Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 623: Way of business

"Everyone is actually doing a good job in maintaining the honor of the family, let alone the salary and benefits we provide to the workers. This is reflected in the product alone."

After a simple beating, Lawrence felt that he should cheer everyone up. After all, after his own inspection in the open and in the dark, he found that the entire factory was running really well. Whether it is the ideological guidance of the entire factory development or the industrial management, there are no major problems.

"For example, the products we are producing now fill in the blanks and allow those who were unable to enjoy this type of food to enjoy these safe, nutritious, and delicious foods. I hope that everyone can maintain this in the future and provide the entire society with More and better food." Lawrence exclaimed to everyone.

"Understand, we will insist on doing this in the future." The managers in front of Lawrence promised in unison.

For these managers, they didn't understand Lawrence's business plan at the beginning, because it is different from the current management methods in various factories.

But after doing a while according to the method that Lawrence explained, they also realized the advantages of Lawrence's business plan.

On the one hand, these new products proposed by Lawrence are aimed at a completely new market, and there are basically no competitors during this period.

Therefore, these new products accurately met part of the demand, but also obtained huge profits for Lawrence. For example, in addition to the initial investment, the profit during this period and the predictable and good prospects are enough for those banks to issue a lot of low-interest loans to them.

With these low-interest loans, the entire factory quickly entered a period of rapid development.

On the other hand, when the entire factory entered a period of rapid development, the management of these factories also realized the benefits of giving the workers better treatment in accordance with Lawrence's requirements.

When they needed to recruit new workers, they found that many skilled workers came from various places to apply.

You know, the most important thing for a factory is the workers besides the machines. In the case of similar machines, the production efficiency between novices and skilled workers can be said to be very different.

After Lawrence asked the factory to increase the benefits to the workers, the workers would have more time to receive free vocational education.

At the same time, because of these benefits, the skilled hands that have been trained have basically stayed in the factory. As a result, Lawrence and his factory naturally became one of the most efficient factories in this piece.

After operating the factory in accordance with Lawrence’s orders, these managers found that although the expenses did increase at the beginning, after the factory was put into normal operation, those extra expenses were quickly filled by the extra profits generated by the increase in production efficiency. . At the same time, it has gained reputations far exceeding those of other factories.

For these retainers who belonged to the Earl of Sauer, although making money is a very important thing, the glory of the nobility is more important to them than making money.

Therefore, when the managers of these dairy factories asked Lawrence, he immediately assured him that the operation of the entire factory would continue as before.

"I really didn't expect a factory to not only make money, but also to bring benefits to all those related to the factory." After inspecting the dairy factory and moving to the next stop, Sefil expressed emotion to Lawrence.

"You know, I used to study in Briton, a country where the Industrial Revolution broke out in the western part of the mainland. But there, I see that the workers are living very poorly. Even hard work can barely feed the family. ."

"This is the question of distribution." After hearing Syfier's question, Lawrence decided to tell his fiancée about this matter. In any case, the two people will live together for a long time. Therefore, at this time, it is an inevitable choice to talk to each other.

"Wealth is very important, but for us, there are many things that are more important than wealth, such as fame and social contribution."

"Those factory owners are obvious counterexamples. They obviously only have money left in their eyes. If the churches hadn’t kept their eyes on them so that they had to formulate minimum wage policies and labor protection measures, I believe they might pay workers’ wages. At best, the workers will not starve to death."

"And we absolutely can't do this. At least in my opinion, if we want to make more money, we should adopt new technology and train workers to improve labor efficiency. Instead of hollowing out everything from the hands of the workers. Robbery. It is evil and lacks glory—"

Saifei was born in a commoner's family like Lawrence, and his previous life experience was very simple. Therefore, she is very able to understand what Lawrence said, and she will not be filled with high ignorance in her mind like some people can tell why they don't eat cake without bread.

"Your Excellency Lawrence, Miss Coburg, what you said was great." Just when he got off the car at the next stop, Bach, who drove the car for them, put his right hand on his chest and bowed and walked out a kind of worship in his eyes. Zhi Se said.

"The previous generations of Earl Sauer have always said this and did so. According to them, the Sauer family should strive for every point of their own interests, but not even if they are not their own interests, don't reach out to get a bit. "

"Yes, especially the latter is difficult for ordinary people to do." Lawrence said as he got out of the carriage. "It is not difficult for everyone to fight for their own interests, but it is too difficult for everyone to contain the greed in the heart and not take the interests that do not belong to them, and each of us You should be aware of this."

"Of course, Lord Lord, of course it should be." After hearing what Lawrence said, Bach bowed to him again, and then guided him into the cannery.

Compared with the past, the cannery has not changed much, but after Lawrence brought more cheap tropical spices and adjusted his attitude towards workers, the production efficiency and profit margins of this factory were the same as the management of the warlords in the past. The downside has improved a lot.

This situation is also caused by many reasons, the core of which is that the quality of the staff of the warlords is really terrible.

Because the conditions in this area are better than those islands on the sea of ​​stars. Therefore, warlords often reward management positions to some of their subordinates who follow them with merit.

Compared with the staff selected by Lawrence who had previous management experience, the staff sent by that warlord had at best management experience of serfs or even slave plantations.

Obviously, the methods of squeezing serfs used on a small island in the Sea of ​​Stars are not allowed to be displayed here at let alone those warlords who have few real Good people in the sense are basically a group of guys who can never give up if they have a chance to make a profit.

In this way, these factories have basically made no money since they were operated by the warlords. It's just that batch after batch of managers have been fattened.

And this is why Lawrence was able to make this meat cannery turn around quickly without updating the factory's machinery.

In this era, many factories can really make a lot of money as long as they can start operations smoothly. Unfortunately, too many people don't know how to run a factory.

"It seems that it is not too difficult to make money by operating a factory this year." After visiting the canning factory for the same time, Saifeier came to such a conclusion, and at the same time new doubts arose in his heart.

"But why did you sell all the wool textile mills and leather processing plants in the batch of factories you got?"

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