Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 698: A difficult one (continued)

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Augusta didn't expect her husband to throw such a sentence on her face at the end. The indifference and contempt broke her heart. Anyway, at that moment, she seemed to fall into the abyss, her heart aching like a tear.

She tried to open her mouth several times to say something, but every time she moved her lips without making any sound.

This moment was actually very fast, but she felt that it took a long time. Until she came back to her senses, her husband who used to be tall and mighty in her opinion, the man who could be trusted for life in her opinion, became so The face is fuzzy and short.

Augusta tried hard to tell herself that she must be calm and must not be influenced by emotions. She took a few deep breaths before slowly saying: "I still think we should be more cautious, and we should not be destroyed by a momentary excitement. Half a century of friendship with Austria. This friendship has not come easily, I think..."

It's just that Augusta's restraint did not affect William I, because William I was really impatient to listen to her rants, not to mention that he didn't care about the friendship with Austria. Because if it were not for Napoleon to be too strong, Prussia would not have come together with Austria. From the time of Frederick the Great, Prussia and Austria have no friendship, only competition!

Even if it is because of Napoleon's relationship, the two countries were finally forced to come together. This kind of relationship is a cooperative relationship that each one needs, and has nothing to do with friendship. If it is beneficial to Prussia to cut Austria into eight pieces and five horses, then he will immediately declare war on Austria. It's that simple!

"I said, don't care about these things!" William I repeated impatiently, "I have my own measures! You don't need to take care!"

When William I once again told Augusta not to worry about meddling, I can imagine how sad Augusta was in his heart. It is really chilling that the relationship between husband and wife for two decades is so weak!

To be honest, William I’s indifference angered Augusta. She was never the kind of aristocratic socialite who would only depend on men in the traditional sense. She was more interested in politics and military affairs than in female celebrities and dolls. The kind of women who are clever and independent and have no lack of political skills.

If it weren't for marrying William I, if she married Russia as far away as Ekaterina, she might have had the chance to become the third Ekaterina.

So don’t underestimate Augusta. She really has two brushes. After she felt ignored by William I and felt the other’s indifference, she suddenly wanted to prove herself to her husband. .

She wanted to let this stubborn husband know how good she was, and let the proud Hohenzollern family see how she turned her hands into the clouds and the rain!

So she didn't argue with William I, but returned to her dressing room with a cold face. She sat in front of the vanity mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Her chest slowly rose and fell. After a long time, she suddenly opened the drawer and took out a few letters from the inside and slowly unfolded them.

These letters are correspondences with political allies when William I stayed in the country during the exile of William I in London. When the revolution broke out and forced William I to flee, Augusta was actually prepared for the worst.

She had thought that her husband would never be able to return to China, and that William I would lose the right to succeed to the throne. When these worst situations occurred, she would not allow herself to cry like an ordinary woman.

She was not so weak. On the contrary, she was already actively preparing. At the time, she contacted a group of political allies, planning to immediately push her son Frederick William Nicholas Carr to become the crown prince once William I loses the right to succeed to the throne. Or directly try to get Frederick William IV to abdicate and let his son directly become the new king.

Don't underestimate Augusta's scheming and wrists, she is fully prepared, no matter what the situation is, she can deal with it as usual.

Of course, these methods are used to make backups, and only when the worst happens, these methods can be used. But the development of things later avoided her desperate situation, so these methods fell silent again.

Today, William I’s attitude really made her very angry. She eagerly wanted to prove herself, and wanted to tell this incredible husband that she was not worse than him in politics, and even stronger than him!

Augusta returned to her study with these letters, and again began to write letters, contacted allies before, began to lobby cleverly, began to plot some preparations, as she sealed and sealed the envelope with flame paint Her coat of arms, these terrible letters were delivered one by one.

William I did not know all of this. He discussed the affairs of the army with his brother Frederick Charlie Alexander in his study, because from the beginning to the end, he felt that the most important thing was the army, and he could only control the army firmly. In order to control this luxurious chariot of Prussia.

"The situation in the army is fairly optimistic. Most officers still agree with your leadership, especially those Junker noble officers. They are particularly dissatisfied with everything before, and eagerly hope that you will come back..."

William I was very satisfied with this. Although he had no power to continue to control the cabinet, as long as the army still talked to him, everything was easy to say. Now he only needs to continue to strengthen the connection with the old part of the army and then quietly wait for the timing to change. Once the timing is ripe, he feels that he can get back everything he has lost.

"Is the cooperation with the Russians reliable?"

It’s just that Frederick Charlie Alexander is not as confident as his second On the contrary, he is very average in both political and military skills, and he is afraid of this unpredictable political situation. He was deeply afraid that certain actions of William I would once again anger those mobs, once again making things out of control.

"Big brother is very suspicious of this, he hopes you treat all this carefully!"

William I showed a solemn expression, not because his brother Frederick William IV’s warning touched him so much, but because he deeply felt that his brother had been scared by the revolution, and he looked like Hohen. The people of the Sauron family are so embarrassed!

He feels that lack of courage and ambition is the biggest problem in the family right now. If everyone shrinks so much, it will only make those mobs more rampant, and that will make things really out of control!

So he replied very seriously and surely: "The Russians are reliable, and they have always been reliable in suppressing the revolution!"

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