“Should I say’It’s your magic.’ Is it?”

Stroking the full wheat ears, Li Ke’s heart beats faster than ever With. He didn’t understand why Ivern was so enthusiastic to him, nor did he understand what happened just now, whether it was magic that those flowers turned into wheat fields in an instant, or the illusion woven by a god for him.

Pick off a green wheat ear and put it in his hand, Li Ke bent down and picked up a withered petal. He held these two magical creations in his hand and looked at the incredible scene around him, he was really speechless.

This is much more powerful than he can only catalyze the growth of plants. He manipulated the genes of the plants in just an instant, so that they could change from flowers to wheat, and they gave birth to so much wheat in an instant. come out.

These all are things that he can’t do, and he also knows the difficulty. If 1 plus 1 is equal to how many potatoes he spawned, then what happened just now is 1 plus Why is 1 equal to 2.

Maybe the power of the Emerald God is not as powerful as Volibear and Ornn, but this kind of control over life is what he did not see in the two powerful gods.

He only saw death and destruction in Volibear and Ornn. Although he also knew that it had something to do with them in the battle, the violent power made him unforgettable in his life.

“Master, this is…”

Cherna next to him was equally shocked, and in Cherna’s eyes, Li Ke just put his hand on the ground. It was full of flowers in an instant, and then it turned into a field of wheat.

This made her think more about it, thinking that this is the power of Li Ke.

In fact, the people of the Dongquan clan have already believed that this is what Li Ke did, because these flowers and wheat began to spread out from Li Ke’s side.

Until now, they dare not lift the head to look at Li Ke’s face. Many of them are even more excited and trembling all over: if they can follow this existence and make achievements in battle , Then not only can your tribe get rid of the name of the betrayer, but you can also leave the name in the epic!

“It doesn’t matter if you are believing or not, but in fact it has nothing to do with me.”

Li Ke disdain to occupy the credit of others, but even if you explain this situation, it doesn’t matter. People will believe that they can explain it slowly in the future.

“The most important thing now is to let the people of the Winter Springs collect these wheats.”

He doesn’t think these wheats made by Ivern will be ordinary wheat. He felt that since this was deliberately shot by the other party, it must be different from other wheat.

What’s more cold-resistant, more productive, and so on. So he needs to collect these wheat quickly, to avoid the howling cold wind to freeze these wheat, after all, who knows whether frostbite will prevent these wheat from germinating.

As for him, he bent his waist and smashed the land occupied by densely packed wheat with his hands, to observe what his black land was like by Ivern.

But what also surprised him was that when he peeled away the soil, he found that what appeared in front of him was not the same scene as after using his abilities.

The swarthy earth still exists, and it remains moist. It is as if these flowers and wheat are the vitality provided by Ivern!

“Understand, I’ll make arrangements now.”

Cherna is nodded seriously, her heart is also quite unstable, and in her heart, she still thinks it is Li Ke doing What came out, I didn’t think it was Divine Vestige displayed by a strange god.

Therefore, with a more and more peculiar mood, she went to worship those who still worshiped the Dongquan clan toward Li Ke. Called all up to go to work, to perform the tasks assigned by Li Ke.

And Li Ke took advantage of this moment, crushed the wheat ears in his hand, then pressed the wheat kernels into the soil, and then activated his own magic.

He wanted to see if Ivern gave such a cool wheat debut, and whether its various performances are worthy of this gorgeous appearance.

The new green appeared, but there were no flowers, and there was nothing special. The seeds he gave by Ivern grew up very ordinary, and it became ordinary wheat ears, and it was nothing like others. Like Wuqi’s wheat ears, the newly planted wheat is no different from ordinary wheat.

Even when it was spawned, even the life force consumed was exactly the same as before, and there was simply no change.

This means that these wheats are really just ordinary wheat. There is neither higher yield nor more cold tolerance.

“It seems that I really intend to let me come by myself.”

Although Li Ke is a little disappointed, after all, the other party has stated clearly that he will not help him, so he is also disappointed. It was only a momentary matter.

Li Ke stood up, and from his bag, took out a bag of seeds that he had been continuously catalyzing and harvesting along the way. When the people of the Winter Springs clan sorted out a clearing, they planted these seeds that had multiplied in the ice and snow for several generations.

In fact, Ivern didn’t help him at all. The knowledge he gave to Li Ke is very important. He originally only knew that there was such a method, but now he knows how to germinate seeds and how they When are you willing to make changes.

It sounds mysterious, but it doesn’t matter if it’s a wolf spirit or Ivern. They all revealed an important news, that is, everything in this world has magic and life.

So even a piece of Malphite, a seed, there is life in this magical world.

Only because of the carrier of life and the language gap between lives, it is impossible to communicate universally, but they do exist, and this World itself also has its own life and Conscious.

Although ordinary people can’t see it, and Li Ke can’t see it now, but this does not prevent him from using this characteristic to achieve his own goals.

It’s just that, he will probably eat, drink and sleep in the farmland until the ceremony begins with Ashe’s blood alliance.

“And after all, what does it mean to open your heart? What is the specific operation?”

Communicating with the seed in his hand again, Li Ke still can’t be like Ivern Showed it to myself, understood the plant in my hand, and talked with it.

So although Ivern seems to be very simple, Li Ke only has a little clue about’opening up’.

That is to enable oneself to be able to’listen to the sound of all things’!

Yes, Li Ke thinks he wants to reach the point Ivern said, he might have to get a piece of dong dong first!

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