Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 621: Think carefully

Duke Mikhail agreed to Lazarev and Alexei's request even reluctantly, and called Leonid and Li Xiao over. Of course, the former was just a make up. Everyone knew it was too straightforward. Brother Sage is very difficult to analyze.

It's just that Duke Mikhail still gave his nephew a lot of face: "Leonid, what do you mean by Wallachian?"

To be honest, Leonid was also a little confused, because he put all his mind on the study of new tactics. The more he studied, the more interesting he found new tactics! Anyway, the door to the new world was opened, which is an excitement!

So when he was suddenly asked about something completely irrelevant, he was really a little dazed, and he didn't understand why he was asked this question.

Honestly, he directly replied: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry, but I have no idea about this. I can't answer this question!"

Although Duke Mikhail was prepared to know that his nephew would not give an answer, Leonid’s answer was so direct that he was a little uncomfortable. He immediately criticized him: "How come there is no way to answer? Don’t you have any ideas! I’m so disappointed!"

Leonid was a bit unhappy to be criticized inexplicably, but after all, the opponent is the commander-in-chief and his uncle, so even if he is a little bit uncomfortable, he can only hold back and replied dullly: "I have been Delving into new tactics, you don’t allow my troops to fight on the front line. I don’t know anything about the situation on the front line. How can I make false claims?"

If only this paragraph is not a big problem, Duke Mikhail would be happy, after all, Leonid gave him a reason for not knowing, he can get off the donkey on this Poe, just mention Leonid. Two sentences passed.

But Leonid is a straight boy! After he said this, he was afraid that Duke Mikhail valued this question and urgently needed an answer, so he pushed Li Xiao out: "Your Excellency has always been sharp. He may have opinions on this question. You might as well consult Your Excellency. Comment!"

These words almost didn't anger Duke Mikhail. He just didn't want Leonid to appear to be a head lower than Li Xiao and did this deliberately. Who would have thought that this nephew would not understand his pains at all, but directly helped When the opponent speaks, is there a problem in his mind?

But whoever made Leonid's heart outspoken and quickly made Duke Mikhail stop him too late. At this time, even if he was tens of thousands of upsets, there was no way he could break out, and he could only say dullly: "Your Excellency, since Leonie De praises you so much, just talk about it!"

In fact, Li Xiao had been observing the expressions of everyone, so Duke Mikhail's little thoughts couldn't be concealed from him. He knew that the Duke didn't want him to show up in public. Of course, this is understandable, and the Duke’s methods are already very gentle. Switching to Nicholas I’s family or Menshkov’s kind of goods directly shuts up his mouth without giving him a chance to speak. .

So, I have to understand it a lot, not to mention that Leonid is really a straightforward person and recommended him directly. This is a lovely feeling!

Li Xiao immediately replied humbly: "The commander is modest. If it weren't because he was busy researching tactics during this period, and didn't pay much attention to the situation on the front line, the movements of the Wallachians would be nothing to him. I also have a lot of time, I have time to think about it, and my idea is not necessarily right. Please understand if there is something wrong."

Duke Mikhail glared at Leonid without leaving a trace, as if he meant to say: "Look at people, and then you!"

However, Leonid did not realize it, because he was a real person. He just likes to talk about things. If you study new tactics, you will study new tactics wholeheartedly. If you want to explore the meaning of Wallachian actions, then you can honestly discuss it. , As for the others, he has no interest at all.

"The actions of the Wallachians are very strange, very unreasonable, at least not in line with the most basic military common sense." Li Xiao said calmly, "So I think if you explore the answer to this question from a military perspective , It may be inconclusive. Because they probably did not make this decision from a military perspective!"

Lazarev and Yermolov immediately lit up, while Duke Mikhail and Alexei fell into contemplation. As for Leonid, he was still confused because he didn't understand Li Xiao. What are you talking about? I don’t understand why I don’t explore the answer to this question from a military perspective.

Li Xiao continued: "I personally think that the Wallachian, or simply say that Kuza, who adopted such strange tactics, is probably not for military service, but for political service, otherwise everything will not make sense. !"

"If you think about it from a political point of people of Wallachia break through the siege, it would be better to explain!"

Li Xiao said that the more he spoke, the more confident he became. Whether it was Duke Mikhail or Lazarev and others, he left with his thoughts.

"From a political point of view, regardless of the actual effect of the breakout last night, the leader of the Wallachian rebels can announce to the outside world: After a desperate battle, after causing heavy casualties to the Russian army, the great Wallachian The National Self-Defense Forces of Asia have already been surrounded and successfully moved to a safe area! In the future, they will continue to fight until they win the final victory!"

Duke Mikhail frowned. It was obvious that this terrible propaganda Wallachiians could really do it, because it was politically effective.

But Leonid and Alexei, who were a little slower in political sense, couldn't keep up. They said one by one, "No, we wiped out most of them last night, and only a few fish that slipped through the net escaped!"

Another said: "What is the point of such propaganda? Even if you continue to fight according to what they call propaganda, what is the effect?"

Li Xiao did not explain it out loud, because Duke Mikhail had already thought of it. Without him speaking, the Duke would also educate Leonid, a foolish nephew, to know what politics is.

"Of course we know that there are only a few fish that have slipped through the net, but other countries in the world sympathize with and support those Wallachian rebels and don’t know! The more Wallachiians boast, the more those who sympathize and support them will The more you value it, the more you will continue to support them. This is the most important thing for those rebels!"

After a while, Duke Mikhail said again: "What's more, blowing the snails can cause trouble for me and make your majesty unhappy. These **** are really vicious!"

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