901. Who is not selling the face of 890?

PS: Thanks to the book friend’s frozen hot pot, Destroy God, a few months report 10,000 starting point of the reward.

Su Xin said this, everyone in the room suddenly felt guilty, and the heart said that it was Su Xin, this killing is really not a general weight, it is necessary to destroy the door, and even arrogant to let the other party directly self-discipline.

Of course, Su Xin also has this strength, so that the people he brings now are not a Jiang (Jiang) Family, even 100 Jiang (Jiang) Family can not stop.

However, they also understand the details of the Jiang family. The Jiang family is not so good. According to their understanding, this Jiang family should be in Vajrayāna relationship, and this is important. The relationship is not weak.

The most important thing is that Vajrayāna has become the state religion of Dynasty Court, and Su Xin has had some cooperation with Vajrayāna. It is estimated that if Vajrayāna High Monk comes out, Jiang can still be preserved.

So after the release of Su Xin’s words, the Jiang people of the Family were very angry, but no one dared to stand up and talk, they are waiting for Vajrayāna’s Powerhouse.

Jiang Yuanchen complexion unchanged, but his attitude is more and more respectful: “Sir Su, this time is really a misunderstanding, my Jiang (Jiang) Family has come up with enough sincerity, Sir Su you again Why bother to kill the last one?”

Su Xin looked at him faintly: “I don’t misunderstand anything, I said, I am coming to kill people today, who is useless, since you don’t want to die, then good, I will help you die, three interest. All of them will withdraw from Jiang (Jiang) Family, or else they will die together.”

As soon as this statement came out, the people in the room suddenly changed. The Martial Artist of Houtian Realm and the Martial Artist of Transforming Divine Realm fled as if they were fleeing because they really couldn’t know if Su Xin would do it. .

After all, this man’s work is notorious, but he is notorious.

Until this moment, Jiang Yuanchen’s complexion really changed.

Su Xin should know his details, and he did not know how to make the Go-Sword Sect’s discipline. The result is that because of this contradiction, you have to destroy my Jiang (Jiang) Family?

The time of the three interest is fleeting, Su Xin waved: “Kill!”

Cai Sanyuan and others behind him just had movements, but this time they suddenly heard a big drink: “Stop! Sir Su, please stop!”

At the same time, two powerful forces slammed down, which also made Cai Sanyuan’s complexion change.

Falling down from the air is the two Panyus of Vajrayāna. One of them is skinny but the body is like gold and iron. Although the age is a bit large, it is qi and blood, which is very powerful.

This person is still an old acquaintance of Su Xin, but Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru of Vajrayāna Vajra Temple.

The other Panyu of Vajrayāna made Cai Sanyuan somewhat uncomfortable.

He was a big red robes, fat, with bare breasts, and the body that was exposed to the outside was like a one-level waxy oil.

And he himself is like Maitreya Buddha. There is always a smiling expression on his face, but I don’t know why, his smiling expression even makes Cai Sanyuan, which is known as blade hidden in smiles, feel a cold aura hidden in among them.

The same is the existence of Lighting Divine Realm, but Cai Meiyuan rarely came to Central Plains before. Now when he arrives at Central Plains, he knows that Central Plains Martial World hides the tiger, and he has never heard of this two Panyu, but he just took it. It is much stronger than him to come out with an aura.

And Jiang Yuanchen over there was a sigh of relief when he saw Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru.

Their Jiang (Jiang) Family is a Vajrayāna person, and now the Powerhouse with Vajrayāna is here to say that there should be no problem.

Moreover, he heard that this Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru has some friendship with Su Xin, and Su Xin should also sell Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru a face.

Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru One landing pass: “Sir Su, I haven’t seen you for a long time but gave me a surprise, but I still don’t congratulate Sir Su on your promotion to Lighting Divine.”

Looking at Su Xin and Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru in front of me, I can’t help but feel in my heart. Central Plains is definitely better than the bitter cold of their Western Border.

Characters like Su Xin are not many, but they will come out every once in a while, but they don’t even have a Western Border.

The former Su Xin also needed to borrow the power of their Vajrayāna, and now Su Xin, as a member of the Dynasty Court, sits on Guarding West North and is already qualified to sit on their Vajrayāna’s several Great Sects.

Su Xin said faintly: “Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru, are you here to stop me?”

Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru sighed and glanced at Jiang Yuanchen. Who are you irritating, but you are going to provoke Su Xin and Go-Sword Sect, and you have been living for a long time?

Fortunately, Go-Sword Sect did not come today, otherwise Meng Jingxian that madman even Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru met was a bit chilly.

Compared with Meng Jingxian, he has at least some friendship with Su Xin, and he thinks that he is more familiar with Su Xin.

Su Xin This person is most accustomed to using Benefit to think about whether something can be done. Moving Jiang (Jiang) Family There is not much benefit for Su Xin.

So Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru said directly: “Sir Su , Jiang (江) Family is very important for us Vajrayāna, so today I hope you will give me a face, let go of Jiang (Jiang) Family, this thing Jiang (Jiang) Family also I will give you an explanation. The person who made this thing has absolutely no reason to live. This same thing is also my Vajrayāna.

If it is replaced by other circumstances, Su Xin wants to destroy the Jiang (Jiang) Family and it will be destroyed. They are not Shaolin Temple, they are used to meddling everywhere.

But the problem is that this Jiang (Jiang) Family, but their Vajrayāna stepped into the First Step of Central Plains, could not be killed by Su Xin.

After Su Xin left Shengjing City, the group of Vajrayāna became a national religion of Great Zhou, and they also had a foundation to continue to be based in Great Zhou.

It’s just that the foundation is the foundation. If they want to stand on the Central Plains, then how can they have a genuine that is their own missionary place.

So Vajrayāna has an expert out there and blossoms directly in Central Plains. Of course, they also try to choose the kind of remote and far away from the Shaolin Temple. After all, they don’t want to conflict with Shaolin Temple.

The strength of this Dongping Road was not very strong. After the Beggar Gang Gang Lord disappeared, the Beggar Gang completely became a loose sand, and the big Dongping Road was not even found by a Lightning Artist of a Lighting Divine Realm, so this place Naturally, it was also fancy by Vajrayāna.

However, this Dongping Road, like the Sect aristocratic family of other Central Plains Martial World, is a far-sighted attitude towards Vajrayāna, so at the beginning Vajrayāna could not open the situation here.

Finally, the Joyous Temple take action in Vajrayāna uses the secret technique to help Jiang Yuanchen change from the old body to the present.

It can be said that Jiang Yuanchen is a benchmark character of their Vajrayāna set up on the entire Dongping Road.

As long as they are dependent on Vajrayāna, they can get these benefits. The stronger the strength of Jiang Yuanchen, the better he develops. This is a living advertisement for Vajrayāna.

Therefore, the Jiang family cannot be destroyed by Su Xin. Otherwise, once the Jiang family is destroyed, not only are the advertisements that they have squandered with great anger, they are not, they are Vajrayāna on Dongping Road and even the entire Central Plains Martial World. The prestige will be greatly reduced.

That Jiang (江) Family has invested in your Vajrayāna. That is your Vajrayāna. As a result, you can’t even protect your family from the door. So what is the point of relying on your Vajrayāna?

Therefore, Jiang (Jiang) Family can’t have anything to do, and today Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru wants to keep Jiang (江) Family.

Su Xin looked at Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru and suddenly showed a slight expression of the mouth, but this silking expression suddenly made Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru feel a bad feeling.

“Guru, you and I are old friends. If it is an ordinary thing, I will sell you this face, but not today.

I Su Xin background is poor, rising from the end, from young to big, such a younger sister is dependent on each other, who moves her, I will kill who!

I just said that I want to destroy the Jiang (Jiang) Family. My Su Xin has always been very credible, saying that killing his family will kill his family. You are now letting me repent, isn’t that making me very faceless? ”

Su Xin took a step forward, and the qi of blood apparition, which suddenly became boundless, turned into a flood of Blood Sea. This terrifying scene can be seen throughout Qi State Prefecture, and the entire State Prefecture’s Martial Artist is instantly available. Trembling!

True Martial Realm is Landed Celestial Immortal, and Lighting Divine Realm is the closest to the existence of immortals!

Su Xin is angry at the moment, he really destroyed the power of this entire State Prefecture in an instant!

The complexion of Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru has finally changed.

He can feel the determination of Su Xin. This time, Jiang (Jiang) Family really touched the reverse scale of Su Xin, even if the face of his Western Border Vajrayāna Su Xin did not sell.

Mahāsthāmaprāpta Guru quickly said: “Sir Su, you should calm down first! There is still room for negotiation. You have now killed Jiang (Jiang) Family. I will not explain it to other Vajrayāna people after I go back. Jiang (江) Family Even if you really want to die, you have to give us time to deal with it?

I used to work with my Vajrayāna in Shengjing City Sir Su. It is also very pleasant. You don’t want to be guilty of this Vajrayāna because of this little thing? ”

Su Xin turned his head and glanced at him: “Is it confession? That is your business. I am not afraid of being with anyone, and Jiang (Jiang) Family must die today!

Yama wants people to die, who dares to stay in the five? I am Su Xin today to destroy Jiang (Jiang) Family, Second Heaven Jiang (Jiang) Family will definitely not have a living person to go out this door! ”

However, at this time, the fat monk, who had never spoken, suddenly stood in front of Su Xin. He was red and foggy behind him. Among them, there were thousands of illusions, and there was Heavenly Female undressing and dancing with God. The scene of harmony seems to be both holy and ****! ! ! ! Irregular and strange very much.

It was this irregular and strange aura that stopped Su Xin’s qi of blood apparition in an instant, so that the people in the Jiang family were relieved, and they just really let Su Xin Scared to death.

Su Xin frowned, cold voice: “Man of Joyous Temple?”

The fat monk nodded and smiled and said: “Poor Xiao Moye, I have seen Sir Su.”

Su Xin’s eyes glanced, he knew who this person is, one of the three Dharma Protector Venerables of Joyous Temple, ‘Blissful Reverend ‘Xiao Moye!

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