“What do you mean?”

Darius hurriedly followed along, and Draven gave a little weird cry and followed his big brother.

“Literally, if you think I had a choice at the beginning, I will see you Noxus people will be angry, and then want to kill you desperately?”

Li Ke’s words puzzled Darius. Because of the meaning of these words, there is no doubt that he has a good opinion of Noxus, but from the look of Li Ke, he is an impossible person who has a good opinion of Noxus. Therefore, he also became interested in Li Ke’s experience.


It’s just a perennial habit, but he subconsciously maintains Noxus’ will.

“But this is not the reason you betrayed Noxus, right?”

Li Ke turned his head and looked at Darius.

“Then do you think that forcing a man to slaughter unarmed women and children is in line with Noxus’ will? Because of his own selfishness, he took soldiers to encircle and suppress tribes without warriors, and then threatened them with their wives and children. They fought against my gladiators and killed their wives and children after they died. Does it fit Noxus’ will? Or, rape…women, plunder the soldiers who sent supplies, and then say they were killed by the Freljords Dead. Is this also Noxus’s will?”

But Li Ke didn’t expect that Darius nodded slowly despite the hesitant expression on his face.


His words made Li Ke’s hand touch the hilt, but he finally let it go.


Darius has no consciousness that his life is in Li Ke’s hands. He knows that even if he is swinging a tomahawk, he is also impossible in Li Ke’s Survive under the sword, because this once gladiator is simply not an ordinary mortal, his movements are more flexible and quicker than any scout he has ever seen, and he has a strange power that surpasses him at the same time. And technically…

He doesn’t question a fighter who fought in the arena.

“Because he stood by that fortress for ten years before you rebelled! And he has never fallen. Even if he is not there, his soldiers can hold on to the gates of the empire! He does this honor He even killed his escaping son! Firmly and proudly completed his mission, the mission entrusted to him by the empire!”

But he firmly answered Li Ke and gave Li Ke An answer that I would never want to hear.

“…So, because he has completed his mission, no matter what he does, as long as he doesn’t betray Noxus, then he is a qualified Noxus? Has Noxus’ will? “

But Li Ke saw the conflict between him and Darius, that is, they still have a completely different view on what is most important. And it’s no wonder that this kind of thinking will make him the hero of Noxus people, and Fiend in the eyes of people from other countries, or even a nightmare.

“Yes, mission is above all else!”

Darius without the slightest hesitation acknowledged the principles he agreed with.

“Then what is your mission? Darius, is it for this emperor Chinese Server, right? So, does it mean that you will not carry out a mission that will weaken your empire?”


The question at this time made Darius hesitate for a moment. If it were other occasions, he would never answer such a question, but in the current scene, he could only helplessly answer it.

“…If it really causes damage to the empire, it won’t.”

“Then you want to make your empire prosperous, so that more people can follow Keep your own ideas alive, and show your head because of your strong place, and those who are not strong can become strong in this atmosphere, so that more weak people become strong, and then take the power of Noxus as their mission. What about it. Or are you just looking for a place where you can arbitrarily strengthen to bully the weak and slaughter others to gain honor?”

Darius knew he was caught in Li Ke’s words, but He knew that he could not answer this question, because what Li Ke said was exactly what he insisted on until now: In this chaotic world, without strong power, he would be bullied, even his own There is no guarantee that a child can survive in a stable childhood, let alone become strong in the care of his parents.

Weak people can’t even protect themselves, let alone protect their own children. They can only make their children become orphans with a very low survival rate, and then suffer untold hardships. Then he died of humiliation and abuse in the ridicule of everyone.

This is what he has experienced, and he has vowed not to let his child experience. And the reason why he will be loyal to Noxus is because in his opinion, Noxus is the only country that can be strong forever. Here, people never have to worry that after their heroic death, their family members will be despised and excluded, and will be tortured by poverty and hunger. As long as the weak are willing to become strong, there will be ways to become strong. Those children whose parents died as a result of fighting will not hate their parents since childhood, hate why they gave birth to themselves, hate why they let themselves live alone in this world. Because they will enjoy the honor and wealth brought to them by their parents, and they will be supported by Noxus, allowing them to spend their weak years, nurture them, and make them strong and strong enough to be in this world live on!

This country is a country where as long as you have the courage, as long as you are willing to fight, as long as you are willing to fight, you can achieve happiness!

And how can a country with such characteristics continue to decline like other countries? He will only become stronger and stronger, and will only make his people more and more happy! More and more powerful! Able to live safely in this dangerous world forever!

So he was slightly nodded and admitted Li Ke’s statement.

“…The former is the mission of all Noxus people, not my own wish.”

Li Ke smiled lightly.

“It looks like we still have a chance to talk.”

After saying this, he turned on his horse, and Ashe pulled on the saddle and rode on her Mount, and sit directly behind Li Ke, holding his rein.

“…Can we change it?”

Li Ke suddenly felt embarrassed. He turned his head and asked Ashe in a low voice, but Ashe shook his head slightly.

“No, because I’m a war mother.”

Darius on one side hesitated, but he still took the reins handed by the Freljord on one side, and then rode on Got the horse.

He wants to know what Li Ke wants to do.

Draven also got on another person’s mount and went to Ashe’s tribe with his big brother

and after they all left, in ordinary humans In another world that couldn’t be seen, the wolf spirit who stood there for a long time after they left, looked towards the sheep spirit who was also standing there in a daze next to them.

“How many times is this?”

That’s what he said.

“Shut up.”

This is Yang Ling’s answer.

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