Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 629: Weirder (on)

Neridova’s estimate is very accurate. Nicholas I thought that by raising the requirements he would frighten Adlerberg and his sons, but this was really just wishful thinking, because for the elite bureaucrats the way to deal with their superiors was really too much.

   Even if the superior Nicholas I is so high, even if the risk to deal with him is a bit high. But relative to the benefits that can be gained by becoming the Governor of Wallachia, this is really nothing.

After hearing the wind released by Nicholas I, the elder Adlerberg said to his son with disdain: "What's the difficulty of increasing taxes a little bit? If Wallachia doesn't even have this bit of oil and water, then it's still What's the point?"

The meaning of    old fox is very simple. Nicholas I’s requirements are indeed a bit high, but if they are great, just scrape the ground! Even if you scrape the ground three feet to let the people of Wallachia eat all the chaff, what about the officials?

Anyway, they are not the ones who eat the chaffy vegetables. Anyway, the oil and water that should be fished will not be less than them. Anyway, it is impossible to be the governor of Wallachia for a lifetime. After a few years of plating, he will return to the central government. , That's what the next Governor of Wallachia should wipe.

   For pure bureaucrats, the most feared thing is the so-called KPI. They have another 10,000 ways to make their performance beautiful, as long as they can get promoted and get rich.

"After you go to Wallachia, not only do you have to complete the tasks assigned by your majesty, you also have to do it beautifully. It doesn't matter if you receive a little less filial piety... This is the most critical step for you, to be more beautiful, so that the road ahead It's easy to go!"

   Seeing what the old Adlerberg meant, the position of the Governor of Wallachia is already in their family's pocket. The reason is also simple. With the support of Prince Alexander and not being intimidated by the so-called KPIs, then who can stand in the way of Adlerberg? First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Now the old fox is more worried that his son pays too much attention to making money and does not make his performance beautiful. This is because of small losses, so he has to explain a few words in particular.

   Little Adlerberg is also proud of his face, very high-spirited. Before, the ruling and unsuccessful ministers were more optimistic about Alexei. In the end, it was not that he had the last laugh. Think about that Alexei is pitiful enough, so he took the risk and went to Wallachia to be born and busy, and it didn’t depend on the relationship in the end! First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   The father and son of the fox are a little proud, and they feel that things are very stable and there will be no changes. Especially the old Adlerberg. When he met Peter Volkonski when he was going to the palace as an errand, he almost didn’t put his pride and arrogance on his face, as if to say: "Old stuff, you are not with me Did you do it right? Lao Tzu had the last laugh."

Is Peter Volkonsky really mad at this guy? I found Count Rostovtsev in private and vomited: "Your method didn't work at all! That **** is getting more and more proud? The deputy decided my posture, and it was so annoying! Didn't you say that his son had nothing to do? It's not like this now!"

Count Rostovtsev smiled? Calmly replied: "My old friend, come to sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down? It's not economical to be angry with that kind of villain. Besides, has your majesty's appointment come down? How do you know that the Governor of Wallachia belongs to his family?"

   Peter Volkonsky was in a hurry? Anxiously, he grumbled: "Don't you know? It's spread now? Your method didn't scare them at all, no accident..."

Count Rostovtsev patted the back of the old man's hand and comforted: "No accident, that location must not belong to his house? Let him be happy for two days? After a while, the results will come out. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable for you to watch the jokes? ?"

   Peter Volkonsky looked suspiciously at Count Rostovtsev, his face was full of distrust, before he said for a long time: "Are you sure?"

   Count Rostovtsev laughed and said, "Have I ever deceived you? Just watch it patiently. Some jokes make you happy!"

Even the Count of Rostovtsev repeatedly promised? Peter Volkonsky also left in disbelief, because he did not see the possibility of a comeback? But the development of things is so interesting, and everyone thinks that there is no When possible? Things just turned against the trend!

In the new round of the Imperial Conference, when Nicholas I explained his KPI requirements? When the young Adlerberg confidently rushed to the first to guarantee the completion of the task? When the old Adlerberg was triumphant Looking at Peter Volkonsky and laughing? When Nicholas I cast his eyebrows silent, a voice overturned everything.

I saw Crown Prince Alexander calmly said to Nicholas I: "Father, if you want to ask my opinion, Mr. Sasha Adlerberg and Count Alexei Speransky are suitable candidates. Choose any one of them to be competent for the position of Governor of Wallachia... But if you ask me to consider all aspects, it is still more suitable for Count Alexei him More familiar with the situation in Wallachia, easier to work..."

   Not to mention that the old Adlerberg’s eyes fell off. Even with Nicholas I, he looked like a ghost. No one thought that Prince Alexander would suddenly change his banner at the last moment!

   What the **** is this? what's going on?

   There was a dead silence in the conference room. Menshkov and Chernyshov looked at Crown Prince Alexander in confusion, not understanding how the little master suddenly changed his mind. Even Archduke Constantine opened his mouth wide in astonishment, looking at his brother in a daze.

  For a long time, or Nicholas I broke the silence first, he asked: "Do you really think so?"

To say that the most puzzling now except the old Adlerberg is Nicholas I. As a father, he knows his son. Since the old Adlerberg and others have tried to recommend the young Adlerberg, There must be the approval of Prince Alexander

   At this moment, he suddenly changed his mind. What happened? Is this cowardly son's old problem committed again?

   I am most dissatisfied with Prince Alexander’s cowardly Nicholas I. Even my brother who loves his own cannot compromise and let him forget his duty as a crown prince. This is that there is no principle, that is, it is not trustworthy, and it is not like a master!

At this moment, Nicholas I once again suspected that Prince Alexander was a culprit, so his face was very ugly. He would rather use Little Adlerberg against his will than his crown prince to love himself weakly. Brother, this is absolutely intolerable!

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