911. Chapter 900 Chapter Prajñā Mountain Village (last one)

At this time, the people at Shaolin Temple didn’t know that Illusory Demon Dao had the courage to plunder and kill them halfway, so Monastic Discipline Hall Top Seat ‘Murder Arhat ‘Xuan Guang was walking with three Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artists. Not too slow or slow.

This time they took action not to kill Illusory Demon Dao, they just wanted to prevent Demon Dao Sect such as Illusory Demon Dao from winning the Great Heavenly Demon Venerate.

Although Demon Dao has been declining now, it is precisely because of this that Martial World Orthodox Dao will not give Nine Prisons Evil Demons a chance to rise again.

Only the heart of this Martial World Orthodox Dao is actually not so good. After all, the threat of Demon Dao Sect is too far away. Some people don’t want to blend into these things, such as Seven Gangs Under Heaven and not even one.

This time Shaolin Temple was one of the leaders. According to Shaolin Temple, everyone finally gathered together and directly blocked the borders of the Western Region 36 Nations, making it impossible for Demon Dao to start.

It’s just that when it comes to action, it’s necessary to choose a leading Alliance Lord. This position is what Shaolin Temple wants, Fortune Dao Sect wants, and Sword Mountain Village wants it.

So in this way, several Sects who think they are qualified to quarrel Unresting, and finally can only decide that everyone is doing each other, picking a goal every month, and not interfering with each other.

With the strength of Shaolin Temple, they certainly won’t go backwards, so Shaolin Temple is also directly selected to be in the top three Illusory Demon Dao in Nine Prisons Evil Demons, and their merit law is also more restrained by Illusory Demon Dao’s Martial Artist .

Only this time they just want to find Demon Dao Sect, they don’t want to provoke Orthodox and Demon again, so the existence of True Martial Realm is mutual jealous, Orthodox Dao and Demon Dao True Martial Realm Powerhouse will not take action.

But Shaolin Temple is still a bit scornful of Illusory Demon Dao’s determination to inherit the Great Heavenly Demon Venerate.

If they knew that Illusory Demon Dao had even plundered and killed them all the way, they wouldn’t send Xuan Guang, at least send Discussing Scripture Hall Xuan Zhen or Arhat Hall Xuan Ming.

At Hannan Road, Xuan Guang is working with the three Kong’ Generation Lighting Divine Realm martial artists in Hannan Road Prajñā Mountain Village.

This so-called Prajñā Mountain Village is actually a force composed of those Shaolin Temple layman disciple.

When Xuan Guan went to Yan Wuxie (Without Guilt) and Yan Wuxie (Without Guilt) found another 80% of Transforming Divine Realm’s Shaolin Temple layman disciple, the result was completely destroyed and Shaolin Temple layman disciple This group has suffered a considerable blow.

So after this incident, the remaining layman disciple will unite to form the Prajñā Mountain Village, and most of the power will be recycled to Nanhan Road, ready to operate here as their own power.

Because there used to be Yan Wuxie (Without Guilt), who was able to rank in the Power List of the Earth List, he led the layman disciple of the Shaolin Temple to walk on Jianghu, which is offensive. Great confidence.

As a result, this refuge is now gone. In order not to be retaliated by the former enemies, they have to choose to gather at this Hannan Road to establish this Prajñā Mountain Village.

But even so, the power of Prajñā Mountain Village is not too strong, Transforming Divine Realm’s Martial Artist is only five people, the rest are the Zentian Artist of Xiantian and Houtian realm.

After all, the layman disciple that was expelled from Shaolin Temple was a kind of strength. Yan Wuxie (Without Guilt) was expelled from Shaolin Temple not because of his talent, but because he committed a killing ring. Shaolin Temple layman disciple is the only one who can be called Powerhouse. The rest are actually mediocrity.

This time, Xuan Guang originally wanted to go directly to Illusory Demon Dao, but when crossing Hannan Road, the Prajñā Mountain Village suddenly sent people to ask them to come to Prajñā Mountain Village to visit their first village in mountain village. Disciple’s compare martial, by the way, advice and advice, attitude is very sincere.

Although Xuan Guang is the Top Seat of Monastic Discipline Hall, in fact, in his mind, Abbot Xuan Ku is also preparing to expel these layman disciple.

In his opinion, although these layman disciples are really bad at the Buddhist Method Hill, they are not determined to be guilty, but their Monastic Discipline Hall does not mean disciplining, but helps those who make mistakes.

Therefore, in Xuan Guang’s view, if Abbot chose to use the heavy code, he was sure to let these layman disciple’s atmosphere in a short time, and let them become qualified Shaolin Temple disciple.

Unfortunately, Abbot had too many concerns, and even expelled all the layman disciple out of Shaolin Temple at one time. The result was a bit too serious.

So in the face of these layman disciple, Xuan Guang’s attitude is better than tolerate those of the Shaolin Temple’s discipline. After the other three Kong’ Generation Lighting Divine Realm Powerhouse have no objections, he also directly agreed to these layman disciple to Prajñā Mountain Village. But at most, they can only stay for one day. After all, they still have something to do.

The layman disciple of Shaolin Temple was ecstatic after hearing the news, and immediately sent a letter to the entire Nanhan Road to inform other Hannan Road forces to come to their Prajñā Mountain Village.

It was just a comparison of the young disciple in Prajñā Mountain Village, but they had the heart to arrange, but the stiff was a big event that affected the entire Hannan Road.

In fact, those Shaolin Temple layman disciple think very simply, they want to stand on Hannan Road, and they have to be very stable, so they need to take advantage of it, and Xuan Guang and others in front of them are a very good borrower. Potential object.

These Shaolin Temple invites people from the entire Hannan Road to come and see that they want to see them. Although the Su Family disciple of these Shaolin Temple has not fallen, there is still a backing behind it.

Although they were expelled from Shaolin Temple, this incense is still there.

So after a day, all the Martial World forces on the entire Hannan Road were gathered here, temporarily responsible for the Transitional Divine Realm Martial Artist anniversary of Prajñā Mountain Village and Wei Guangyuan, both at the door, and in the past on Hannan Road Very cautiously they are proud of today’s performance.

Hannan Road’s strength is weak and the area is not large, so the entire Hannan Road can’t even find a Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist.

Because of this, the layman disciple of Shaolin Temple is very cautiously, and now they are back on the mountain, they naturally have to show off.

Xuan Guang They were all invited to the main seat, and all the Hantian Artists at Hannan Road met with respect and immediately after a meeting.

For them, Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist is an unattainable presence, and now they can still be Shaolin Temple’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist, which makes them even more afraid to let go.

However, some people look at the faces of those in Prajñā Mountain Village. Some people disdain: “These people were driven out of Mount Shaoshi by the portrait of the Shaolin Temple. Now they are back and hug the thighs of others, like a pug. What can you be proud of?”

The person next to him quickly said: “Small voice! The Top Seat of the Shaolin Temple Monastic Discipline Hall can be seen there.

Interrupted the bones and tied the tendons, this group of people how to say is also Shaolin Temple background, how to say there will still be some incense feelings.

This group of people is now a dog of funeral, and it is a bit of a power that was also ruined by its stiff when it was plunder and kill ‘Northwest King ‘Su Xin.

However, Su Xin dared not take Shaolin Temple in their eyes and took action on them. We don’t have the guts.

In the future, this Prajñā Mountain Village is still a little irritating. Anyway, the place of Hannan Road is so big, it is to let them once. ”

The Martial Artist of Hannan Road is depressed, but since they have come to Shaolin Temple’s Lighting Divine Realm Powerhouse, they certainly don’t dare to let go.

At this time, Xuan Guang sat on the subject and looked at the discrimination of Prajñā Mountain Village. His brow could not help but wrinkle.

Xuan Guang spent a lot of time at Shaolin Temple. He subconsciously compared these Prajñā Mountain Village disciple with the Shaolin Temple’s discipline. After all, they are now using the Merit law of Shaolin Temple.

It’s a pity that the level of these people may be ok in other small groups, but it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, Xuan Guang could not help but whisper to Wei Guangyuan around him: “Are you cultivating the discipline like this? One by one is unstable, and the take action is slick, which is simply insulting the martial skill of Shaolin Temple!

In the past, although you were just layman disciple, your Master is all about you. There is no hidden meaning. Look at the discipline you taught. Do you think you are worthy of the teachings of the past master’s sect? ”

Wei Guangyuan quickly lost his smile: “Master-uncle said that our Prajñā Mountain Village has just been established, so we are a little negligent in teaching. After that, we will definitely discipline it. We will not let these disciplines smash Shaolin Temple martial merit. The name of the prestige.”

Although this is the case, Wei Guangyuan’s heart is a secret. Xuan Guang stands and speaks without backache.

You Shaolin Temple is a big family, the selection of the discipline is the best, the entry has a lot of cultivate resources, and even the martial monk Drillmaster who is qualified to teach the discipline is the Transforming Divine Realm. Some talented disciplines can even be Fuse Divine Realm and Lighting Divine Realm’s Martial Artist personally teach, and what do they have? There are only a few basic martial skills of Shaolin Temple, and it is not bad to be able to practice this.

Xuan Guang saw that Wei Guangyuan didn’t say much about this attitude, but at this moment, a chuckle came suddenly: “Xuan Guang, you were the Shaolin Temple who expelled these layman disciple. The result is now getting this out again, and it’s really a plaque.

The complexes of the people in the room suddenly changed. They knew everything about Shaolin Temple, but they dared to say that they were the **** and the archway in front of the four Shaolin Temple Lighting Divine Realm Powerhouse. What kind of character is this?

At the moment of this sound, the entire Prajñā Mountain Village was suddenly covered by a cloud, demon qi rushing, evil spirits mourning, and the momentary illusion shrouded Prajñā Mountain Village, as if pulling the entire mountain village into Underworld. general.

“Illusory Demon Dao !”

Xuan Guang and the other three Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist suddenly stood up and showed a dignified color on their faces.

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