“Then, welcome the storm!”

Only after he felt his believers were beginning to die and understood that this action had completely failed, he would not Delaying time with Ivinia again, but unscrupulously showed his own strength, making this area full of Thunderlord’s Decree.

The wild thunder and lightning rushed down from the extreme of the sky with all kinds of aurora, moved towards Avinia’s body enveloped the past, but it was not only that, maybe it was his own The power was so violent that he couldn’t control it, or simply wanted to vent his anger. The Thunderlord’s Decree from Volibear summon not only attacked Avignon, but the mountain they were on was also shrouded by Thunderlord’s Decree. So in an instant, the iceberg where Ivania lived began to collapse due to the high temperature and strong burst. Those tribes who lived under the iceberg just to be able to admire her and serve her were also caught by Wally. Attacked by Thunderlord’s Decree called by Bell.

Is the iceberg collapsed, melted, and the village under the mountain caught fire, and fell under Thunderlord’s Decree, or was directly bombarded into coke by Thunderlord’s Decree? Are there many people who are thriving, and follow the teachings of Ivania? The tribes living in harmony disappeared at this instant of Spiritual God’s anger.


Anger can no longer be used to describe Avignon’s current mood. She is a pacifist until now, the only one who offends God. The place where Aoun accidentally burned down the first palace built. But that’s also because Ornn cut off her favorite perch in order to build that palace. So no matter in Freljord’s Myths and Legends, in daily life, even in getting along with his own grotesque brother sisters, Ivania has always been a peacemaker and a symbol of pacifists. If it is not really pressed, or necessary, she will not show her strength.

And those Freljord people who listen to her teachings and live according to her teachings are no different from her own student child in her eyes, so when she sees Volibear taking advantage of her unprepared When she killed her followers, she couldn’t stand the anger she had already suppressed, and her terrifying power.

What is the representative of Freljord?

Snow? Of course it is, but not all, because snow is just another manifestation of power. It really represents Freljord…

It’s cold.

Like the previous Thunderlord’s Decree, the storm swept across the entire mountain range in an instant. The ice cubes that rolled from the mountain kept rolling down at this moment, and were unreasonably frozen in them. On the mountain that originally existed. The clouds above the sky were not colliding, but quickly condensed together, and the air began to change, becoming something else, and the most conspicuous thing was the water contained in them. They were at this moment in time. Frozen in the air, condensed into a white silk thread in the sky and the earth, or something else, because their shape is so weird, and they are also filled with the mountain range between Heaven and Earth.

However, these empty white silks that filled this world did not hold this world for too long, because with the roar of Volibear, Thunderlord’s Decree, which had disappeared, reappeared , And wearing exaggerated temperature and power to fight against the severe cold created by Avenia. The white material was torn apart in one fell swoop, and the severe cold that Avenia had dropped was broken.

Volibear’s eyes and mouth also began to emerge from Thunderlord’s Decree. Like Avignon, he began to use the power that this land could not bear. His whole body is covered by Thunderlord’s Decree, and every move, even breathing, will have a huge impact on the environment around him. He waved his paws at Avignon in the sky, and Thunderlord’s Decree appeared in the sky. It hit Avignya’s body.

Avinia called out pitifully, and Volibear’s roar rang again. He was also hit by the attack released by Avinia, and the two of them were in this battle for the first time. Caused real and effective damage to the opponent. This not only made Volibear’s fighting intent even more expensive, but also made Avignon completely determined. She rushed to Volibear quickly, and shouted at the same time.

“I am the fury of Blizzard, the bite of the cold wind, the cold of the extreme ice… I am Freljord!”

With her last words, she also came to Wo In front of Libel, and Volibel also waved his paw in cooperation.

She looks like she is courting death. After all, in the game, once she is approached by Volibear, she can basically open the store to see what she can buy. But in reality, their shape is entirely due to their preferences, and does not represent their battle strength. And most importantly, her wings can blow a cold wind.

But as soon as Volibear’s paws were about to catch her chest, the wings she waved again vigorously agitated, swaying a cold current that even Volibear could not resist, directly Frozen the Demi-God in place, keeping his paw-waving posture.

But Avinia would not think that her brother would be defeated so easily. She waved her wings again, and the entire iceberg began to deform and move, and the frozen Volibear would continue to move towards The bottom of the mountain was accumulated, and Volibear did not disappoint his sister. The moment he was firmly wrapped in ice, the light of Thunderlord’s Decree began to shine in the ice that wrapped him, and it began to melt and shatter. crack.

Then, in an angry roar, these ice cubes shattered directly, and an angry bear rushed out of it. And quickly rushed in front of Avenia, and shook his paws full of Thunderlord’s Decree at her. It’s just a pity that this powerful blow was blocked by an’ice wall’ of tens of meters, and although he directly broke this’ice wall’, Avinia prepared for him more. Lots of extreme ice. But for Volibear, this level of ice and snow can only cause a little trouble.

However, as they were going through the second round, the smell in the air suddenly changed. The two fighting Demi-Gods all realized one thing, that is, there was another one. Their brother sister is here.

The earth cracked, and a forge that stood quietly in the flames of Thunderlord’s Decree in Volibear began to melt at this moment, and slowly became a huge one. The guy with the horns of a ram. He was holding a hammer and an iron felt, and when he breathed, there were many fire stars coming out of his mouth, and with his arrival, the cold brought by Avenia’s power began to fade quickly. , Even the ancient iceberg began to melt.

When this god appeared, he also brought lava flames from the depths of the earth. But instead of greeting his brothers and sisters, he threw out the hammer in his hand, causing the hammer with his power to directly smash half of the iceberg and hit Volibear on the head. , Directly flew Volibear out. He rushed to the iceberg with a raging fire, came to the hammer that he kept sinking into the iceberg, and picked it up.

The scene chilled down, but Aoun didn’t realize it. He looked at his hammer, then at Volibear, who shook his head and stood up, and at Avinia who was a little dissatisfied. Said his only word.

“I’m done.”


It’s time to give you Top Lane.

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