Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 706: Spoiler

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William I couldn't help snorting in his heart: [Sure enough, these **** Jews are unreliable, these **** vampires only have money in their eyes, so they don't give any face at all! We are still reliable, this is bright! 】

Li Xiao's statement immediately made William I feel warm all over. He squeezed a rare smile and said gratefully: "Thank you so much. You have solved my urgent need!"

As he said, he turned his head and said coldly to Benjamin: "Can I borrow the remaining 500,000 from you as agreed just now?!"

Benjamin was suddenly more uncomfortable than eating flies, because he didn't care about the conditions of a Hessen-Darmstadt at all, and that benefit was nothing. He really wants to knock a lot more, it is possible to achieve it only if one million is loaned to William I.

So he is very hesitant here, agree to it, a bit of a loss, don't agree, you can't get anything, it's too tangled!

If he couldn't say it, he glared at Li Xiao viciously-it was the good thing that the **** in front of him had broken him!

It's just that Li Xiao doesn't care about being stared at him, because he still has something to say! He didn’t want the Rothschild family to take advantage of it at all. He only heard him and said immediately: “Your Royal Highness, don’t worry. I personally loaned you the 500,000 talers just now. Some other friends will help you figure out a way, not to mention financing you 500,000 talers, at least two or three hundred thousand dollars can be done!"

William I was overjoyed. He originally thought that Li Xiao was already very powerful, but he didn't expect that Li Xiao would be so powerful. He alone helped solve the gap of 700,000 talers. He basically made it all by himself.

Suddenly he grabbed Li Xiao's right hand, shook it firmly, and said with a big smile, "Thank you so much! You really helped me solve the big problem!"

As for Benjamin, he was completely dumbfounded. He was thinking just now how much he could earn, but now it seems that he is completely out of his turn with the leftovers. He was both embarrassed and surprised to stick there blankly, staring at Li Xiao with his eyes, as if to kill Li Xiao with his eyes.

It's just that he didn't even have to look at it soon, because William I, who was full of joy, quickly noticed his obsessive presence. To be honest, he had never felt that Jews were so annoying. And now look at the ugliness and cheeks of the Jews, and then look at the sincerity of Li Xiao, the former really makes him feel sick!

Hong Kong really didn't want to see Benjamin again for a moment. If not, he immediately waved his hand to Benjamin and said, "Mr. Benjamin, I'm really sorry to let you go for nothing. We will cooperate again next time we have the opportunity!"

Benjamin walked out of William I's living room in a muddled manner, his head buzzing, he couldn't understand why things suddenly became like this. However, there was a shrewd flame in the eyes of Gelson on the side. He saw things clearly today. He felt that Benjamin’s biggest mistake was to be too greedy. His greed made him not pay attention to William I at all. Here, constantly trying to squeeze out the greatest value.

Although the business is smart to do so, the problem is not small. That is, it is absolutely impossible to leave a good impression on William I. Once there is a problem in some intermediate link, it will definitely be abandoned.

Gelson felt that even if Benjamin could achieve the initial goal of loaning 500,000 talers to William I and grabbing a vote from Ludwig III, it would not be worth the loss. Next time he wants to deal with William I, I am afraid he will pay more for everyone.

Anyway, he would switch to Gelson to handle this case. He would never do it. He would choose to firmly grasp the big ship William I, and then ride the big ship to ride the waves in the mall. He thought that as long as he had this opportunity, he would never do worse than the Rothschild family back then!

Yes, Gelson looked down on the Rothschilds and Benjamin a bit, and felt that their business methods were too rough. Of course, this is also the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom, because for a small shrimp like Gelson, William I is no less valuable than Qin Yiren, but for the Rothschild family who has passed that stage, William I That's what happened in the first life!

This is the different views at different levels. Gelson is at least two levels lower than the Rothschild family, and what he values ​​is really too common for the latter.

However, it cannot be said that there is a problem with Gelsen’s judgment, because different levels have different ways of survival. For the Brechrod family, seizing the opportunity of William I is a major breakthrough and will naturally go all out. Pay attention.

"Go and check for me, what is the origin of this Peter Mikhailovich!"

What Gelson didn't expect was that he hadn't thought about whether it was possible to seize the opportunity, and Benjamin first gave him a mission viciously.

Gelson looked at Benjamin. He understood this guy's intentions too well. After suffering such a big loss from Li Xiao today, he couldn't swallow this breath. Although the great Russian nobleman can't do much, this is Prussia and not Russia. If he is a local snake, let the other party know that he is not easy to bully.

Gelson didn't say much and agreed directly. As a well-known and well-connected person in the Berlin Jewish circle, Lao Tzu is too simple to inquire about this. Although he didn't quite agree with Benjamin's approach, who would let him be his immediate boss!

Neither he nor his father could refuse the request of the Rothschild even if the request was not Baron James Rothschild himself, but the general manager of his branch He is also a prince, a big man who they absolutely cannot afford to offend.

Besides, Gelson and Li Xiao are not related to each other, and it is impossible to help prevent disasters by saying good words. In fact, even if they are acquainted with their relatives, the Jews' shrewdness will probably kill them.

So after returning home from get off work that night, he immediately reported the situation to his old father Samuel and asked for help from his old father.

But to Gelsen's surprise, when Samuel heard the whole story, he didn't make a case for the Rothschild family as he expected. Instead, he fell into contemplation.

Gelson is really weird, because such an old father has never seen him before. What is he thinking? It's so curious!

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