As for what Ashe thinks, that’s another matter. Although she could understand her behavior to buy herself in various ways for peace of mind, Li Ke decided to ignore it. After all, Li Ke can’t control her, so he can only do his best to be himself, and if he really becomes a husband and wife with her, then Sejuani is indeed too pitiful…

Things simply don’t do this. of.

“So women…too active and passive is not a good thing.”

He has a little shadow over the women of Freljord, after all, they are a matriarchal society. , So if they really want to speak of which, if they like Li Ke, they can all be said to be’married down’ here.

Of course, this is the case where Li Ke’s magic is excluded.

After all, he has had enough troubles. If there are more women like Sejuani, his life will become a mess. But no matter how much Li Ke thinks about how to prevent such things from happening, he can’t think of a solution.

When Li Ke, who was full of thoughts, returned to his camp, they found that although Lyles and the others had organized people, they were not packing things, but gathered around a pile of potatoes. Look.

“What happened?”

He walked over, but saw that Aklan was praying to the potatoes, while Lyles was not knowing what to do . So as soon as he saw him back, Lyles and Aklan quickly surrounded them. And Lyles even took a leaf made of ice and gave it to Li Ke, making Li Ke puzzled.

“I, we don’t know how to describe it, but you see.”

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the ice leaf in Li Ke’s hand, making him think that the ice leaf is nothing. Li Ke subconsciously observed this unique ice crystal. But it was okay not to look at it, and he was silent at first sight.

Because this unique shape of ice crystal, although it looks like ice cubes, it is not as hard as ice. It is a kind of thing that can be bent, and in the transparent ice flakes, there are The veins of potato leaves are exactly the same. If it is not for its transparent color and extremely cold, then it is the potato leaf that Li Ke has often seen recently!

“What’s the matter? Where did you find it?”

He hurriedly asked, but after Leros and the others looked at each other, Karan spoke.

“While we were cooking this morning, we suddenly thought of the potatoes you planted last time, so we wanted to go over and see if there is anything we can eat. Then we were at the place where you held your hand that day , I found this, and this, I found it in the hole you dug that day.”

When he spoke, he gave Li Ke a potato-like ice crystal, and Li Ke took a mold and found that it was indeed the texture of a potato, but like the strange potato leaf, it was transparent and unusually cold.

What kind of thing I planted out of this?

Li Ke was also stunned. He carefully looked at these two things and the slightly greenish stalks on the leaves, and then looked towards the potatoes they dug out and found those potatoes They are all normal potatoes, not like the potatoes in their hands, they are just like ice cubes.


Li Ke suddenly found something wrong.

“Are these potatoes not frozen?”

It is not an exaggeration to say that dripping water turns into ice, otherwise it will not be troublesome to even mouth hot water. It can be drunk, so the potatoes buried in the ground all night, Li Ke is definitely going to go bad.

“Yes, but only the one close to your hand is not frozen anymore. The others are frozen. Although you can eat it, it might not taste very good.”

This time it was Lyles who answered, and his eyes were slightly disturbed.

“Is that so.”

Li Ke looked at the unique potato in his hand. Try to put your spirit into it. But something interesting appeared, he felt the life of this potato. That is to say, although the thing in his hand is indeed the shape of a potato, it is definitely not a potato. Second, it is something else!

“Have you never seen this thing before?”

He asked specifically to make sure he didn’t make a mistake, and these people shook the head honestly. , Have expressed that they have not seen anything similar, nor have they heard of such things. Let Li Ke be able to determine that this thing appeared because of his own reasons, not what would happen in Freljord.

So this is what I did? But I didn’t do anything. Nothing like this happened to other potatoes at that time.

Li Ke looked at this crystal clear and near-transparent potato, and started to remember the difference when he planted these potatoes. But there is no recollection of this thing. After all, he used the same technique to grow potatoes every time, and this field was no different from other fields except for the ice-born vitality.

“In other words, because they are potatoes spawned by the vitality of the iceborn, did this wave of potatoes mutate? What is this? Magical grafting skills? Or is life fused together? Am I a mad scientist?”

He was playing with this cold potato. The iceborn vitality remaining in his body made him extremely resistant to the cold. But even so, he could feel the cold of this potato.

“Could it be that the ice magic cannot be absorbed by the potatoes, so it is gathered on a potato, so that it can bear the unbearable pain of this potato, so as to save the other potatoes? “

When he recalled the voice that said to himself, “It’s you again”, he felt that this was the most likely answer. After all, Tudou had his own consciousness. He knew very well, although Only contacted once, but the feeling is always there. And this potato in my hand is a potato that can’t give me that feeling, that is to say, it is a dead potato.

It’s a little weird to say that, but Li Ke inexplicably feels that this potato will not sprout and grow up. This feeling is very strange, he felt it subconsciously, and inexplicably believed it very much.

“No, since I plan to use scientific methods to cultivate grain seeds, I definitely can’t use my own feelings as the overall standard. Sure enough, let’s give it a try.”

“Lyles, I need your help. There should be free sledges in the team, right?”

He is going to take a sample to use for this in the future, otherwise, based on experience, It is easy to make mistakes.

And if his hunch is correct, what the ice crystal potato in his hand represents will reveal more of his abilities.

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