Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 655: concession

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For the Duke of Alexander, if Schwarzenberg was so honest earlier, he wouldn't embarrass the other party so much. Although the conditions were the same, the technique would be much gentler.

So he replied indifferently: "Prime Minister, don't you be so resistant! Actually, I am doing this for you and Austria. The Croats are too strong now, and they will be a bit overwhelmed in the future. There must be a force that can check them, otherwise the future will be expensive. I am afraid the country will never have peace!"

Schwarzenberg's heart moved, but he was not fooled, but replied bitterly: "You don't have to instigate the separation! It's useless!"

Duke Alexander laughed and said: "How is it to instigate discord? I am completely from your country's standpoint to help you consider! Please think about it, even if the Hungarian rebellion is quelled, the bigger Hungary will inevitably be a renunciation. What trouble can it cause. Then Croatia is still a big deal. Once they and Hungary are in trouble, what do you think the future will look like?"

In fact, without the Duke Alexander’s reminder, Schwarzenberg is also full of vigilance towards Croatia and Jeracic, because any place with a high degree of autonomy represents renunciation, and it must not be taken lightly.

This revolution was extinguished. In this revolution, Croatia and Hungary became enemies, but can you guarantee that they will be like this next time?

But Schwarzenberg doesn't think the Serbs are much better than the Croats and Hungarians. They are also anti-skeletons, but this anti-skeletal kid is weaker.

The Duke of Alexander slapped his face and laughed: "It is precisely because the Serbs are relatively weak that they are worthy of use. Treating more with less is the best way to ensure stability!"

These words made Schwarzenberg's heart tempted. In all fairness, Duke Alexander's words still make sense. Support the weak side and suppress the strong side, so that neither side can get out of control. However, Schwarzenberg never believed that Duke Alexander was so kind. He always felt that the other party was a smiling tiger. This trick is probably to hide a knife in a smile!

However, he is still willing to hear what the other party wants: "But now we can't openly pull sideways!"

Duke Alexander smiled and said: "I did not let you openly sidestep! I just asked you to defend the legal rights of the Serbs. If you feel that there is no way to deal with the Croatians tough, it doesn’t matter. I can accept you from another Give reasonable subsidies to the poor Serbs!"

Schwarzenberg immediately replied: "We are now in a tight treasury and don't have that much money!"

At this time, Duke Alexander laughed and said: "Why pay from the treasury? And I have no intention of forcing you to pay for the recklessness of the Croatians with the tax of Austrian citizens!"

Now Schwarzenberg is inexplicable, because he doesn't know who paid the last bill, and he doesn't believe there is such a fool.

The Duke of Alexander laughed again and said: "After all, this turmoil was caused by the Hungarians. Without their rebellion, things would not have been the case. So I think the Hungarians must pay for it, and they should pay for it. !"

Schwarzenberg was stunned, because he never thought about making Hungary pay for it all. But after being reminded by the Duke of Alexander, he suddenly found that all this was so reasonable and logical.

These **** Hungarians are the culprits who made everything uncontrollable. After suppressing their rebellion, they should indeed be cleaned up. It is a reasonable choice to confiscate the rebellious party's property or even put it to death.

In this way, there will inevitably be a lot of "land without owners" in Hungary, and it is naturally reasonable to reward the Serbian attacking dog who has made great contributions to calm judgment...

Suddenly Schwarzenberg opened his mouth, and he finally knew what to do with Serbia's troublesome trouble. It is entirely possible to agree to give them reasonable compensation, and the Hungarian rebels are responsible for paying for this!

I just want it! Just do it!

Schwarzenberg suddenly took a look at Duke Alexander a little bit of admiration. Don't even mention that people's brains are flexible. Why don't the idiots under his men have such brains? Does drinking vodka help inspire thinking?

Of course, Schwarzenberg is not unaware of the hidden problems of this method. Obviously, the Hungarians and the Serbs are about to forge feuds, and the two groups will never have peace. But what does this have to do with Schwarzenberg?

For politicians, as long as they can survive the current crisis, how can the flash floods break out in the future? What's more, even if there are flash floods, the Hungarians and Serbs will be the first to be unlucky. It is no problem for Austria to control the barbarian!

Even Schwarzenberg is ready to follow the same method to those Croats who come to Vienna to appeal, and use Hungarian wealth to send them away. When the time comes, the Hungarians, Serbs and Croats will cook into a pot of porridge, it is not so lively!

In fact, only by looking at Schwarzenberg’s expression, Duke Alexander knew what he wanted to do, but this was actually what he liked to see. The fundamental purpose of Li Xiao’s idea was not only to instigate the contradiction between the Croats and the Serbs, but also Packing the Hungarians together and letting these three companies become a group is fun!

Just imagine, when the future Hungary becomes the same state as the future Israel and Palestine, where can the Austrians get better? How cruel Schwarzenberg pitted the Hungarians at this time, the Austrians will pay for it in the future.

The Duke of Alexander smiled and asked: "Now, Prime Minister of UU Reading, can you make a guarantee to effectively protect the legal rights of the Serbs?"

The corner of Schwarzenberg's mouth twitched twice. He heard what Duke Alexander meant. The other party wanted to see the truth in black and white, but for him, he really didn't want to sign such a thing. After all, verbal things are not necessary. Accepted, but the cost of not recognizing in black and white is much higher!

He glanced at the Duke of Alexandria, and his expression had clearly told him that there was no room for negotiation and he could only sign.

" is possible, but..." Schwarzenberg thought for a while, and decided to fight for himself: "But can this agreement not be announced for the time being, or it is simply a secret between our two countries? What?"

The Duke of Alexander told him with a smile: "The secret agreement is not desirable. After all, I still have to explain it to the Emperor of our country, but it's okay not to announce it temporarily..."

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