“You killed me!!”

In a place full of mist, the crazy wraith is facing Li Ke roar, so that Li Ke can See his spine from his mouth. This rotten Sion madly attacked Li Ke who only had one sword, and then after Li Ke was repelled by him, he jumped up, trying to end the battle with a jump cut.

It’s just that Li Ke only raised his sword calmly, and then pierced the opponent’s heart with a blow when he fell.

“This is how I killed you when you were alive. After you didn’t expect to die, you still made such a mistake.”

Said this sentence very flatly. Then, Li Ke drew his sword from what he didn’t know it was wraith, or something else, and let the wraith fall to the ground.

“Do you remember me?”

But unlike the previous one, this fallen wraith looked a little more sober, at least he could say a clear sentence after he fell If Li Ke met those enemies before, there was no such thing.

“I know everyone I kill. And before I get used to this kind of thing, I will dream of you every day.”

Li Ke nodded, it’s nothing. It can be concealed, and there is no need to lie.

Wraith stopped talking when he heard here, he just looked at Li Ke quietly, and then turned into dust with the non-existent wind. Li Ke sat on a piece of Malphite, regaining his strength.

He actually doesn’t understand what the situation is now. After he woke up, he came to a gray wilderness and kept showing up in front of him the people he had killed. And they all have a deep hatred of themselves, and they attack themselves like crazy as soon as they see themselves.

Li Ke can understand this. After all, he killed them, but he doesn’t understand where it is.

There is dense fog everywhere in this place, and when I look towards the sky, it is also thick fog. I can’t see any light at all, but it is strange to be able to see things not far around me.

And this place is full of strange and weird people. These people are wearing all kinds of clothes, but their heads are not very bright. They look dumbfounded. They are either crying or cursing. What’s going on. It’s just that their voices are too messy, almost in another language, so Li Ke really can’t hear what they are talking about, and he talks to them, and they completely ignore it.

So whether he had hallucinations because his soul was shattered, or was he killed because of the last aftermath, and came to the post-mortem world of this World, Li Ke is still unsure until now.

But he knows one thing, that is, as long as he does not die, then he will find a way back, and his promise is not that cheap.

So after regaining some physical strength, he stood up and continued to explore this place surrounded by dense fog.

But this time, it happened that just as he walked, the fog in front of him rolled up, and after the tumbling stopped, a woman appeared in front of him. This woman was wearing a costume that Li Ke hadn’t seen before, and as soon as she appeared, she knelt on the ground and started to cry.

“No, no, Sally is so young…no…I…”

Her voice is a normal voice that Li Ke can hear, but it’s in Li Ke was about to go over and ask. By the way, a man with a more illusory body suddenly appeared next to this woman. He took a guard look at Li Ke, then hugged the woman who had just appeared, and comforted him. she was.

“There is no way, Ellena, this is our destiny. And we died for the defending defender, Sally will be properly taken care of.”

This The man’s words made the woman’s mood much better, and after he gently kissed the woman’s forehead, the mist around them began to churn again.

Li Ke wanted to follow up and ask the man about the situation here, but before he got close, these two people who could make him hear clearly disappeared with the tossing gray mist. Up.

“This is what the hell place after all.”

Li Ke couldn’t help complaining, but this self-talk was answered by an old voice.

“Underworld, world after death, shadow world, whatever you call it, but this is not where you should be.”

The voice is very clear, and Li Ke also remembers He had heard this sound before, and he turned his head to see a Freljord priest holding a long staff.

“It’s you.”

Li Ke recognized this man. It was the same day that this bearded priest surrounded himself with a group of iceborns. Blind priest killed by Zik’s monster.

However, the priest obviously did not intend to tell him his name. He just looked at Li Ke nodded and said something that made Li Ke squint and prepare to fight.

“You really recognize everyone who is killed by you, even if I just died because of you, you still remember me clearly.”

After he said this I opened my eyes without pupils, just azure light eyes.

“Well, after all, I was almost frozen by you at that time.”

Li Ke nodded, but he was about to cut off the old man’s head. After all, he came from Here, he met Sion, who was hostile to him, and none of them wanted him to die.

“Don’t be so alert, I was a priest anyway, my spirit was not so easily assimilated by this World, and became an unconscious wraith. And since you appear here, then it proves that you are not ours. The enemy is our powerful ally, but we haven’t realized this yet.”

The priest with eyes opened laughed, not at all as if he died because of Li Ke. And Li Ke has doubts, but under this awkward relationship, he is not easy to ask why.

The priest saw his hesitation, but he didn’t explain. He just shook the head, sighed with a sigh, and then gently pushed Li Ke.

“So get out of here quickly, although your soul is protected by a great power, but here, even death itself will die. Go back to this world, where I am great The hostess will tell you everything.”

Li Ke was pushed by him and didn’t care, after all, the other party didn’t seem malicious. But if there was a way to go back, he would have gone back long ago, so he wouldn’t wait until he said it.

So he shook the head and wanted to complain.

“I want to…”

But at this moment, he felt an unstoppable repulsive force appearing in front of him at the same time, and he couldn’t resist it. Suction came from his back. The priest in front of him was disappearing at a rapid speed, and the thick fog in front of him became more and more huge, and after he left the thick fog, he came to a place shining with strange light, and quickly moved towards a He advances in familiar places.

Is it a moment, or a long time, Li Ke can’t tell at all, he only knows that the first breath he breathes again is the air with the smell of Ashe.

And if it’s a bit ugly, it’s just a smell of sweat?

So he opened his eyes and saw Ashe who was lying beside him with a tired face, but still refused to sleep. She still wears war make-up on her face, it is obvious that she has just returned.

“Are you back?”

She asked this sentence in a daze, and Li Ke also nodded.

“Well, I am back.”

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