“In the current situation, if I don’t jump out a fool and ask me to add some vitality from the iceborn, I am afraid I will find a way to run away.”

Retiring to the horses of the Noxus people, Li Ke used a horse that was shot to death to resist the continuous arrow rain, and then watched the soldiers approaching slowly from the gap. The idea of ​​trying to get the secret mastermind out and beat him to death became stronger and stronger.

There is no other reason. These people are playing the banner of the Winter’s Claw clan, and Li Ke can swear that there are absolutely no such people in Winter’s Claw, so it is very likely that it is Lissandra of the secret mastermind, she The plan is still a series of calculations, which directly counts everyone in. If he really died here, let alone anything else, Ashe and Sejuani really never want to join forces.

Because of Sejuani’s temper, if she died because of Winter’s Claw, she would just clap her hands and cheer, then figure out a way to kill the person who killed her, and then claim that she killed herself.

“Obviously, there are no that many scenes in the game.”

Li Ke was spitting out while observing their battlefields, and thinking about if he would be caught by chains or fishing nets. , And then drag the person holding the chain over to replenish the vitality of the iceborn, and then how likely is the probability of killing these people with an aoe. But after observing it again, he threw his thoughts of death aside, because the arm of the person holding the chain is as thick as his thigh. If the other party does it with all his strength, he will pull the chain out. No problem, but wanting to drag the other’s hundreds of pounds to his side is a pure idiot.

“Really, I am too dear to me.”

I can’t think of a way to break the game. The best way I can think of is to use a dozen long spear shots. Or jump into the opponent’s formation, then grab an iceborn to extract life force, and then gush out the iceborn’s life force in the form of magic in one breath, and then take more iceborn life force.

The chance of rushing is not great, but if jumping, they only need to erect the long spear…

Li Ke touched his butt subconsciously.

“There is no way, for victory…”

But just when he was about to sacrifice his life for justice, a loud voice rang from the battlefield.

“I thought Ms. Ice and Dark had the ability of the guy we noticed, but now it seems that he is neither a disgusting creature nor a powerful person.”

It was a woman wearing a sacrificial robe. She looked at the courage Xiao Gui who turned and ran when she saw the battlefield. She looked at the priest who was sent to assist her with disdain. One was blindfolded. Male blind priest with eyes.

“There are exceptions to everything. Don’t forget that those monsters can easily change the shape of their own body and absorb the vitality of others to strengthen themselves. Legule, is he a void monster? You can only know if you kill him.”

After he finished speaking, he knocked on the snow with his cane.

“Also, I can’t see his past and future, not even a bit, it’s the same as those void monsters!”

But the woman is still very different Thought about it.

“Ha, I think he is just a liar, and how have you seen the past and future? You old Lee Sin.”

The blind priest is obviously a little bit Angry.

“Legule! Are you questioning the dominion of ice and darkness?!”

The woman let out a sneer, and then answered the blind sacrifice while pushing her away The soldier in front of him, moved towards outside the formation.

“No, I’m just questioning you. Okay, young man, let me do it next. After all, you haven’t had a one-on-one battle with the Void monster. Now, let me give it to you. Let’s go to the last lesson!”

“You are crazy! I know you have been very upset in hunting down the void creatures for months, but he killed him alone…come back!”

The blind priest almost immediately objected and dissuaded, but it was of no use, because when he reacted, the woman named Laigule had already laughed wildly and rushed towards Li Ke.

“Damn it, hurry up!”

The blind priest immediately ordered their warriors, but it was too late, because the eyes were godless, full of depression and The crazy woman has come into contact with Li Ke. She screamed and waved the true ice sharp axe in her hand, constantly slashing at Li Ke’s body, regardless of her physical strength, and whether her Olaf had cut Li Ke’s body. It was completely venting, and there was no time for Li Ke to fight back. Li Ke had to put the shield in front of him to block the woman’s crazy offensive.

But what surprised him was that the thickest part of this side had a three-centimeter buckler, which was cut through by this woman!

You are so strong, how come the League Of Legends is not as top as you.

Li Ke did not delay any more. He also knew that such a lucky thing was not so easy to get. He took advantage of this woman’s intention to use Olaf with both hands to give him an end. He threw the shield in his hand onto her face, making her beautiful, but the face full of stab wounds was bloody.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The moment Li Ke threw out the shield, he seemed to see the woman’s eyes become purple in an instant. And in her nostril, there is also a purple tentacles. But he didn’t have time to think about that many. He charged over at the moment the woman screamed, grabbed her naked neck in the snow and ice, and immediately absorbed her life force.

However, along with the familiar iceborn vitality, a vitality that made him feel more powerful also poured into his body, but he hadn’t waited for him to crush the female iceborn’s throat. , The vitality from this iceborn suddenly disappeared, leaving him only time to extract a small part of the vitality. And a voice that he didn’t know how to describe also appeared in his mind in an instant, making his whole body freeze in place, just like a frog being stared at by a snake, unable to move.

“Join us.”

The voice did not disappear after’saying’. Although he did not activate it again, Li Ke always felt that these four words were in his head. Wandering inside, and a feeling of being stared at by something appeared on him. And not only that, the female iceborn who just smeared his face with a shield, also showed a smile of send cold shivers down one’s spine at this moment.

“You really belong with us.”

After saying this, the woman’s body split from it, her white body turned over like a flower, and then she revealed a purple It’s like a monster like Kha’Zix.

“I’m here to help you.”

The mysterious voice is so clear in Li Ke’s heart.

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