“Sometimes, a powerful and magical power is not a good thing. Because that magical power is too magical, if it is too dazzling, it will attract a monster who longs for light and will You swallowed it in one bite.”

Although it is not at the scene, it is in a fortress that is very far away from the scene. But Lissandra still’sees’ with no difficulty what she wants to see. And Ashe’s Falcon Spirit hovering above those troops also appeared in her sight, and it was so clear. But she was just laughed and didn’t act on the little thing that overlooked her army. She just turned her head and looked towards another direction.

She saw the existence that forced her to gather her subordinates and then encircle her. The man who first appeared in the Noxus place, and then joined the Sejuani clan, Ashe’s clan. The man named Li Ke, a man with incredible power.

“But it doesn’t look like a void creature.”

She carefully’looked’ at the young and strong man, but found that he was stronger than everyone else. Other than that, there is nothing too surprising about the name, there is no strange feeling of emptiness, and there is no madness that wants to swallow everything. He seemed to be an ordinary human, a male wolf who accidentally broke into this battlefield.

She looked a little fascinated, because since it can be confirmed that the other party is not suspected of void creatures, it means that this person has awakened a very great ability when awakening magic. The ability that people desire.

It’s a pity that a person like him must die.

“Master, our troops there are not enough to kill Ashe.”

Her servant speaks, it is a strong ice sacrifice, and the opponent is now kneeling Under her feet, tell her her own analysis. And his silver white hair, and the huge true ice on the cane, all explain that she is a strong iceborn, and a rare female iceborn who chose the path of the Frost Priest instead of the warrior. .

“With the forces of Ashe and the traitor Kayla together, the Ice Sons tribe could not destroy Ashe’s remaining troops as planned, and remove her head and the The bow is brought back.”

Lissandra laughed indifferently, but her laughter made the people under her feet feel ashamed, and she turned around, and the sound of the ice under her body was moving. Let this guilt, there is more fear. But Lissandra didn’t mean to blame her, but slowly left her Magical Artifact, moved towards the rooftop and walked over.

“It’s not to blame you, after all, according to your report, that Little Brat was a stupid guy. It’s really normal to betray because of the light in front of you. So let the Ice Son retreat. Yes, they are our loyal tribe and cannot cause them to suffer too much. And after they go back, remember to give them some weapons and food. After all, they waste a lot of hunting and grazing for our cause. Time.”

She stood on the roof, looked at the endless snowfield, and then continued to give orders to her men. And when she caught a snowflake with a hand out of her body, she asked a question she cared about most, not the little game just used for entertainment.

“How about the seal?”

Speaking of this topic, her assistant couldn’t help but tremble, but it was not because she was afraid of Lissandra, but She thought of the one-eyed under the abyss. That just thinking about it will make one’s brain feel a burst of fear, and make a speechless terrifying monster.

But she survived, she touched her true ice, let the power of Extreme Cold wake her brain again, and then she spoke.

“Very bad, the sealed rune disappeared again, and it was nearly 30 days faster than we estimated.”

This news surprised Lissandra too. , Because this speed is faster than she expected, which means that those beings sealed by her are likely to wake up outside of her plan and begin to liquidate everything that happened in the past. And if she doesn’t want a miserable ending, then she must speed up her plan.

“Send someone again next month, and try to be more careful, because I suspect that something has run out of the abyss.”

This is not her In fact, the existences under the abyss often find ways to gain the hearts of the outside world, or use the corpses of the people she sent down to create some monsters to help them get out of trouble, and collect more flesh and blood to make more Many servants. These are all things that have happened before, but the increasing speed in the past few years has made her wonder whether a large number of void creatures have escaped from here, which has caused such a situation here.

And this is exactly what she was thinking about immediately after receiving Li Ke’s message is not to make Li Ke loyal, but to find a way to kill him, because Li Ke’s power and those void creatures are really It’s so alike.

“Yes, master.”

Send someone to the abyss below. This means that there may be a few outstanding ones who are good enough to become a leader and a war mother outside. The Iceborn is mentally oppressed again, or stays in the bottomless abyss forever. But since it was Madam Ice and Dark, they would go there happily at the order of their master.

But when she was about to retreat, Lissandra spoke again.

“By the way, tell the Noxus people the real murderer who killed their general. In addition, tell the news that Ashe will sign a blood alliance agreement with Li Ke to Sejuani, who is now winning a complete victory. Let This cute Little Brat and her sisters recounted the old well. Then our people appropriately gave in to Sejuani, so that those idiots in the wilderness can join the Sejuani tribe faster, and our little cutie will become stronger faster. . After all, her opponent is’Avarossa’s reincarnation’.”

What Lissandra is seeing through her subordinates now is exactly what Sejuani show off one’s military strength is accepting the allegiance of the captives. The scene, after defeating three tribes no less than her at an absolute disadvantage, countless small tribes, and those wandering beast walkers and worshipers of old gods. They all started to join her clan enthusiastically, unlike before, almost nobody cares about it. Because those stupid people think that such a war mother can resist the Frost Guardian and resist her. That’s why I am sincerely taking refuge now instead of the wait-and-see attitude before.

But this is also good, save her when the time comes to look for.

So her tone is full of sarcasm, and her men also understand one thing, that is, Freljord is about to flow blood into a river again.

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