Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Speak in detail (continued)

   For Nicholas I, the biggest question for his subjects was not whether he supported the reform, but his attitude towards the emperor and whether he was obedient and able to solve practical problems for the emperor. Even if you support reform, as long as you are not clamoring to kill the emperor's family or simply destroy the emperor's power, and you have some ability to do something, it is not completely useless for Nicholas I.

  For example, the old Earl of Speransky and Alexei, the father and son were both hard-core reformers, but Nicholas I can still use them, just use them with care, anyway to ensure safety, use them with confidence.

   Naturally, the prince Alexander did not have to draw a clear line from the reformists and never interact with each other forever. That is completely unnecessary. Intimacy without being excessive is nothing to Nicholas I. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

After thinking about this, Prince Alexander was a little eager to try it. As Dmitry Miliuting said, he actually hoped to show Duke Constantine a little bit of color. It must be cool to dig the foot of the wall blatantly!

   What's more, Prince Alexander is really a bit impatient with the conservatives. These guys are too old. They all look like unearthed artifacts and Prince Alexander has no topic at all. He still deals with young people who are willing to be of the same age, and the reformists are the vast majority of young people. After all, only those aristocratic young people who have not been beaten by life like innovation. The old men have been educated and obedient, even if they like reform in their hearts, but their lips are tight!

   "Your suggestion is really thought-provoking! Why haven't I found that you are particularly good at making suggestions before!"

   Crown Prince Alexander was happy, patted Dmitry Miluting's shoulder with excitement, and screamed happily. But Dmitry Miluting was vomiting in his heart: "That's because you were not interested in listening to me before. You only see Duke Baryatinski!"

   It’s not to blame Dmitry Miluting for spitting, Prince Alexander really likes Duke Baryatinski so much, which leaves other courtiers around him with no room to play. The crown prince and Baryatinski simply cannot penetrate the needle and the water cannot be splashed. How can you let others advise you? Because you are not interested in listening!ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   This also made Dmitry Miluting more and more admire the far-sightedness of Count Rostovtsev. If it weren't for his trick to get Baryatinsky away from the crown prince, he still could only stare.

"Earl Speransky," and Prince Alexander hadn't noticed Dmitry Milutin's thoughts at all. He was now full of thoughts about how to befriend Alexei, only to hear him mumble: "Damn it, It seems that Leonid and him are good friends, how could I forget Leonid, this guy is always not by your side when you need him! Damn!"

   Crown Prince Alexander had never hated his indiscretion so much. He had a very close relationship with Leonid before. Leonid was almost the only one who looked forward to him, and he was almost loyal to him. But last time the relationship was almost broken because of a **** thing, and now this key little partner is not by his side, making him lose the way to make friends with Alexei for nothing.

   Crown Prince Alexander murmured, "It's all the bane of the bastard, what a damn!"

All this is naturally not hidden from Dmitry Milutin’s ears, but he automatically pretended not to hear even if he felt that the fundamental problem was with Prince Alexander himself, and from the situation in Wallachia, the so-called so-called The **** is actually quite capable. In this regard, Prince Alexander is a bit self-respecting, but Leonid is still a bit judicious.

   "Do you think I am writing to Leonid now a little bit abrupt?"

  Although he was still spitting out Crown Prince Alexander in his heart, Dmitry Miluting said: "There is no highness at all. It is normal for you to care about greeting your friends, after all, Admiral Leonid is at war!"

Prince Alexander was very satisfied with this answer. He felt that even if it was a bit abrupt, it didn’t matter. After all, he was the crown prince and had too many things to worry about. How could he revolve around one or two people? Enough friends!

   He believed that Leonid would not care and should be grateful for his concern, so immediately he had no psychological burden and naturally asked Leonid to introduce Alexei to him. He also called it a friend of Leonid.

   This is the way monarchs think. They are used to everything revolving around themselves, they are used to being the center of the world, and they are used to thinking that everything must be transferred by their own will.

I have to say that Nicholas I’s education was extremely successful in this regard. Even though Crown Prince Alexander is not as cowardly as him on the surface, it is only natural that he is as self-righteous as him in his Anyway, it is justified to take shamelessness for granted. This family can do it. Anyway, after Leonid, who was studying new tactics and new tactics in Wallachia, received this somewhat sudden letter, it was a bit strange to wonder why Prince Alexander, who had always been insensitive to reformers, suddenly responded to Allier. Keshe was interested.

   It’s just that Prince Alexander would never have thought of how direct Leonid was. It is said that ordinary people will honestly do a good job of matchmaking behind the scenes after receiving such a letter, and slowly introduce Alexei to Prince Alexander.

   But Leonid was completely different. After receiving the letter, he went straight to Alexei and told Alexei that Prince Alexander was very interested in him...

   "Why is the crown prince suddenly interested in me?"

   If Alexei encountered such a good thing a few months ago, he would be happy in his heart, thinking about how to repay Prince Alexander for his kindness. But now that he has experienced so many things, especially after having been in contact with Lao Yinbi Li Xiao for so long, although he is happy, he is more confused.

Because Prince Alexander had no interest in him before, even if his relationship with Leonid was irresistible, Leonid also matched up and tried to introduce him to the crown prince, but Crown Prince Alexander was always cold and ignored him. Look like.

   And this time, his attitude has changed drastically. If you say that there is no tricky inside, he will absolutely not believe it. He thinks that he has to figure out the reasons first, and then he can decide how to contact Prince Alexander...

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