But for Li Ke and the others, it was a sudden war. For the initiator of this war, the Dongquan clan, it was actually a very abrupt thing.

Because before that, they had never thought of rebelling against Ashe, let alone fighting with Ashe, and even said that their war mothers also appreciated Ashe, who admired Ashe. The idea of ​​treating all Freljord people as compatriots.

But what they think is not important, because their will is meaningless before God.

“Very well, you did a good job.”

Under a statue that was taken among the tribes’unintentionally’ by several fighters, the original battle of the Dongquan clan The mother knelt down, trembling listening to Oracle.

On her barely clothed body, a bloody bear skin with yellow fat is tightly wrapped around her body, and the huge bear head is still covered. The top of the war mother’s head made a mess of her long silver white hair.

“But we are basically impossible to defeat Ashe, the great storm lord! Her people are several times ours, and her reinforcements…”

Fear, put his head deeply on the cold ground, and did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

She didn’t understand why the great storm lord would forcibly enslave her clansman, and then condescended to come to her such a small tribe and took away the future of her tribe. I don’t even understand why the Storm leader is mainly against his younger sister Avignon, the great Blizzard’s Fury, the Wings of Extreme Ice.

She only knows that her tribe is dead. Even if they can survive Ashe’s anger, they are destined to be enslaved by the Storm Lord and lose all their minds.

But she still has to work hard to keep her tribe alive before these doomsdays come, and try to find the possibility of continuing the tribe as much as possible.

But she underestimated her master. Her thoughts have no secret in front of her master. From the moment she put on bear skin because of Volibear’s intimidation, she Has been completely marked with Volibear, the terrifying bearman Spiritual God logo.

“Are you questioning your master’s power?!”

Volibear’s roar appeared in her mind, and she almost lost the ability to kneel down ——Know that she is a young and strong war mother!

“No, I dare not! Great Volibear! Your power is boundless! But we don’t have your divine might…”

The war mother wanted to explain in fear , But her flattery was meaningless to the furious Volibear. Before she could finish her words, densely packed light appeared all over her body, and electric currents appeared on her body out of thin air. This war mother felt extremely painful.

She couldn’t help howling, and although she tried to suppress her movements and didn’t want to roll over in pain on the ground, the anger from the lord of Thunderlord’s Decree was not possible with her will. Resist, she was tumbling on the ground like a dying fish, and Miao Man’s body was now full of trembling pain.

But she also fell to her knees, and none of the clansman onlookers dared to lift the head to see, and no one dared to help their painful war mother.

Because the people who did that are dead.

Fortunately, it is useful for Volibear to keep this war mother. After all, without her and her tribe, his younger sister Avignon will definitely be aware of the situation here. Then in order to protect the mortals here, he will choose to go to war.

Although he is not afraid of his younger sister, even a little contempt, but his followers are not good, and even though Avinia is not as good as he and Ornn in the frontal fight, it is very troublesome. Avinia would keep attacking him, and even called that nasty ram.

This is why he came here in such a concealed manner, and did not turn everyone here directly into his followers, but left their self-consciousness.

So this war mother ultimately left her life, and was not killed because of the anger from the ancient Spiritual God.

But even so, she felt that most of her hair was chopped into coke by thunder and lightning, and she could feel an unforgettable pain all over her body.

“Remember this feeling! Mortal! Then pour your pain on that shameful thief!”

The thief?

The dying war mother felt that this description was unusual, but she did not dare to think about it, because she just thought a little bit, she had already thought that if this idea of ​​her own was known by Volibear, So what will happen to her and her tribe.

“Bear people will appear when you fight! I will appear on the battlefield when necessary! So if you fail, you will not be qualified to be my followers, and you will all be food for me. Come on!”

Volibear was quite satisfied with her obedience, so he did not punish her for this problem, because he knew very well that this woman was going to die no matter what, and it To the dead is still very magnanimous.

“Follow your orders, great Volibear!”

The battle mother obviously guessed what she meant from Volibear’s words, because her expression also It’s worse than before.

But this is not over yet, because Volibear’s next sentence directly made this war mother’s face worse!

“Very well, if you win, I will grant your clansman the corresponding strength on the battlefield!”

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, then All of them, including the old man and the little child, have to go to the battlefield, otherwise he will punish him and let all those who disobey his orders accept the pain of thunder and lightning just like the self just now.

But when the time comes, there is no show mercy problem anymore. Volibear will directly attack the killer and end the lives of those who have not been on the battlefield.

But…but the youngest child is only seven years old!

If her thoughts were not touched by Volibear, then she would definitely question fate, why would such a god appear in their tribe.

But now, she can only endure silently, enduring the pain of her tribe’s gradual demise under her own orders, and the pain of having to send a child to die.

But she has no way out, so she can only go on like this.

“Yes, the great Volibear.”

She expressed her obedience extremely painfully, and Volibear felt satisfied because of her pain, so he Don’t torture this war mother anymore. It is to Teleport a person’s appearance to everyone’s heart.

“Bring him to me!”

The person Volibear said was Li Ke.

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