891. 881 chapter lottery draw (last one)

Su Xin This Great Snow Mountain trip is still a perfection, at least everything he wants is already available, including the power of Northwest Road’s big limit and his own Quest.

Su Xin guessed that it was right. To complete this Main Quest, it really needs to be with Great Snow Mountain. Only when it is recognized by Great Snow Mountain, Baili Changkong and others will be completely convinced.

Of course, Su Xin can also choose to kill the Martial Artist of Baili Changkong and other tribes, but Su Xin has to suffer a certain loss, and it will not be small.

After all, Baili Changkong’s remaining forces of several tribes are more powerful than the previous Qingcheng Sword Faction, provided that Qingcheng Sword Faction does not use Divine Weapon.

So it is best to borrow the power of Great Snow Mountain like this to make the Baili and other tribes completely convinced.

After returning to Flying Dragon City, Su Xin arranged Li Huai and Gao Changqing. They followed the plan to exercise Dark Guard and Northwest Army. Su Xin chose to retreat, and by the way, the Main Quest reward was given.

Three High Grade Lottery Draw plus 5000Villain Points. In fact, there are 100 multiple Low Grade Lottery Draw on Su Xin. These Low Grade Lottery Draw Su Xin can also be replaced by Villain Points or High Grade Lottery Draw.

In fact, Su Xin also found out that in the later period, Villain Points is definitely more precious than lottery draw, absolutely hard currency.

In the early days, Su Xin could use a lot of lottery draw to fight luck, but now Su Xin is lucky enough to draw 4.5 Star or 5 Star level mercit law, then it will be filled with a lot of Villain Points. OK, otherwise there is basically no possibility of pumping.

At present, the 5 Star level of mercit law Su Xin has not been drawn yet, but according to System’s urine, the probability of 5 Star level Merit law draw nothing is 90% or more.

Su Xin, how to use this 5000Villain Points, should also be considered.

After thinking for a long time, Su Xin decided to come to High Grade Lottery Draw three times. If these three High Grade Lottery Draw draw good things, Su Xin is ready to increase the success rate of Villain Points and those Low Grade Lottery Draw that he has accumulated. .

If these three High Grade Lottery Draw didn’t pick up any good things, then Su Xin will continue to accumulate Villain Points and Low Grade Lottery Draw, and wait until the next time they have complete control, otherwise they will get good things but not enough Villain. Points to guarantee success rate, this is very embarrassing.

Entering the System space, Su Xin said: “Three High Grade Lottery Draw, give me all the extraction.”

The wheel in the space rotates, and when the pointer on the wheel stops, a tall figure appears on the big screen, and a domineering blow comes.

Purple-clothed black robe, three long hairs fluttering under the jaws, a pair of upswings under Pinnacle’s sword eyebrows, hiding a pair of domineering Unparalleled, like the sharp eyes of the eagle.

Su Xin is very familiar and has appeared many times during his lottery draw, which is Xiong Ba (Heroic Tyrant).

Su Xin may be ecstatic if he changed to a former one, but now Su Xin can only show a bitter smile.

The male Old Boss appeared too many times, causing Su Xin to have taken all the mercit laws on his body. Now he is taking Xiong Ba (Heroic Tyrant) and can only be converted into Villain Points.

“Congratulations to the host drawn to character Xiong Ba (Heroic Tyrant), comes with Heaven Frost Fist, Expelling Clouds Palm, Wind God Leg, Three-part Divine Finger, Three Parts Return To Origin Qi.

Character Rating 4.5 Star, merit class Rating 3.5 Star to 4.5 Star.

Note: Since all mercit laws of Xiong Ba (Heroic Tyrant) are owned by the host, the repeated merit law will be converted to Villain Points for return to the host at half the price of the Shop sale.

Note: Because the character extracted by the host comes with two 4.5 Star and above mercit laws, this lottery draw does not support designed extraction with Villain Points, and there is a chance of 40% draw nothing.

Every increase in 1000Villain Points can increase the chance of winning 10%. Does the host increase? ”

Su Xin shook his head and said, “No, take the extraction.”

The wheel turns and finally stays on top of a mercit law.

“Congratulations to the host’s extraction to the Merit law “Heaven Frost Fist”, rating 3.5 Star, since Heaven Frost Fist has been drawn by the host, it is now half the price of the Shop sale, and 800Villain Points are returned to the host.”

Su Xin shook his head and still had some losses.

High Grade Lottery Draw needs 1000Villain Points at a time, but the result is replaced by 800Villain Points, which is a loss of 200 points, but it is better than nothing.

“Continue lottery draw.”

The roulette above the big screen continued to rotate. This time on the roulette was a four-year-old 50-year-old Panyu. The earlobe was wide and the momentum was extraordinary. The glare of the glass was shining.

Seeing this character Su Xin suddenly felt a move, if it was him, there are many good things in this pickpocket.

Sure enough, followed by System: “Congratulations to the host extracted to character Jiumozhi, comes with Vajrayāna Blazing Blade, Little Formless Merit, Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills (partial supreme skill, superimposable extraction, overall star rating 1 Star, can also be separated Extract), Changing Muscles Scripture.

Character Rating 3.5 Star, merit class Rating 3 Star to 4.5 Star.

Note: Because the character extracted by the host comes with an 4.5 Star and above mercit law, this lottery draw does not support designed extraction with Villain Points, and has a probability of 60% draw nothing.

Every increase in 1000Villain Points can increase the chance of winning 10%. Does the host increase? ”

Jiumozhi This character is first-rate in the original work, but it is not top, but there are many good things in his hand.

It can be said that everything except the Vajrayāna Blazing Blade is good.

The power of Little Formless Merit for the current Su Xin, although there are some chicken ribs (little value), but its shapeless and formless, can simulate the effect of other martial merits, but it is very miraculous, at least Su Xin can be bypassed, for Martial Dao The understanding goes further.

The Changing Muscles Scripture is the Shaolin secretly spread merit law, which can be used as a foundation for the merit law to make its foundation more solid.

As for the Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills Su Xin, I felt that I didn’t understand it. He asked directly: “The Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills superposition extract means that as long as the Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills is extracted, you can directly extract dozens of them. Door supreme skill, does this mean?”

System Road: “Jiumozhi has mastered dozens of Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills, ranging from 3 Star to 3.5 Star. If the host chooses to superimpose and extract, it will be upgraded by the highest level of 3.5 Star, which is regarded as 4.5. The Merit law at the Star level, you need to make a decision after the draw, there is a chance of 50%draw nothing.

If the host chooses to extract separately, it will extract one of the dozens of supreme skills, and there is no draw nothing rate. ”

Su Xin frowned, and the System really has no space to drill.

According to System, if dozens of supreme skills need to be extracted twice for overlay extraction, Jiumozhi itself has 50% draw nothing rate, you need to take out 5000Villain Points to complete the draw.

In this way, Su Xin has the possibility to extract 72 Supreme Skills, but after the successful extraction, a judgment is made, and the probability is also 50%, so that Su Xin has to take out 5000Villain Points, so I have to count 10,000 and more Villain. It is only possible for Points Su Xin to get these dozens of 72 Supreme Skills.

According to the sale price of System, 3 Star level martial skill 800Villain Points, 3.5 Star level martial skill 1600Villain Points, these dozens of 72 Supreme Skills add up more than 10,000 points, but sometimes the price is not so calculated.

With Su Xin’s current strength, 3 Star and 3.5 Star’s martial skill are considered chicken ribs (little value) for him. Although Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills has great potential, the problem is Su Xin. With so many powerful martial skills not to study, to waste time researching those lower-level 72 Supreme Skills?

Moreover, Shaolin Temple is not a vegetarian. Su Xin has come to Shaolin Temple’s Untarnished Vajra Divine Merit through gambling. But if he reveals this 72 Supreme Skills, Shaolin Temple will definitely go crazy, they will even suspect Su Xin has stolen the Hidden Scriptures Pavilion at Shaolin Temple.

Now Su Xin doesn’t want to die with Shaolin Temple, so this 72 Supreme Skills is not so big for Su Xin, some chicken ribs (little value).

In this way, Blazing Blade is chicken ribs (little value), Shaolin Temple 72 Supreme Skills is too costly, and Little Formless Merit has a five-point effect on Su Xin. Only one Changing Muscles Scripture is genuine for Su Xin. Useful, so this Jiumozhi is still not worthy of Su Xin to put 5000Villain Points into it.

So Su Xin said directly: “Do not increase the probability of lottery draw, directly extract.”

50%’s draw nothing rate is not low, but I didn’t expect Su Xin to explode this time, the turntable pointer actually fell onto a merit law.

“Congratulations to the host to the Little Formless Merit, rating Four Stars.”

Su Xin clicked. Little Fourless’s Four Stars evaluation is not based on its power, but on its miraculous features that shapeless and formless can simulate any merit law, but the help for Su Xin is not too good. Big, chat is better than nothing, anyway, there is no loss this time.

“Take the last extraction.”

The roulette wheeled, and on this big screen, there was a middle-aged man with a handsome face and extraordinary temperament, with a little evil qi between the eyebrows.

“Congratulations to the host drawn to character Evil King Shi Zhixuan, with the merit class “Heaven and Heart Method”, “Broken Lotus Eight Touches”, “Illusory Demon Body Method”, “Undying Seal Method”, “Undying Seven Illusions”.

Character Rating Four Stars, Merit law Rating 3.5 Star to 4.5 Star.

Note: Because the character extracted by the host comes with an 4.5 Star and above mercit law, this lottery draw does not support designed extraction with Villain Points, and has a probability of 40% draw nothing.

Every increase in 1000Villain Points can increase the chance of winning 10%. Does the host increase? ”

Evil King Shi Zhixuan ?

Su Xin shook his head, which for him was still chicken ribs (little value).

So Su Xin said directly: “Extract.”

The wheel rotates and the last pointer falls to the vacancy.

“this draw extracted nothing.”

Three lottery draws didn’t increase the chance of using Villain Points, but only one draw nothing, this luck of lottery draw Su Xin is not bad.

PS: I went to a friend’s wedding in the morning, and the dog food that was stuffed with a mouth, today only three more.

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