But because of these troubles, his previous methods were useless, and the new methods he thought of were limited to supply lines and troops. So he really has no other way to let these Freljord people live, and he doesn’t have to waste time on this almost worthless land.

And if it is in other places, even if it is Shurima, who is extremely short of water, Darius will not frown and directly order his army to run over all those who are not convinced along the way. That is to say, the city-states who are willing to join Noxus will not commit any crimes, and let the people there have the same opportunity to climb high positions like other Noxus people. Those who are unwilling to join Noxus choose to slaughter the city and let the people there total destruction.

This is Noxus’ war strategy, and it is what Darius does best.

However, what he is best at in this ghost place is gone. Not only is he unable to obtain food and supplies from the local people, but they have to provide food and weapons to those tribes who surrender to them, otherwise the other side They will disappear like rabbits in the vast ice and snow, and disappear into the depths of the snowy field that they cannot enter, and they can’t do anything about it.

This is a shame and irony for Noxus, who cannot tolerate betrayal.

Hold on. Without him or his brother Draven, there are a large number of tribes almost every month, attacked by different forces, and they are often broken. And those well-known strong fortresses will also become props used by those powerful tribes to show off their strength. For example, the tribe of Sejuani, who is the most troublesome for him, troubles them every day not for anything else, but to prove her power. .

So, Li Ke, the person who can make Sejuani and Ashe very concerned, and the person who is competing is very important. Although the information about Li Ke was too strange, since the other party is such a useful person, of course he will not let it go. It just seems that at the moment, this guy who has stunts and is exceptionally capable of fighting, doesn’t really agree with their Noxus.

Darius understands it, but cannot accept it.

“You are from Noxus, Li Ke, then you should understand what happens to those who don’t want to join us. And you should also be the unstoppable will of Noxus. Because that’s you Unmatched power, a power you can’t resist.”

When he heard about Noxus’s will, Li Ke couldn’t help laughing because he thought of the twisted general and thought of Forcing him to kill, like transforming him into a monster, and the soldiers who were fanatical about killing. If Noxus’s will is implemented into reality, he sees too clearly, but this man called hero still thinks he will join?

He released his sword, moved his fingers, and then held it again.

“Your Noxus spirit is too distorted to me. The weak must die? Then why don’t you kill your elderly parents? After all, they are useless, are they?”

The Noxus that Li Ke understands is that the weak must die, and the benevolent must die. He does not want to become such a monster to fight to the death. But Darius couldn’t help being frowned, and he also held Olaf behind him.

“Noxus’s will is that powerhouse is worthy of having everything, and this powerhouse is not only powerful in military force, but embodied in all aspects. As long as the Noxus group can be made powerful, then no matter what you Noxus is powerful in any aspect, even if it’s just painting. I thought you could understand this. After all, his various ratings for you, including politics, have always been excellent…”

The cold wind passed by, Darius subconsciously felt that the other party had taken a shot, but he understood that this was just the other’s murderous aura that’s all. At this time, he completely angered the deserter, a Noxus who, despite being extremely reluctant, eventually joined Noxus.

“This is the last chance, Darius. Your kindness let me know that you Noxus people are not all lunatics, but if you continue to entangle you, then I will treat you as a lunatic like him. Your rotten will is also unattractive to me. Because you keep on saying that the capable is supreme, has become a simple powerhouse is respected, and oppression!”

Noxus’s will Li What Ke learned at the beginning is indeed the same as Darius said, that as long as you have a good skill, you can be respected in Noxus. Although military force is more popular, even if you just cut the paper well and can get praise from most people, and are better than people in other countries, then you can live comfortably in Noxus. However, during his imprisonment, he did not experience such Noxus. The will of Noxus he experienced was also the distorted and rotten Noxus will, and from the words of the soldiers, and the general’s popularity Among them, Li Ke can know that this kind of rot and distortion has already penetrated the upper and lower parts of this empire.

And the so-called capable person is supreme?

All he saw was oppression, tyranny, tragedy, and unfettered greed.

But what Darius saw was that he was able to climb from an External Race people to such a high position through merit, and gained the admiration of countless people. And the will of Noxus also allows countless capable people not to succumb to a decadent system, enabling people to maintain their Peak status in this dangerous world at all times, and to survive more people, so that this collective can It will last forever, and it will not end with a bleak and sad ending like everyone else.

Because it is only in Noxus that you will not be able to see your body, look, age, race and past. As long as you have the ability and do not betray Noxus’ will, you can match your abilities. s things!

Powerhouse is the winner, and Noxus is only powerhouse and only victory.

So what he sees is unity, vitality, strength, and many oppressed people who have gained happiness.

“If you are dissatisfied with those people, then you should climb to a high position and clear out the trash! Instead of betraying Noxus! Betraying this will!”

This conversation is thorough The two people’s attitudes are clear, and the two people also realize one thing at the same time, that is, if they want to persuade each other and make each other speechless, there is only one way.

It is to let the other party shut up forever.

The sword and Olaf collided together at the same time, and there was a burst of snowflakes. The eyes of the two people also met at this time, and both saw the determination and anger in the other’s eyes. However, no matter how strong the will is, strength is needed to be able to practice it. Although Darius is superb and powerful, he is still just a mortal after all, not even pinnacle. So instead, he fell into a disadvantage in this collision, and threw a throwing axe in Draven to support Li Ke’s pursuit, and when he had the opportunity to adjust his pace, he also saw that his Olaf had been infected. There was a frost, and his hand armor was cold and scary.

But this is not the most difficult situation he has ever encountered.

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