I recognize them…

Li Ke remembered these two messages almost instantly, and in this dying situation, Finally, I remembered some things that I had forgotten a long time ago.

“Your life is quite hard, but then you can rest, outsider.”

Sheep spirit also spoke at this time, which is different from the wolf spirit’s words. Eerie, eager, and the kind of feeling that makes people feel scared. Her words are a kind of peaceful, lazy feeling. It’s as if the little lamb in front of you that will make the orc controllers rejoice is not a terrifying Death God, but a lamb that will curl up in your arms on the beach, letting you bury your face on her soft wool, and The cute lamb you basking in the sun gives people a warm and comfortable feeling everywhere.

And her voice reminded Li Ke of more things. He recalled when he first arrived in this World, when he was close to death for the first time, when he was about to die. What I heard was such a comforting sound, but at that time I was simply unwilling to die, and also burst out the so-called magical power, let myself defeat the tortured gladiator and survive, never again. I have heard this gentle voice.

Kindred’s voice.

“I didn’t expect that I could see Death God alive.”

Li Ke looked at the terrifying but unexpectedly cute wolf head and couldn’t help it. extend the hand I want to touch it. But as if he could perceive his mind, the wolf spirit moved away from his arm in an instant.

“That’s because you always refuse to die! Once again, let us run around every time! But you just refuse to die!”

Leave Li Within Ke’s arm range, the wolf spirit turned around Li Ke. Although he had seen life being able to face them calmly more than once, every time he saw someone who could face death, he would feel a burst of joy.

“No one wants to die, so I really trouble you.”

Li Ke wants to laugh a little, he clearly made such a big wish for Ash, As a result, when facing the god, he was directly sent to Death God by his means. And there is no way to crack it at all, and I don’t even know what the situation is now.

“It’s okay, you are about to die.”

Sheep slowly pulled away her bow and arrow, she silently looked at Li Ke, preparing to completely cut off his vitality He shot his own arrow into his heart in an instant, but thanks to Li Ke’s vigorous vitality, he still had time to ask questions at the end of the final.

“If plants, humans, and animals all have life and have their own will to life, then bacteria, and everything in the world, do they have life? Is there that kind of The soul is the same, the unique and unmatched will?”

He wanted to ask this question for a long time, because he had tried to extract the vitality of the bacteria from his infected wound, but it was a pity that he He didn’t succeed, just let his injury heal a little faster, and found that the vitality can directly damage the effect of Heal. So he has always been curious whether bacteria in this world are recognized as life, and they also have something called soul, or consciousness.

This question is not important, because whether they answer or not, Li Ke has found a way to break the game, that is the method Udyr once taught him, that open heart, feel everything around him Methods.

When he did this, he couldn’t perceive a place too far away, at most he perceives the situation less than half a meter around him, but at this time it’s better than nothing: he’s already He was beaten and saw Death God, so no matter whether this method is useful or not, he will try his best.

But even if the question he raised is not important now, Yang Ling has no meaning to answer. She just wants to end this long hunt quickly, so she just silently aims The heart of Li Ke. However, what made Li Ke didn’t expect was that the wolf spirit he felt most unkind was nodded and answered his question.

“Of course they have, they have souls, so of course they all have life, and our world is actually alive…Um! What!”

He just said halfway through , He felt that Li Ke’s body became healthy again, and those bear people who were biting his body were also severely pressed to the ground by his arm! And the most important thing is that Li Ke’s silhouette has completely left the world of the dead, leaving only them standing silently in the world of the dead.

And the most exaggerated thing is that he didn’t even say goodbye.

“…So this is another time?”

Wolfling didn’t know if it was his own fault, so he looked towards Yangling tentatively, but what he saw was not Others, but Yang Ling aimed his bow and arrow at him.

So, he had to put away his doubts.

“Well, this is another time.”

Then he was beaten.

Li Ke, who left, naturally found a way to break the game, and it was indeed what he thought, relying on the method Udyr taught him to break the game. But speaking of which is also ridiculous, if those bear people don’t get to him one by one, but use their spells to attack Li Ke. I am afraid that Li Ke will not be able to see whose hands he died until death, instead of seeing a lot of’life’ surrounding him like when he just opened the eyes of the soul.

So when he saw a life next to his own in the Spirit Vision realm, Li Ke unhesitatingly activated his power and absorbed the silver white radiance Life Power of life, and bless this completely different vitality to oneself.

“You thief!!”

Volibear’s roar resounded again, and his spirit broke into Li Ke’s spirit again, but this time, Li Ke didn’t kneel down at the feet of this weird giant bear anymore. He roared and launched a charge in his spirit, and above his body, he also began to fight these bear people.

This is of course not the reason for his sudden increase in Divine Art, but this time, the oppression that Volibear brought him is obviously smaller than the last time, and the kind of involuntarily thinking The feeling of acknowledge allegiance is far from terrifying the last time. Obviously, Volibear cannot deal with him with all his strength because of some things!

This is his opportunity!

However, it is not all his opportunity, because where he can’t see, there is also a great presence fighting Volibear.

“My brother! You dare to be distracted when you are fighting me!”

And this existence is called Avenia.

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