“Is this also in your plot against? Ashe!”

Li Ke broke free from the snowdrift, revealing that he had just been buried The two of them, and because he did it, Ash, who was holding his neck, also sat up because of it.

“Of course, because I know Sejuani just as she knows me. A warrior like you, she will never let go, so if I’m as frank as her, I will be like her , I was ruthlessly abandoned by you.”

Her eyes flashed, looking at Li Ke with a helpless look.

“It is too much to say that it is ruthless, there is no emotional foundation…”

Li Ke’s words were interrupted again, and Ashe used his actions to prove that if he wanted to If you want a man or a woman to keep their mouths shut, then you’d better use some means that you can’t speak.

Li Ke wanted to push Aish away, but the power on Aishy’s arms was surprisingly great. He was able to press a bear against him, but he couldn’t push away the skinny-looking him. Ashe. And even if he used his abilities, Ashe didn’t give away his hand like Sejuani, but hugged him as hard as ever, and did not stop her behavior because of the great pain.

The lips of Iceborn are not as cold as their ice magic, but rather warm and soft. But this almost compulsive behavior reduces the feeling of this wonderful experience by half because of the mood.

As a result, they fought together again on the snow, and the white ground became messy. It wasn’t until Ashe finished her behavior and was held down by Li Ke’s arm, the’scuffle’ between them didn’t end here.

“Do you guys in Freljord all like to force people so much?!”

Recovering freedom, Li Ke did not go further as Aish thought, but suppressed Ash’s arm, and then returned the vitality from her to her. Because the experience just now reminded him of the experience of playing with Sejuani from the pool where he took a bath to the shallow pool, the experience that he didn’t want to remember.

“There is no way, you always feel like a kite without a string, which will fly away at any time, so I have to…”

Aish gasped a little, Her body was also full of fine sweat, and the feeling just now was as if the soul was torn apart, and every piece of flesh on her body seemed to be cut and stabbed by a blunt knife, and the more she was reluctant to let go, the more painful she was. fierce.

She knows that this is the magic that Li Ke released to her to stop her, but she still uses her strength and will to persevere, trying to maintain the strength of her arm and prevent Li Ke from leaving. Own embrace.

In the end, she succeeded. When she felt that her life was going to be away from herself, Li Ke stopped blocking her, instead letting her behave, and slowly removing her His life was returned to her.

“I must die for this? I’m not as important as you think!”

Li Ke really almost broke through the bottom line of’safe absorption’ just now. Let Ashe’s life begin to follow his absorption, the inevitable moved towards natural loss.

In other words, Ashe was really killed just now. And Li Ke didn’t expect, but Ashe turned back to being strong before, completely showing a weak look in front of him.

“No, very important, really important, very important. I hope you can become my hero, Li Ke, until now. I’m all someone else’s hero, but I hope you can become mine Hero, my hero.”

But Li Ke was a little angry.

“I am not a hero, not in the past, not now, nor will I be in the future!”

But Ashe stroked his cheek and smoothed Li with his fingers Ke frowned eyebrows.

“If it’s not a hero, then why should you give up your life for others! Why should you save women and children who have nothing to do with your life! And want to make me happy, and revenge this ridiculous By words, convince yourself to fight for the future of a group of Barbarians!”

Aish’s words revealed the fact that she understood what Li Ke hadn’t told her. He was in the fortress of the Noxus people. Among the things.

“Who told you?”

His voice was a little weak.

“Darius, he told me everything about you, and he also said that although the stand is different, he appreciates you from a weak person who can only escape to a powerhouse fighting for his own beliefs. People.”

Aish’s words reminded Li Ke of his past. Yes, even with this ability to extract vitality, Li Ke’s career as a gladiator was not a smooth journey at first. The scene of his begging for mercy was quite humble, and the insult he suffered was because he was weak and avoided fighting. At that time, there was never less than one point.

“I should kill him directly.”

Li Ke stood up, and Ashe stood up slowly, even though Li Ke gave her life force , But the pain she has suffered will not be reduced by this.

“But there is no way to change the fact that you are the hero in my eyes.”

Aish’s words are still so firm, while Li Ke feels more confused. He didn’t understand why at this point, Ashe still insisted on marrying himself with him, and he didn’t waver a little bit. He even felt that he would be a hero.


This question, Ashe simply did not hesitate, she once again plunged into Li Ke’s arms, and closed her eyes in Li Ke’s arms, Grabbing Li Ke’s clothes, listening to Li Ke’s heartbeat.

“Because, you said you want me to be able to pursue my own happiness in the future.”

She through childhood, everyone has different expectations of her, she Both her father and her mother believe that she will create unprecedented brilliance in the future. And no matter where she goes, all people will favor her because they value her, and put more expectations on her.

She never disappointed those people, and never considered her own affairs. And she has never expected to get anything from others, even though she has been paying for others.

So this answer is the answer she immediately thought of.

“I don’t know if I love you, because I have never loved a man except my father, but if I choose a partner to share my joy with me, I For Glory, in the life I have experienced, I will only choose you.”

Is this proposing like me?

Aishe’s voice was trembling, and Li Ke helplessly hugged her, and the tremor of her body stopped.

“Say yes first.”


“We are just trial operation.”


Aishe was a little dazed, because Li Ke said another word she didn’t understand.

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