Struggle in Russia

Vol 2 Chapter 616: Li Xiao's Reform Strategy (Part 2)

Alexei scratched his head, because he had never thought about these problems. Whether it was his father or him, he had the same view on the liberation of serfs, that is, it would be over after liberation. How, I really didn't think much about it.

Their templates and formulas for this matter are fixed, and they have never thought that people are not boring data. It is impossible to follow your template for everything. In terms of the redemption cost, 100 rubles may not be much for the nobles, but for the serfs who can only rely on the sky for food and the production technology and production conditions are single and backward, it is difficult to go to the sky.

There will be natural disasters, and even people who eat whole grains will not get sick. A disease can destroy a family. What's more, the seemingly reasonable redemption fee of 100 rubles is nonsense in Li Xiao's eyes!

It is 100 rubles for young people in their 20s and 30s, and is it 100 rubles for children in the ages of teenagers and seniors?

After talking about people, let's talk about land. Some of the land is fertile and some are barren. With the urinary nature of the serf owner, he will certainly not be willing to give up the most fertile land. In this way, the land allocated to the serfs may not be optimistic. After a year of hard work, it is probably just a matter of food and clothing. What do people pay for?

The most ridiculous thing is that Alexei and others have never thought about what to do if the serfs can’t change their accounts. Will deprivation of liberty be a punishment for serfs or something else?

If liberty is deprived, then the serfdom system will not be eliminated, but will only continue to exist in another form and way. Moreover, with the spirit of those old and cunning serf owners, with this excuse, there are a hundred ways to turn farmers into serfs again. What is the point of this?

This series of questions made Alexei feel dizzy. He found that he really didn't think too much and it was too simple. Li Xiao could not solve two of them. He was very frustrated and a little depressed for a while.

"So what I said about the redemption policy to liberate serfs is nonsense. There should not be too many pits and problems. The most important thing is that serfs can't spend so much money! If you want to solve the serf problem, you can't use this set of methods. !"

Alexei asked humbly: "Then what do you think should be done?"

Li Xiao replied: "My method is definitely problematic. Let's discuss and study together! I think that first of all, we must eliminate the serf system fundamentally. First, we must restore the free body of serfs for free. There is no need to redeem freedom. And freedom! This is especially critical!"

Alexei opened his mouth and said, "I can understand, but those serf owners will definitely not do it. They think this is a robbing of their private property!"

Li Xiao replied solemnly: "This is to **** their private property! In my opinion, people are born free and never become slaves! Even if you don't mention this, those serfs who served them for generations would have paid off long ago. The cost of redemption! These iron roosters still want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Where is such a good thing!"

Alexei thought for a while, but he agreed with Li Xiao's thoughts, but he always felt that there would be great resistance to doing so, and felt that the serf owners would rebel.

Li Xiao laughed and said, "That's why I let you do it in Wallachia! As long as there is a serf owner who is not honest, we have a hundred ways to deal with him!"

Alexei was a little bit dumbfounded at once, wondering whether he should praise someone for his foresight, or complain about someone's bullying and fear of hardship.

However, he still has objections: "Even so, if the serf owners in Wallachia resist too fiercely, your Majesty will not be happy if he knows it?"

In fact, you can completely remove the "bar". With Nicholas I's face-saving personality, he will definitely not be happy, but Li Xiao's "Bullying the soft and fearing the hard" is also a strategy. He smiled and replied: "That's why I let you make profit. To those diehards in the country, with their help, there is no need to worry about this!

Alexei became more and more confused, and asked directly: "How do you operate your so-called concession?"

Li Xiao did not answer this question directly. Instead, he asked: "Don't worry, let me ask you first, who is in control of the land of Wallachia?"

Alexei probably understood what Li Xiao wanted to say, but he was not completely sure, so he could only answer honestly: "Except for half of them are controlled by noble landlords, about one third of them are in the hands of the church. The rest is basically in the hands of wealthy businessmen and ordinary landlords..."

Li Xiao nodded, because Alexei's answer was similar to what he knew, he slowly said, "That is to say, about 90 of the land is monopolized by the church and nobles, right?"

Before Alexei could answer, Li Xiao said to himself: "If you want to liberate the, you will inevitably use knives against those who control most of the land...but how Knives are also exquisite!"

Alexei immediately opened his eyes and pricked his ears to listen, and Li Xiao did not continue to sell Guanzi: "The church occupies about one-third of the land. These fake monks are temporarily unable to move, so I can only let them go first! "

Alexei also understood the reason for not moving the church, because Nicholas I and his family were mad believers, and they always regarded themselves as guardians of the Orthodox Church, and they would not hesitate to turn their faces with France in Jerusalem for their faith. If you confiscate the church’s property as soon as you come up, it would be tantamount to drawing his face directly, and the tyrant on the backhand will kill you without hesitation at all.

So even if Li Xiao couldn't understand these fake monks who weren't produced, but he didn't have the courage to caress their tiger's whiskers, this tiger's **** was really untouchable.

Excluding about 30 of the land owned by the church, there are still about 70 land left in this country to toss. But it's not like tossing as you want.

Li Xiao analyzed slowly: "Of these 70 lands, about 50 can be knifed at will, because this group of people stood on the side of the Revolutionary Party during the last rebellion. It is only natural to liquidate them! So we First cut from these 50!"

To be honest, Alexei was a bit disappointed, because Li Xiao removed half of the land in a few words. It is not enough for such a small amount of land to be allocated to serfs who occupy 90 of the country's population!

Who thought that Li Xiao poured cold water on him again: "Who told you that all the remaining 50 can be allocated to ordinary serfs?"

Alexei was stunned, very confused, and blurted out directly: "Are you going to share it with others? Wouldn't it be true without this?"

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