrived at this hut partly covered by snow.


Li Ke only knew why Hanbing bloodline was not afraid of the cold anymore.

Because their bodies within the body are really hot.

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