Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Frederick Karl (Part 1)

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Although Princess Alexandra is not as politically sensitive as her sister, it is not much different. After all, her son Frederick Carl was still quite powerful. As the Prince of Prussia, this one can be regarded as brave and good at war. The title of the prince.

Therefore, Augusta excuses that he is not in Berlin. It is good for his sister and nephew to try to find the way first. After all, compared with the "ineffective" younger brother Karl Alexander, Frederick Karl is far better.

Regarding Li Xiao, he was not particularly surprised when he heard the news that William I and Augusta were not in Berlin. Because he knew that cousin was easy to deal with, but that aunt was really shrewd. The previous temptation did not give her a satisfactory result. How could she give up, and another group of people to test is a normal choice.

Only the famous Frederick Karl was chosen as the candidate for the temptation, which surprised him, because according to his historical knowledge, the famous blood prince should have suppressed the revolution in Baden.

However, Li Xiao did not get too entangled, because the history book only told him that Frederick Karl suppressed the Baden Revolution in 1848. The specific process is not clear. Perhaps he has completed his mission and returned to Berlin!

At this time, Frederick Carl was wearing a military uniform of a lieutenant colonel of hussars, but he had not left the beautiful horoscopes of later generations. The bronze skin and the well-proportioned figure seemed powerful.

Anyway, it seems that Li Xiao is very reluctant, because it is really not easy to find someone who looks better than his in the royal family of various countries. These goods are tall and mighty men and dogs, setting off him like a short winter melon. Maybe he wanted to find some confidence in his appearance from the freaks of the Habsburg family who married close relatives.

It’s just that when Li Xiao thinks of Franz Joseph, his waist is cold again. Although the guy is politically inexplicable, he is also born with a good skin. What is especially annoying is that the guy also married Princess Sissi, hoping to start from Ha I am afraid it would be useless to find some confidence in the Booth family!

When Li Xiao was watching Frederick Karl, the latter was also watching him. To be honest, the blood prince was rather disappointed with Li Xiao, not only because of Li Xiao's height, but also because he did not see the soldier's heroic temperament from Li Xiao. As a pure soldier, Frederick Carr believes that only military temperament is a sign of a man, and no military temperament is equivalent to a female gun!

Li Xiao could see through Frederick Carr's thoughts at a glance. Obviously, this man was basically consistent with the description of later generations, stern and full of military temperament, and any non-military or not so iron-blooded performance would make him look down on. It is very difficult to win the favor of such a person, because you have to make him think that you are a real man with iron and blood!

But what is called a true man, and what is called iron and blood, it is really hard to say, there is no uniform standard for this. It's not that you can have an effect just by putting on your air.

Li Xiao's spirits immediately started, and he knew that the key test of this trip was coming.

"It's an honor to meet your Excellency. Your deeds in Baden have inspired me. If all countries can be as decisive as you are, this riot will never break out!"

Li Xiao first gave a flattery to ask for directions. As the saying goes, he doesn't hit the smiley person with his hand. He shot Frederick Karl's performance in Baden. It should be scratched, at least not bad.

Frederick Karl’s reaction also reflects this. Even if it is a stern and rigid person like him, it is still very comfortable to be mentioned how much grades are. Although this kind of comfort is very short-lived, it has not changed him. Li Xiao's overall attitude, but after all, it is not enough to make him go crazy when he comes up.

"You're exaggerated. I just performed my duties. This is what the Imperial Army should do. It is not worth mentioning!"

To tell the truth, this is very blunt, and it feels like a thousand miles away, and there is a kind of pride in the bones. Anyway, it's so arrogant, it's prohibitive!

Li Xiao also sighed in his heart. He knew how troublesome this mission was. He looked at Frederick Carl's virtues. One can imagine what his second brother William I was like, and the character of William I was also Such a tough one is also a difficult master to deal with. If even Frederick Karl can't handle it, then the old clapper William I behind will be even worse.

Li Xiao's brain turned quickly, thinking about how to talk next. Because he knew that every sentence that followed was very important, if he couldn't get closer to Frederick Karl in the shortest time, it would be difficult to talk about it next.

After thinking about it, he said: "The only thing I regret is that there are too few soldiers like you in Prussia. Otherwise, these mobs will not be so arrogant! In Russia we will use bayonets and cannons to tell them that we must Follow the rules!"

As soon as these words came out, let alone Frederick Carl was stunned, even with Carl Alexander, Princess Alexandra, and Maria Pavlovna. They don't understand how someone's face becomes so fast, they are still complimenting one second, and how can they become a face slap one second? Isn't this a neurosis?

It is indeed a little neurotic, but the only way to deal with neurosis is neurotic. Obviously Frederick Karl is not an ordinary person. He is determined and has a strong personality. It is almost impossible to move him closer with ordinary words. Because his way of thinking and worldview have been well formed, if he feels that he is not the same with you, he will not be able to kill you at all. At that time, even if you say nothing, it’s Want to convince him, First of all you have to make him feel that you and him are the same. How about being a fellow? Watch Li Xiao's performance!

Frederick Carl frowned slightly, but his good aristocracy didn't make him angry. Instead, he looked at Li Xiao meaningfully, and then slowly said, "You mean that the performance of our soldiers is not good enough?" "

"Yes!" Li Xiao was also very direct. "If the performance of your country's soldiers is qualified, you will not let a group of mobs show off their power!"

These words made Frederick Karl's face. He did not agree with this. He did not think that he and his colleagues were really bad, but before he could defend himself, Li Xiao rushed forward and said: " Of course, it’s not just your country’s military that performed badly. The performances of Austrian and French soldiers are messed up, worse than yours. However, this is not an excuse for us to relax our demands, and we cannot convince ourselves just because the performance of other countries’ soldiers is worse Accept those equally bad performances with peace of mind!"

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