Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Friendship (Part 1)

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Alexei replied in a one-to-one manner: "If my recommendation is completely useless, it will not work! Your Majesty and the cabinet ministers must listen to my opinions. My role is probably to filter out a preliminary list. , And then your Majesty and they choose a suitable one from my list."

Li Xiao nodded and smiled: "That is to say, you are the judge of the preliminaries and you have decided who is eligible for the finals, right?"

Although Alexei does not understand what is meant by the preliminaries, he also understands Li Xiao's meaning in general, so he said that's what he meant.

"This is easy, it means you are still more important!" Li Xiao laughed and said, "No wonder these Wallachiians sharpened their heads to please you, although you cannot decide who can be the Grand Duke of Wallachia. , But you can decide who will not be the Grand Duke of Wallachia. This importance is leveraged!"

Alexei was dumbfounded by Li Xiao's witty remarks, because he still didn't understand what these had to do with solving Vishnyak's troubles!

"Of course it's related, it's too big!" Li Xiao replied with a smile: "After a while you will invite the Mr. Barbu Stirbei in and tell him that you can raise your hand to let him pass the preliminaries, but You have a little insignificant request that he needs to satisfy!"

Alexei stunned: "I have a request for him to meet? What request?"

"You have a friend who has been unable to earn a knighthood due to his birth problem. This time he has made great contributions to quell the rebellion in Wallachia and eliminate the rebels. Therefore, he hopes to have a decent honor. Can be granted to him..."

Alexei's eyes widened in astonishment, and he finally understood what Li Xiao was doing. Yes, it is impossible for Vishniak's merits to be an immediate marquee in Russia, and even a baron cannot be obtained. But, it's completely different in Wallachia. With the pissiness of these Wallachian traitors, it is not too easy for them to confer titles. As long as there is a chance to be a Duke, how big can this be!

"But is this a bit too shameful!" Leonid held back for a long time before vomiting.

"What's so disgraceful!" Li Xiao thought it was not a problem at all. "Vishka did make a great contribution to quelling the rebellion. Without him bravely sneaking into Wallachia, the military operations behind us could be as smooth as he. You are the hero behind the scenes!"

Alexei and Leonid opened their mouths, and finally resisted their willingness to vomit, and continued to watch someone shamelessly perform: "Can the Wallachiians say that there is no such great feat? According to me, it is more than enough to make a baron!"

According to the ideas of Alexei and Leonid, it is really not too simple to make a baronion like this, but it is a bit embarrassing to see how it feels disgraceful.

But Li Xiao didn't feel at all about it. Now let's talk about the title first! People can't be so rigid. Besides, the difference between the Baron of Wallachia and the Baron of Russia is nothing more than a proof of identity, and the rest is nothing but a fart.

For Vishniak, the most embarrassing thing is that he is not clear about his birth. He said he was from a nobleman, but he was only an illegitimate child. Isn't the name of the illegitimate child more embarrassing and embarrassing? What shame about him now that he hangs upright as a baron!

Besides, this is just a transition. With Vishnyak's ability, it may not be possible for him to be immediately sealed in the future. Let's get a baronship title in advance, and fully consolidate the half-concealed aristocratic status. In the future, it will be easier not to be noble after making a meritorious service.

This last point can be regarded as persuading Alexei and Leonid, because in Russia, the most difficult thing to do is the white body of civilian origin, followed by the half-concealed illegitimate child, but if you can skip this embarrassment, first With a respectable nobleman, it will be much easier for him to make meritorious titles later.

This time they helped Vishniak get rid of the embarrassment first, so there was a lot of worry afterwards!

Alexei thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to do this, all right, for the sake of Vishka I will share a word with these old fried dough sticks, so that they can do it conveniently!"

As soon as Alexei was about to leave, he was held down by Li Xiao: "You didn't do this!" He smiled mysteriously: "You are too straightforward if you let Vishka know. Happy. We have to be seamless, so that Vishka can't notice any strangeness. I tell you, we have to do this..."

After listening to Li Xiao's idea, Alexei had to admit that Li Xiao was more thoughtful, and operating according to what he said would indeed make Vishniak more comfortable.

What is Li Xiao's method? To put it bluntly, it's worthless. The goal of letting Alexei help Vishniak get a baron title is too obvious, and one can tell at a glance that it is famous.

Therefore, we have to be mixed up with meritorious officials like Vishniak, and come to a large wholesale at once, so that everyone else thinks that this is just the new Wallachia government in order to please the Russian masters. Just reward.

In this way, Vishniak won't feel too embarrassed when he gets the title, and there are a group of difficult brothers who accompany the domestic side to look down on them. It can even be used to please Duke Mikhail. After all, no one is too much of aristocratic title. It would be good to get a group of people to buy him!

This wave of operations really made Alexei amazed. It not only solved the troublesome troubles they faced, but also pleased Duke Mikhail and his generals. It was really high!

Li Xiao also specially reminded: "By the You have to remind the Wallachians to give Duke Mikhail a medal of the highest order in recognition of his achievements!"

Alexey naturally nodded his head again and again, thinking that someone's brain was good, and this combination of fists could not tell whether it was up and down or those in the country. It's so reasonable and seamless.

Suddenly he looked at Vishniak who was drunk and exclaimed: "Vishka is really lucky. I met a good friend like you and easily removed the big rock in his heart!"

Thinking of this, Alexei suddenly realized that it seemed that Vishniak wasn't the only one who had a good life. Boris, Leonid, and him were all a major turning point in their fate after meeting Li Xiao. Li Xiao had already helped them too much.

He glanced at Li Xiao secretly, and suddenly felt that he owed this good friend a lot, because this good friend helped them so much, but they could not help him...

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