Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 638: The trouble is coming

   Control the rhythm. This is simple to say but not easy to do, especially when you are facing a group of official churros. You think that Duke Alexander Gorchakov does not want to control the rhythm, but simply cannot do it.

   When all of your people do not follow the instructions, especially when your immediate boss is still guarding these bastards, you will find that things are really difficult. Not only did you become a lonely person in the air, but you were the one who carried everything up after they messed up. If you don't understand this taste, it's really hard to describe the sourness! The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   "The worst thing is that I can't replace them!" Duke Alexander vomited angrily: "Even if they do something wrong!"

   This situation is worse than Li Xiao estimated, because it is not just a question of Neschel Rodie and Duke Alexander's troubles, but Nicholas I is also in trouble!

   Why do you say that? Because without the acquiescence and connivance of Nicholas I, even if Neschel Rodi was the prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, he would not dare to let his subordinates be so rampant. Only when Nicholas I acquiesced, he dared to do whatever he wanted.

   In other words, the emperor and the prime minister have reached an agreement on the matter of letting the Duke Alexander deflate, and it is completely impossible to resist through formal channels.

   Then the question is, why did Nicholas I condone Neschel Rody? What good is this for him?

   It seems to the general public that this is a neurosis, which is of no benefit at all. But Nicholas I was not an ordinary person, he was the czar, and his angle of thinking about issues was never an ordinary angle. As I said before, Nicholas I was an emperor who was very good at balancing. He would not let his subjects dominate his family, he would always divide and rule.

He had supported the Duke of Alexander several times before, and each time he let Neschel Rodie come home. According to the reaction of the Duke of Aldorf, the ruling and the people were already arguing about whether Neschel Rodie could secure the position of prime minister. Many ministers thought that he was going to fall soon.

As Duke Mikhail Gorchakov once again got mixed up in Wallachia and Moldavia, the ruling and opposition parties generally believed that Duke Alexander was likely to replace Neschel Roddi as the next prime minister. , So there were a large number of slogans preparing to move closer to the Gorchakov family in advance, including a large number of former supporters of Nesher Rody.

This phenomenon is not a good thing for Nicholas I. He has no idea of ​​changing the prime minister for the time being. Although Neschel Rodyz disagrees with him on some matters, the Prime Minister of Neschel Rodyz is temporarily. The best choice is to balance all forces and not let any one dominate.

  Although Nicholas I supported Duke Alexander’s opinion on the Austrian issue, he did not necessarily make him particularly happy. For Nicholas I, who was particularly "nostalgic" and liked to maintain "tradition", the existence of the Holy League was of special significance. Although he claimed that the fire had robbed Austria, it did not mean that he was ready to abandon this alliance.

   So beating the Duke of Alexander on some insignificant things, and temporarily preventing him from doing more things in Austria, can be regarded as an explanation to the Austrian friends.

I have to say that Nicholas I’s measurement is accurate. His set can alleviate Neschel Rodie’s precarious position so that the interested people of the ruling and the opposition can be a little safer and able to beat the Duke of Alexander without leaving a trace. Let the Duke not give birth to the idea of ​​taking credit for pride, so that the two brothers will not be able to lose their tails and even give Austria an explanation and ease the tension between the two countries.

   It can be said that Nicholas I's methods are quite good, at least much better than Prince Alexander and Grand Duke Constantine.

   Anyway, Li Xiao couldn't help but smile wryly after thinking about the meaning. He never expected that Nicholas I would stand up and make trouble. He immediately tilted the balance of power towards Neschel Rodi, which made people a little bit helpless!

   Seeing Li Xiao's face, the Duke of Alexander gave a wry smile and asked, "You thought about it too, didn't you?"

Before Li Xiao nodded silently, he was actually a little surprised that the Duke of Alexander wouldn't be able to deal with a few thorns and bureaucrats. Now that I think about it, it is really no way. Who made this group of goods stand behind not only the prime minister but also The emperor!

   "What are your thoughts?" Li Xiao asked in a low voice.

   The Duke Alexander asked back: "What do you think?"

   Li Xiao's voice was low and low: "Stop here, or continue..."

   The Duke of Alexander smiled. He knew that someone was a temptation, because if he really wanted to stop there, there was no need to write someone to ask someone to come and help. Someone is testing his bottom line, or asking him to what extent he is willing to do But Duke Alexander can also understand that after all, the situation is completely different now. In the past, Austria was meant to do things. An upright and open plan. And now Nicholas I has implicitly stated that he no longer wants to engage in Austria. When they put their hands on them, they would blatantly resist the decree and make small moves.

   The risk of doing this is particularly great. If you can't make it irritated by Nicholas I, it will be over. Naturally, Li Xiao must figure out the attitude of the Duke of Alexander and know to what extent he wants to get it.

  If the Duke Alexander is a bit ambiguous, then he will naturally not succumb to death. Although he has already pulled the hatred from Nicholas I, there is no need to help the Duke Alexander out of nothing.

The Duke of Alexander looked at Li Xiao seriously and replied solemnly: "I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all. It is a shame not to make full use of it!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~ ⒏~1zщ.còм

   Li Xiao understood immediately. The Duke of Alexander didn't mean to stop. Thinking about it, this opportunity is indeed a rare opportunity. It is a pity to miss it. Of course, Li Xiao also knew that the reason why the Duke Alexander was so active did not mean to say no to Neschel Rodie.

   These two people are old friends, they dislike each other, and they both suffocated each other to death. Before that, Neschel Rodie relied on Nicholas I's favor and the position of Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to rub the Duke Alexander on the ground. The Duke of Alexander finally had the opportunity to fight a turnaround. How could it be possible to accept it when he sees it? This time he has to let Neschel Rodie lose face and settle the old account with him!

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