904. Chapter 893 Meng Jingxian

The impact of Su Xin on Dongping Road is very great. At the very least, the local forces at Dongping Road are scared and go back to the church to discuss some of Jianghu’s common sense and tell them what they can’t afford, even if they are rote. Also stuff them into their minds.

The same thing as Su Xin is to surprise other Jianghu human hearts.

They originally thought that Su Xin was only taking action very ruthless, and it was a bit more sloppy, but at least it was fair and fair.

But the thing he did today is like a madman!

In order to do such a small thing, he destroyed the Jiang Family, and he also completely broke with Vajrayāna who had cooperated with him before, and even seriously injured ‘Blissful Reverend ‘Xiao Moye, and made a deadly hatred with Joyous Temple. The unwise move was done by Su Xin, simply to vent their anger, and everyone already did not know how to describe Su Xin.

However, after this incident, other Jianghu people also raised a step toward Su Xin’s jealousy in Chengdu.

For them, a person who takes action very ruthless is not terrible. The horrible thing is the madman, a fearless one, even if it kills the enemy 1000 self-damage 800 will kill you crazy!

This kind of thing used to be done by Go-Sword Sect. For the sake of fame and for the dignity of Go-Sword Sect, they did all the power of Go-Sword Sect to fight the Charging Corpse Faction and almost killed the entire Sect.

The Charging Corpse Faction, which thought that Go-Sword Sect would not take action, also paid a great price, almost being the entire extinguish sect.

It can be said that since that time Go-Sword Sect has become synonymous with madman. After that, if Great Sect really wants to have a battle with Go-Sword Sect for Life and Death, then it is necessary to consider how they can Can’t afford such a big loss, after all, Charging Corpse Faction’s foreman is there.

And in their view, Su Xin is almost ready to go in the direction of Go-Sword Sect.

At this time in Go-Sword Sect, Xie Zhiyan has returned to Go-Sword Sect and told the news to Chu Bufan and others.

In fact, she didn’t need to tell her. When Xie Zhiyan returned to Go-Sword Sect, this thing was almost universally known.

Chu Bufan gas slammed the cup and shouted on the spot: “If Father is also in his mother’s house, I want to slaughter the whole family! And the rapey monk of Joyous Temple, I really thought that my Go-Sword Sect is muddy? ”

The Joyes of the Joyous Temple can be solved by randomly sending two Sword Lords during the heyday of their Go-Sword Sect. Now their Registered Disciple still moves their Go-Sword Sect’s discipline, which is really seeking death. .

If the last Vajrayāna and Joyous Temple did not jump out, then the suicide of Su Xin after the Jiang (Jiang) Family was extinguished.

But in the end they just took the initiative to jump out, well, this grievance is counted on your Vajrayāna.

Chu Bufan said: “I went to report Senior Brother, Xin’er is the younger sister of Su Xin, so he killed the Jiang (Jiang) Family revenge.

But Xin’er is also the discipline of my Go-Sword Sect. This is definitely not the end! ”

He said that Chu Bufan went directly to the retreat of Meng Jingxian and told Meng Jingxian about it all the time.

“Senior Brother, this thing we have to do with Go-Sword Sect, otherwise what else do we have with other disciples in this situation?”

I have been sitting in the deepest part of the retreat. Ten Jing years hasn’t moved. Meng Jingxian has finally moved. A long sword screams behind him, sharpening sword for a decade, cold front, sword qi !

“Vajrayāna, I will go for a trip.”

Chu Bufan’s eyes were shocked, but he didn’t expect Meng Jingxian to take action.

He also thought that Meng Jingxian would let Go-Sword Sect another Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist Lin Luoyan take a trip.

Retreat ten over years Have not stepped out of Go-Sword Sect Half-step’s ‘Profound Heart Sword Lord ‘Meng Jingxian again take action, this can definitely shake the entire Jianghu event!

At this time in Shengjing City, Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru has returned, and the complexion gloomy tells the people of other Vajrayāna.

Xiao Moye didn’t return to Shengjing City after the injury. Their relationship between Joyous Temple and other Vajrayāna Sects was not very good. This time he was seriously injured by Su Xin and lost his face. It is estimated that there is no face in front of other Vajrayāna Powerhouse. But I don’t know where to go to get hurt.

After Vajrayāna became the state religion of Great Zhou, Vajrayāna also had a foundation in Great Zhou, so now Vajrayāna directly transferred all 80% of the power of Western Border to Central Plains, half of which was preached in Central Plains, and the other half was in Inside Shengjing City.

At the moment Shengjing City counts Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru and there are five Lightning Divine Realm Martial Artists, including Vajra Temple, Shingon Buddhism and Great Might Heavenly Dragon Temple.

After these people heard Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru telling the story, the Great Dight Heavenly Dragon Temple’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist suddenly snorted: “Deceive too much!

Su Xin really thought that I was afraid of him by Vajrayāna? It is simply lawless! ”

Shining Buddhism’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist frowned. “In fact, this thing can’t blame Su Xin. See what Xiao Moye collects. It’s an idiot, even Go-Sword. The people of Sect dare to move, and there is also the younger sister of Su Xin.

Before the Mahāsthāmaprāpta Senior Brother deployed everything in Shengjing City, Su Xin was the great minister of Great Zhou. Now it is the festival of Northwest. After the Northwest War, it is in the north of the land. Even the Great Snow Mountain can only follow it. Joining us, relying on our relationship with Su Xin, there is a great possibility to go to Northwest to preach.

The result is now good, because there is such a thing, our relationship with Su Xin has completely broken down, not only lost the qualification to preach in Northwest, but also laughed at by Jianghu people, this can not help the people of Joyous Temple. Adding chaos is very resistant! ”

Some of Joyous Temple’s ways of doing things have made other Marjialāna’s Martial Artists somewhat unhappy. As he said, when they came to Central Plains to lay the foundation, you didn’t send people to Joyous Temple, and now they are not just ready to eat. And they are still in trouble, and it is no wonder that these Martial Artists of Western Border Vajrayāna are dissatisfied.

Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru coughed a voice: “Okay, things have happened, and it is useless to say more.”

This time our relationship with Vajrayāna and Su Xin is almost broken, but I still don’t recommend to find Su Xin’s troubles. After all, we are now the same people of Great Zhou. It is not good for anyone who is too stiff.

However, Joyous Temple has already taken a suicide with Su Xin. This matter will let Joyous Temple handle it by itself. We can’t control it. ”

The people present nodded and had no opinion on what Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru said.

Vajrayāna is Vajrayāna, Joyous Temple is Joyous Temple, Vajrayāna can represent Joyous Temple, but his Joyus Temple does not represent Vajrayāna.

You and Su Xin’s hateful self-solving is that they will not be in the foray for your Joyous Temple.

Moreover, this time the loss of biggest is also Joyous Temple.

After all, Dongping Road is the evangelistic place chosen by Joyous Temple, and the result is now completely abolished by Su Xin.

But at this time, a Dao Sword outside Vajrayāna came to the fore, pointing to Martial Artist of Vajrayāna’s Lighting Divine Realm, such as Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru.

There is only one artistic conception contained in this sword intent, the world is Unparalleled!

Unparalleled sword, Unparalleled’s sword intent, even if that person is only outside the door, even if he does not have a sword, he just released a Dao Sword, so that Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru and others are enemies!

Five Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist rooms screamed, and Mantra’s power blurted out, as if thunderclap blew up, which barely melted the sword intent.

Five people looked at each other and the cold sweat sheds involuntarily.

A Dao Sword is able to force them into this appearance. Who is the person who came here?

Their perception is not outside the aura, but a name is faintly floating in their hearts.

When they came out of the door, it was a figure dressed in white, with a young face, but with a hollow sensation in the eyes.

It is said that the human eye is the best place to express one’s feelings. Sometimes the expression on the face will lie, but the eyes will not lie.

But this person is different. If you look at his eyes, you can’t see any feelings, just as his eyes are an abyss black hole, deep bottomless, unfathomable!

He had an ice blue longsword in his hand, and the sword was unsheathed, but the five Martin Di Artists of Lighting Divine Realm were attracted by the power of his sword.

When you see this person in First Eye, what you can see is not his appearance and wearing, but his sword and his eyes!

“‘Profound Heart Sword Lord ‘Meng Jingxian !”

Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru and other five people looked bitter, they never thought that this time, even the “Profound Heart Sword Lord ‘Meng Jingxian” that has been closed for ten years is provoked!

Vajrayāna has been in the Western Border for a long time, Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru and others have not dealt with Meng Jingxian, they just heard about the terrifying of Meng Jingxian.

Powerhouse Divine Realm’s Powerhouse has become Earth List First, which is almost equal to saying that Meng Jingxian is a First person under True Martial.

Martial Artist is always confident in his strength, like Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru.

They may think that they are not as good as Meng Jingxian, but they are also Lighting Divine Realm, but they don’t think they are much worse than him.

Until today, they met Meng Jingxian and they only knew that they were not too bad with him, but they had to go a little worse!

In front of Meng Jingxian, he even suppressed the courage of taking action to the extreme.

At this time, in Six Doors, the presence of Lighting Divine Realm in Shengjing City felt the aura of Meng Jingxian, Tie Ao and Tie Zhan naturally felt.

“big bro, are we coming out?” Tie Zhan asked.

Tie Ao shook his head and said: “Vajrayāna’s own troubles, we don’t have to wipe his butt, Meng Jingxian is not directed at us.”

Tie Zhan nodded, but he suddenly looked up and asked: “big bro, Meng Jingxian has now reached the point of strength, how is it compared to you?”

Tie Ao was silent for a moment, and this said: “He is not the same way as I walked. He chose the most difficult road. I have not passed this road, so I don’t know.

But the only thing I know is that if he wants to promote True Martial now, he can do it at any time. ”

Tie Zhan turned to look at Tie Ao, his eyes showing a horror.

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