Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Who is the Governor (Part 1)

As the saying goes, there is no first in the literature and no second in the military. If Duke Mikhail is the first general in the country and the first person, then will he have to overtake Paskovic, Chernyshov and others !

Especially Paskovic, who is now in direct competition with Duke Mikhail, how can his younger brothers and supporters tolerate it?

Neschel Rodie immediately saw Chernyshov’s face changed, and Menshkov also had a calm face. Obviously these big guys didn’t like such wording, and they didn’t want to stand aside. Watching Duke Mikhail step on their heads to the top.

So Chernyshov soon expressed his concern: "Duke Mikhail did a good job and hit the arrogance of the Turks a heavy blow... But the technique was still a little reckless, fortunately it scared the Turks, otherwise Once a full-scale conflict is triggered, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for us!"

As if to prove that he was not maliciously slandering, but for his own sake, Chernyshov pointed and analyzed on the map: "We have deployed more than 200,000 troops in Wallachia and Moldavia, and in Ukraine Almost 300,000 troops have been deployed, and there will be preparations for military operations in the diplomatic Caucasus. The most conservative estimate also requires 100,000."

"Almost all of our forces have been distributed in the above-mentioned areas. Once the conflict with Turkey triggers a full-scale war, we will need about 200,000 people to resolve the Turks alone. We do not even rule out the possibility of British and French interference. The troops are even more stretched..."

The smile on the face of Nicholas I, who was very happy just now, quickly disappeared. He Su Rian was so happy but not so stupid that he didn’t know the heights and heights of the sky. Now there are too many Russian interventions, and they have reached their limit.

If at this time an all-out war broke out between the Balkan powder keg and Turkey due to a small incident, the consequences would be extremely serious!

Seeing Nicholas I’s face changed, Menshkov immediately followed up: “According to the latest information we received, the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet is frequently active in the Aegean Sea, and their activities in the Baltic Sea have also greatly increased. It is not ruled out that this is a demonstration!"

Although Menshkov did not mention Duke Mikhail in a word, anyone with a discerning eye knew what he meant by his remarks. This obviously echoed Chernyshov's eyedropping on Duke Mikhail!

At this time, Nicholas I’s joy had disappeared. He began to re-examine the Turkish protests, and he was probably murmured in his heart.

And all of this was completely within Neschel Rodie's expectation. He knew that the army had torn down the group of eight guilds, and if the group of sand sculptures were more united, it would not be his turn to hold the position of prime minister for twenty years.

Of course, he also knew that the fire was not enough, and he had to add a scoop of oil to make the fire more vigorous!

Suddenly he was a bit outrageous to teach Chernyshov and Menshkov: "I think this is excessive worry, it is unreasonable worry, the Turks are just a group of counselors, and they dare not go to war with us. As for Britain and France If they really wanted to open their eyes for Turkey, they would have done it a long time ago. As for the wait until today?"

Neschel Rodi sighed earnestly: "I think our frontline generals should learn from Duke Mikhail, be as active as him, be able to proactively analyze the pros and cons, and then take decisive measures You have to suffer from the fate of your foreign monarch, so you can seize the opportunity!"

When he said these words, Neschel Rodie was actually so happy in his heart because he knew the power of his words. Listening to Nicholas I’s temper, he would definitely be furious. Maybe he would immediately dismiss Duke Mikhail on the spot. If he stepped back, even if he was not dismissed on the spot, it would definitely be remembered in my heart. The last one will be accepted by Duke Mikhail.

So what is the point of Neschel Rodie's words? It sounds like a good thing!

Indeed, most people sounded that it was okay, and felt that Neschel Rodie was defending Duke Mikhail, but it was actually so bad!

What did Nicholas I hate most? The most annoying thing is that the soldier is not obedient, and does not follow his command. In his opinion, if the soldiers are really going to suffer from the fate of the foreign monarch, then he will be the czar.

Learning from the experience of ancestors, especially after the lessons of the December uprising, Nicholas I used the soldiers on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was very strict. Only soldiers who are obedient and consistent with his three views can be appointed. As long as there is the slightest sign of disorganization, discipline and disobedience, he will definitely take it down!

And listen to how Nesher Rodie said good things to Duke Mikhail just now. That sentence is to force Duke Mikhail on the road to absolutes, OK? UU Reading www. How can say good things? It's simply killing people without seeing blood, OK!

Fortunately, Duke Mikhail was not alone in the dynasty. He also had a small partner. After listening to Neschel Rodie’s words, the Duke of Aldorf, who had never spoken a word, immediately woke up without hesitation. Helped a wave of counterattack:

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, what do you mean by these words? How do I feel that they are not good words, and are suspected of instigating discord! You said that Duke Mikhail was acting on his own accord against Turkey, and that he would be unwilling to do so by his foreign king! We all know that Duke Mikhail has clarified his proposition to His Majesty before taking action, and also explained the risks and countermeasures."

The Duke of Aldorf suddenly aggravated his tone and asked: "Where is this self-assertion? You deliberately reverse the black and white and tell the truth, what is your intention!"

The Duke of Aldorf was not at all polite, and only such an unobtrusive frontal could make Neschel Rodie speechless. Those who play the shade are most afraid of everything being exposed to the sun. When the Duke of Aldorf tells the matter, his conspiracy is naturally invisible!

Nicholas I's face changed again. Although it was still covered with dark clouds, everyone could see who the dark clouds were directed at, and he was very dissatisfied with Neschel Rodie. It's just that he didn't go directly to Neschelro to settle the account, and he didn't say much, but went directly to the next topic:

"Bucharest has been regained, and the end of Wallachia’s rebels is not far away. It can be foreseen that the order of Wallachia will return to normal soon. In view of the previous lessons, it is necessary to be in Wallachia. Do you have any recommendations for stationing an army and sending a governor?"

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