Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 685: Acting is ok

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Maria Pavlovna said that her eyes were already red here, and her whole person fell into inexplicable sadness. You can imagine how unforgettable her memory of 1801 is.

But this is also normal, because according to the research of some scholars of the Romanov family in later generations, the entire royal family, especially Maria Pavlovna’s generation, was very secretive about the court coup in 1801. Basically no one wants to take the initiative to mention it.

It is said that the untimely death of Alexander I has a very big relationship with this. It seems that the Tsar fell into great regret after he became king, and he was heartbroken about the murder of his father. There is even a saying that the tsar did not die at all, but fell into a huge regret, he chose to feign death and escape into the empty door, and finally went to the Ipatiev monastery in Kostroma, the land of the family’s dragon, as an ascetic monk. .

Of course these are all legends, but as a member of the Romanov family, Li Xiao still knows a little bit of inside information, knowing that the cheap boyfriend and several other descendants who existed in the family were all talking about the 1801 coup. That has become one of the family taboos.

And now Maria Pavlovna is talking about it, and her feelings do not seem to be false. It is obvious that such a court coup has made her fear politics. If she was not born in the house of the emperor, she would be unavoidable. The Grand Duke of the Empire will definitely choose to avoid her political responsibilities forever.

Li Xiao replied slowly and softly: "That is indeed eternal pain, but we can't avoid it, right?"

Maria Pavlovna stopped talking, because Li Xiao was right. The Romanov family was indeed unavoidable. From the moment Mikhail I was elected as the Tsar, their family It is connected with politics and Russian blood, and both prosperity and prosperity are lost.

She sighed faintly, "I didn't expect you to see it thoroughly!"

Li Xiao spread his hands and replied helplessly: "If I say I also want to avoid this **** fate, do you believe it? Sometimes I also envy Carl. I can have a mother like you as a shelter for him. It’s so beautiful to be able to enjoy music and art!"

He sighed as he said, "But I don't have it, am I? So I can only face the **** politics!"

Maria Pavlovna gave a wry smile, picked up the black tea on the coffee table and took a sip, then said: "You are a man of courage, but those who are not courageous can solve all troublesome things. ,do you know?"

Li Xiao smiled: "Of course I know, but I don't have anything, so I can't be without courage. If you don't even have this last reliance, then you can only be slaughtered! I love life and I want to better Live!"

Maria Pavlovna changed her face, and she finally realized that this nephew was extraordinary. Compared with Karl Alexander, he has experienced wind and rain, knowing the preciousness of life and the hard-won of a happy life, knowing that if you want to continue to enjoy these happiness, you must work hard, and Karl Alexander does not have such awareness.

She nodded slowly and said: "You can be so strong, I believe the second brother will be very happy. My aunt has nothing to help you, I am also a little bit light in the country, but as long as your mission this time is for William and Ogu Star is harmless, and I am not afraid to promise you to help!"

Li Xiao shook his head in his heart, and felt that the Romanov family didn’t have a simple character anymore. Don’t look at his aunt who said that he was passionate just now, as if he was totally indifferent to politics, but these are actually tender offensives. , She still wants to know his hole cards.

Li Xiao thought for a while, and finally decided to tell her a little bit thoroughly. After all, if she was always so defensive, it would easily affect the mood of William I and Princess Augusta and delay the subsequent communication and negotiation. Anyway, his main task on this trip is to reach a tacit understanding with William I, open up convenient conditions for the Austrian behind Prussia, and reveal something in advance to win friendship.

"You are really too worried," Li Xiao replied with a smile, "I know you are very worried that the Duke of Alexander tried to use Prince William to achieve some ulterior political purposes. This may harm His Royal Highness. Right? "

Maria Pavlovna looked at Li Xiao suspiciously, because according to her original estimate, under the warmth offensive she had just now, someone should have a very soft-talking attitude and was even moved by her. Anyway, this set should be more useful. After all, someone is too young and has never experienced family tenderness. Her aunt's performance of "to tears down" should impress him.

But there is a big gap between the facts and Maria Pavlovna’s estimation. Although someone’s words are soft, she can perceive that this is not because of the warmth of the offensive, but more like someone being affected by her. When I was annoyed, she took the initiative to reveal something to avoid trouble and let her stop a bit.

From this point of view, someone is really hard-hearted, really like the famous ancestors of the family, such as Peter the Great, such as Catherine the Great. And if someone is so young and so good, can they grow up in the future?

Maria Pavlovna couldn't help but think of Prince Alexander. Before, she felt that this nephew was very capable and mature in all aspects at a young age. As long as she did not die, she should be regarded as a prominent leader in family history. Up.

But after this contact with Li Xiao, UU read www. She thinks that the maturity of Prince Alexander is a bit unworthy of mention. Most of the maturity of that one was ripened by Nicholas I, and there was Nicholas I in front to shelter from the wind and rain and a large group of ministers. By the side, he was naturally simpler and easier to deal with than Li Xiao.

In contrast, Maria Pavlovna easily came to a conclusion: Crown Prince Alexander may not be as good as Li Xiao. Li Xiao would definitely perform better if he moved to another location.

This immediately shocked Maria Pavlovna's heart, because no matter which country, the minister is worse than the monarch, or it is not a good thing for the crown prince to be inferior to his brother. It means a battle for the crown and a disaster.

The only thing that gave Maria Pavlovna a little more peace of mind was that Li Xiao was not the son of Nicholas I, and ranked very low in the succession to the throne, unless the sons of Nicholas I died. , It is possible for him to fight for the throne. Thinking about someone like this, no matter how good they are, it will only add a great grand duke to Russia, maybe it is a good thing!

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