Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 672: No speculation (Part 2)

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Of course, Yerosin's manor is good, but one thing is depressing, that is, it is too far away from Pace. It takes two hours to go to Pace even in his luxury carriage. So for his own job, this manor is very inappropriate.

But Yerosin didn't care at all. He believed that work was work, but the aristocratic style should not be lost. If there is a conflict between work and style, then you should obey the style. After all, nobles must look like nobles and cannot be as humble as those who work hard.

So even if Saradov repeatedly suggested that he go to Pest, he just didn't agree. Even after Saradov gave in and asked him to set up a contact point in Pace, Yerosin still disagreed.

The main reason was that Yerosin felt that he was a superior, and it was impossible for Saradov to make demands on himself. If you agree, then do you still want to do it?

Do not underestimate this point, because in Russia, especially in the upper class of Russia, superior and inferior are very important! The superior has almost parental authority over the subordinate, and in a sense, the subordinate is simply the servant of the superior.

For example, when Duke Alexander was the ambassador, he happened to meet Benkendorf who was in full swing. As Nicholas I’s most trusted dog leg, Benkendorf was almost nine thousand years old back then. Who is not afraid of going up and down, and who doesn’t work hard to kneel and lick?

So when Benkendorf and Duke Alexander were preparing to have dinner together, he took the main seat of course, and even made preparations for Duke Alexander to serve him.

The results of it? The Duke of Alexander didn't have him at all. Although he didn't grab the main seat, he should eat and drink, and he would treat Benkendorf as equal.

This surprised both Benkendorf and the Russian officialdom at that time. They thought that Duke Alexander was too arrogant. Think about it, this is Duke Alexander, and he was a diplomatic ambassador back then. Even big figures like him are subject to the traditional customs of Russian officialdom. . Do you think Yerosin would take a small person like Saradov seriously?

I'm afraid Yerosin didn't pay attention to Saradov at all. In his opinion, Saradov's suggestion was offensive. It was to slap him in the face. It would be strange if he could listen!

Of course, Ye Luoxin did not want to listen to this suggestion, and there is a secondary reason, that is, money. Doesn't it cost money to set up a new contact point in Perth? For him, a master who plucks feathers, is it not convenient for Saratov to have a dime relationship with him? Would he not spend an extra dime on this? Doesn't it fragrant when the money is used to be romantic?

However, despite ignoring Saradov's repeated requests, Yerosin would still do some things, such as paying attention to the intelligence that Saradov brought. He was not surprised that the French would intervene in it, because dismantling the Holy Alliance was originally a basic national policy of France. This alliance itself was used to restrict France. The French would like it to be a hell.

Not only in France, but also in Britain. Yerosin had received news before that the British were also secretly supporting the Hungarians, but they had not caught the handle for the time being.

This time Saradorf found evidence of direct collusion between the French and Kossuth, which is definitely an important discovery. So after returning to the manor, he recruited other subordinates and asked them to find out the direct evidence of the collusion between the Earl of Perth and Cosout. It is best to find out how the French supported Cosout.

It’s just that Yerosin didn’t pay much attention to what Saradov said about Li Xiao, because Saradov also said that someone was too young, even if Kosut treated him courteously. This kid has a big background.

For this kind of national-level conspiracy, he thinks it is more reasonable to take the Earl of Perth as the head. If he is the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he will not give such a big thing to a nasty boy.

So he put the focus of the investigation on the Earl of Perth, and I have to say that sometimes empiricism really kills people!

Fortunately, Ye Luoxin is such an unqualified leader. Otherwise, Li Xiao might be exposed this time. Even if he is not fully exposed, he will be deeply impressed on the third part. In the future, relevant personnel will see him again. , It may not be possible to expose.

But Li Xiao didn't know this, because he didn't expect the third part to be so capable, so that the spies would be inserted into the National Defense Commission so quickly, and even met him by chance.

If he knew that the Kossuth National Defense Committee was like a funnel, he would have been more careful. Some things would never come out in person. Of course, this is also the reason why he is slightly swollen. After all, the road down is too smooth, making his alertness lower and lower.

"Uncle David, I beg you for matters in Hungary. I guess I can do the arms trade again, and then even if you put Jinshan in front of the Duke Mikhail, he won't do it."

Lebeuf laughed, but it was actually a surprise to be able to make another fortune. With the fall of Wallachia, this trade would not be done sooner or later. What's more, they have fished enough before, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very satisfied with his performance. There is news that he is going to raise him one and a half levels, and then he may leave Istanbul for the Balkans. Be a consul of a certain country.

Although he is already a little older, he doesn't attach much importance to official positions, but it is always good to be promoted.

"What are you going to do next? Continue to be the deputy commander?"

Lebeuf is more interested in Li Xiao's future or pays more attention to After all, the focus of attention of old people like him is already on the next generation, let alone the descendants of the benefactor?

"The chief of staff of the regiment, not the deputy head!" Li Xiao corrected with a smile, "How could my uncle let me be the deputy head of the regiment? You are too high to see his belly!"

Li Xiao's self-deprecation also made Lebeuf happy. He felt that Li Xiao's mentality was very good, and it would have exploded long ago when other people were treated so differently. But Li Xiao can still laugh at himself, which shows that his goal is very clear and he doesn't care about this little humiliation.

Those who can achieve great things must have the strength to overcome themselves. In Lebeuf's opinion, Li Xiao has already achieved this, so the future is bound to be a big deal.

"You look at me too high, I want to make it to the sky too! But that's impossible!" Li Xiao smiled and spread his hands: "So for the time being, I can only bear it, and Alexei has already become Wallachia. Governor, I can still do something over there..."

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