Darius impossible doesn’t understand the truth, otherwise he will not only fight against the tribes on the border of Noxus, but also only lead his army into Freljord when necessary. Ice field. If it weren’t for being fooled by those frost priests this time, I’m afraid he would not only bring so many people to meet with Li Ke.

“This is our business, it has nothing to do with you.”

Darius doesn’t want to talk about this. After all, the Empire’s frustration in the development of Freljord is not once or twice. If it weren’t for the image and creed that Noxus was invincible and that Noxus had to get what he wanted, he would build the city directly instead of going out of the city from time to time to fight against Barbarian in the barren mountains and unruly rivers. war.

He is not stupid. Noxus people are not afraid of sacrifice, and even willing to sacrifice, but worthless sacrifices are not among them. During his time in this land of Freljord, he also thought about giving this land a role other than producing warriors, but after the efforts of the imperial demon Ap Carry and technicians, he came to a conclusion, that That is, if someone wants to farm in such a place, then his head must have been hit by a pig.

Furthermore, the emperor did not send him here to allow him to conquer Freljord. He also understands that, after all, he is more like the embodiment of Noxus’ will than the emperor.

“Then the war has nothing to do with who of us?”

Seeing Darius frowns tightly, Li Ke knew that the other party would not make any concessions or compromises at all, but there is At that time, he did not speak out against it, which meant that some things were already his default.

“I think Noxus It shouldn’t be rejected some peaceful merchants selling fur and monster materials? Just like those merchants of Piltoff.”

Darius He didn’t speak, because he was thinking about the threat of Li Ke, the danger of his tribe, and the probability of his escape, and whether he could bring the army to the tribe of Ashe after he escaped. Exterminate. But what makes him regretful is that he has no confidence in all of his plans, and Li Ke and Ashe are still very threatening in his eyes.

After all, those Barbarians in the past don’t use their brains much.

“I won’t make any concessions.”

“But you have already made concessions in Vi.”

“Noxus will never make concessions.”


Li Ke laughed, then leaned back on the chair.

“Is Noxus’s will just a hard-skinned mouth?”

“But I will not let the empire present a greater threat because of me, even if this threat How small. So you’d better kill me, otherwise when I go back, I will immediately start to kill you traitor, and this tribe, and kill everyone here.”

Darius is begging to die. He said this remark, and Ashe on one side clenched his fists, looking at the general of Noxus coldly.

“You have failed many times in this land, and I think you will definitely continue to fail.”

Her words let Draven on one side laughed at her, obviously It doesn’t matter too much, after all, the current Ashe is just a little girl in front of the three people. Even Darius subconsciously regards Li Ke as the master of this tribe, not this strong war mother.

“Then you think you have to run to your capital city, how many times I have heard of the immortal fortress, how many times can I bring you enough for you to advance to this place? What about the army? After all, you are not so lucky every time, someone helps you come here. And you Noxus, how many soldiers are there enough for you to squander?”

Li Ke knows they came here. Lissandra definitely intervened in the distant ice field. As for the reason for Noxus’s lack of troops, it can also be seen through many things. For example, they and the thing that can best explain Noxus’s lack of troops is that they have already appeared in their army in their teens. Of the child.

At the beginning, outside his prison, there were many seventeen or eighteen-year-old children who wore armor and armed with swords to fight the Noxus.

“In one year, after a year, I promise that you Noxus will not be harassed by the raiding group on a large scale in the next five years, and your empire will be because of this land. And the benefits. And all you have to do is not to slaughter those furnaces without weapons. In this way, it is good for us. You can save the future powerful soldiers of your Noxus as much as possible, and you can also make more The Freljord people join you because of your’kindness’ and strength, and are loyal to you Noxus people.”

The first time Darius felt so aggrieved, he was planning to shrink the line of defense and only intercept those physical strengths. Strong raiding group to weaken the Freljord people, and then reduce the number of massacres, allowing more Freljord tribes to join him. So Li Ke’s conditions basically coincided with what he wanted to do, but it was precisely because of this that he felt a headache.

“I won’t agree.”

He doesn’t understand Li Ke’s support. After all, according to what he knows, no tribe can be here without looting. The region has grown stronger, so agreeing to Li Ke’s terms, and then watching him take Freljord’s internal friction, and then all weaken is the best way. But he feels that Li Ke is not a person who will destroy himself. He is obviously confident that he will develop without looting.

Will it be Demacia?

Various possibilities have appeared in his mind, but they were all rejected by him.

“I didn’t expect you to agree. I’m just telling the truth. If you can stop the meaningless killings here, then your fortress and the rear will be safe, but if you still want to As in the past, if you let the soldiers under your hand take slaughter for fun, or even slaughter those tribes who return to you for no reason, then my bottom line will be lowered.”

Darius agrees or disagrees. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter to Li Ke, it doesn’t matter even if he is let go now and let him bring someone to attack the tribe of Ashe. Because as long as he is there, Ashe can shoot magic Inhibitor arrows similar to missiles uninterruptedly as before, and before the Noxus people can reach them, they will smash their military forces.

Moreover, not every time someone opens the way for them, so that they can get here with little damage.

Darius confused, his strategy coincides with the enemy’s thinking, and he still doesn’t understand what he wants to do. He sighed, staring at the gladiator who didn’t seem to put himself in his eyes at all.

“What do you want to do?”

Li Ke poured him another glass of water before answering his question.

“Let the people here be able to eat and dress warmly, at least the little children don’t have to starve to death and be killed for no reason. Ah, if you Noxus people can do it, I I don’t mind surrendering to you. After all, I really like your system where the capable people are at the top.”

Darius was taken aback for a moment. He looked at Li Ke’s eyes and found There is only seriousness.

“…I will not betray Noxus, but anyone who obeys Noxus will not be regarded as an enemy by Noxus.”

He closed his eyes and said nothing. Up. But Li Ke knew that one of his most important goals was achieved.

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