Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Envy (Part 1)

The last sentence of the Duke of Alexander was a clear statement of Hong Guoguo, but think about it, the arms deal is originally the fastest deal with money, and it is normal for some people to be jealous. What's more, the Duke of Alexander and the Duke of Mikhail were supposed to endorse the matter and take the risk. There is no reason to take it seriously!

Li Xiao naturally understood this kind of rules, not to mention that he was never greedy, and he never thought about eating alone. The money he earns must be evenly distributed in all aspects, so that the vampire above is fully satisfied.

"Don't worry, I understand the relationship inside, and it will definitely not make the big guy busy!"

In fact, the Duke of Alexander is not short of money, and he is not particularly interested in money. The reason to remind Li Xiao is mainly because this matter is too big, and he must work hard to cover the lid tightly, but if it is to let Nico When Ra I heard a little wind, the consequences were disastrous.

Therefore, it is safe for him to block all the mouths that can be blocked, so that he won't get a lot of **** in the future!

After persuading the Duke of Alexander, Li Xiao did not dare to delay, and immediately set off for Pace to meet Vishniak and Boris, and then hurried to Transylvania, at least three or five dead on the way. A good horse, but the loss is worth it. After all, the Duke Mikhail was not convinced sooner, if the Duke silly and furiously entered Hungary, the plan would have been ruined.

However, when Li Xiao and his party arrived in Transylvania, they found that they were still complicating things. After entering December, the entire Southern Barkartes in Transylvania, including Wallachia and Moldavia, suffered heavy snowfall. This road was originally mostly mountainous and the road was almost completely frozen. It is said that Duke Mikhail’s forward troops were trapped in the area and could not move quickly.

When Li Xiao found Duke Mikhail in Arad, the admiral was furiously reprimanding his subordinates: "What are you doing for food, you haven't moved for a whole week. What do you think this is doing? Cat? Winter? We are fighting, do you understand?"

Duke Mikhail was indeed very angry. Not only his forward troops were stopped by the blizzard, but also a few riots broke out in Wallachia and Moldavia that he occupied. During the famine and Under the influence of the severe cold, the restless Wallachiians are ready to move again!

Duke Mikhail is really not interested in playing peekaboo with those Wallachiians. He just wants to quickly enter Hungary, divide the rebellious party and return to St. Petersburg to be appointed as a nobleman.

"The Duke!"

When Duke Mikhail saw Li Xiao, he was even more angry, because not long ago, his pioneer of the Hungarian reconnaissance had fought against the Hungarians. In an encounter, he learned the Hungarians. His tenaciousness was stupefied by his scout troops. And there is someone who is still selling arms to the Hungarians. Is this because they are not strong enough!

"Why did you come back! Do you want me to go to Vienna to invite you myself, Grand Duke!"

Li Xiao naturally knew that Duke Mikhail was dizzy, so he didn't care much. Instead, he replied honestly and well: "You have misunderstood. I received your order. I will rush back quickly. Several horses died on the road, this **** ghost weather, it's really a coincidence!"

Duke Mikhail's face looked a little better now, but he still asked with a calm face, "Is the situation on the road bad?"

For him, the last thing he wants to hear is that the road conditions are bad, because it means that his army will be difficult to move. Paskovic will not be left behind by Paskovic. what!

However, Li Xiao told him the bad news: "The situation is not generally bad. Most of the roads have covered more than one foot of snow, and there have been avalanches in some areas. We only came here by detour!"

Duke Mikhail's face suddenly collapsed again. He felt that his luck was so bad that he didn't go well anywhere, and he was so angry!

But Li Xiao expressed his joy to him: "Duke, this is good news! Because of the weather, I think the Hungarians will definitely relax their vigilance on you!"

Duke Mikhail didn't think it was any good, he mumbled: "How about they relax their vigilance? The problem is that our soldiers can't make it through! What's the use of this?!"

Li Xiao smiled immediately, and quickly handed over the Duke Alexander's letter, and said in a low voice, "Duke, this is naturally good news. You will understand after reading it!"

Duke Mikhail took the letter suspiciously. After reading it in a hurry, his face changed suddenly, and then he looked at it again in disbelief. Then he looked at Li Xiao with a calm face and said, "Go ahead, you kid. What kind of soup was given to Alexander, so that he agreed to be so nonsense! You are... this is playing with fire, OK!"

Li Xiao was not nervous at all, and smiled and replied: "Duke, how is this playing with fire? The current situation is that even if you want to bring troops to level Hungary right away, everything is ruined by this spooky weather. I think this is probably because God also thinks the new strategy is better, right?"

Duke Mikhail looked up at the sky still floating with heavy snow Then he looked at Li Xiao who was smiling, and after a long time he sighed helplessly and said: "The sky is failing. Hope, this can only be done now..."

Don’t look at Duke Mikhail’s reluctance, but he was not sloppy when dividing the money, and he was more active than anyone else. He agreed with Li Xiao’s plan and discussed how to divide the money. , Boris was stunned.

"Is it the same for big people?"

Vishniak sneered, and said contemptuously: "You don't know it! Don't look at these big people on the surface, but in fact they are all respectable hypocrites. This is another set. Our duke is considered good, if you see..."

Speaking of this, Vishniak paused suddenly, as if he was thinking of something particularly unhappy, his face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out the water, and he gave Boris a daze and thought he was talking. What is wrong.

"That's not true." Li Xiao probably guessed the reason Vishniak's mood deteriorated, but it was related to his family, which was not easy to discuss openly, so he changed the topic directly: "Right, Bowie Ya, Duke Mikhail asked me to bring you a message and ask you if you plan to get married. He plans to be a matchmaker for you!

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