889. Chapter 879 is invincible

Chen Chuanfeng stood up to ask Su Xin for Sword Dao. The people who were present at Great Snow Mountain didn’t say anything, it was the default.

After all, Sikong Ming was defeated by a move, and this face was a little big for their Great Snow Mountain.

They can accept failure, but they can’t accept such a shameful record.

Su Xin pulled out the Flying Blood Sword from the waist: “Well, Bro Chen please.”

Chen Chuanfeng complexion unchanged, behind him, a longsword like a Qiushui-like scabbard, instantly burst into a dazzling luster.

“Sword name Cold Dance, I built it with the Water-Fire sacrifice 17 year in the snow mountain waterfall. This sword is integrated into my life Sword Dao, Sir Su, you have to be careful!”

With 17’s time cast sword and incorporating his own Sword Dao, even Su Xin would like to praise him for his perseverance.

It’s just a pity that this thing is not just perseverance.

This time Su Xin didn’t let Chen Chuanfeng take the action first. On his Flying Blood Sword, there was a bloody sword glow that was alarming the heavens. It was like a bloody wave coming to Chen Chuanfeng.

Chen Chuanfeng’s Qiu Shui sword suddenly burst into a sharp edge. His whole person is like his sword. From the original flatness to the current sharpness.

17 year cast sword raises the sword, the sword becomes the day, a sword light cold 14 state!

The powerful sword intent that broke out in this moment instantly smashed Su Xin’s blood sword, and even Yue Dongliu underneath had to admit that Chen Chuanfeng’s progress was really great, at least he is in this state, Yue Dongliu is not sure that he can win as before.

But just as Chen Chuanfeng’s Jianguang tore Su Xin’s blood sword, a more dazzling sword light emerged.

The endless sword intent broke out, and it seemed to be a real-life word intent turned into a Domain. In an instant space, Su Xin’s Flying Blood Sword had a false image, Sword 23, Sword Origin Divine, and Extinguish immortals. , slay gods !

Hiding a sword in a sword !

The brows of Baili Changkong and others are all jumps, and Su Xin is using this trick!

At the beginning, Zhongli Yan was hit hard by Su Xin. As a result, Su Xin took the lead and killed him with enthusiasm.

At present, the strength of Chen Chuanfeng is even worse than that of Zhongli Yan. Even Zhongli Yan can’t stop this trick. What does he take to stop?

The violent sword intent broke out, and this sword brought together Su Xin’s own understanding of Sword Dao and his ancient swords from the Nine Layered Sword Pavilion.

These powerful sword intents converge, and the power makes Chen Chuanfeng feel awkward.

His sword light melted, Chen Chuanfeng wanted to hide, but he was in Su Xin’s Sword Domain, time and space were settled, so he couldn’t hide, avoiding it!

Chen Chuanfeng had to bite his teeth, and the sword momentum swayed out, and the cold wind blew, turning into a storm.

However, no matter what the situation is resisting, Su Xin is in vain in front of the strong sword. Chen Chuanfeng was directly bombarded by this sword for hundreds of feet and fell out of the Practice Martial Stage. Although there is no vomiting blood, it looks better than that of Sikong. Ming is not much better.

Everyone present at the scene looked at each other. This Su Xin’s strength is too much perverted. He won Sikong Ming with a punch. Now he is a sword and wins Chen Chuanfeng? Strictly speaking, this should be regarded as two tricks, but in reality it is no different.

No matter whether it is a trick or two strokes, this person is lost enough.

Before the crowd reacted, the Great Snow Mountain Elder of a loose cultivator background walked to the middle of the Practicing Martial Stage. Shen Shen said: “Great Snow Mountain Martial Defending Pavilion Elder Liu Wuxiang has specially taught Sir Su’s martial merit!”

The people present here are all seen, and the Great Snow Mountain’s Martial Artist is going to be completely with Su Xin this time.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, Su Xin’s invincible posture is too spicy. Compared with him, the other Martial Artists of Great Snow Mountain are almost waste.

But Baili Changkong below is frowning. Su Xin’s performance makes him a little uneasy. Sikong Ming and Chen Chuanfeng are both Elder of Great Snow Mountain. His strength is even if he is not sure, but he is Su Xin defeated a move.

Although this is not a battle for Life and Death, if you lose if you lose, it is enough to swear.

At this time, the battle in the field still did not last long. The Great Snow Mountain’s Martial Defending Pavilion Elder Liu Wuxiang was stronger. He supported three moves in the hands of Su Xin, which revealed the trend and was Su. Xin defeated.

Then one after another, Great Snow Mountain Elder came on the scene. Only five of the five Lighting Divine Realm Elders were able to take over Su Xin’s ten strokes, but everyone in the room saw it and he was able to take over Su. Xin’s ten strokes are not because of his strength, but because Su Xin has consumed more than half of his strength.

After all, it’s not a Life and Death battle. Su Xin’s pursuit is just a victory, so he almost always takes action to defeat it, and the consumption is quite large.

But in any case, Su Xin’s wheel battle lost five Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist, this power is enough to swear, the invincible two words faintly appear in the hearts of everyone.

The most important thing is that in the human heart of the scene, Su Xin’s image is faintly coincident with one person. That person is the former Great Snow Mountain, no one can rival the Heaven List Powerhouse, ‘Fighting Origin Heavenly Venerate ‘Zhao Wunian !

The same is true of the old Zhao Wunian, who came to Great Snow Mountain and talked to many Powerhouses, but it is said that it is actually the scene.

Zhao Wunian is a one-man battle with more than ten Great Snow Mountain’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist. It is also like Su Xin, no one can match, and finally can only watch Zhao Wunian promote to True after their Great Snow Mountain. Martial.

This record is a glory for the Jianghu people, but it is a shame in Great Snow Mountain!

As a northwest Martial Study Holy Land, the same Martial Artist could not find a presence that could stop Zhao Wunian.

At the moment, Su Xin is not as exaggerated as Zhao Wunian, and has played more than ten Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artists by one person. But the question is what is the realm of Zhao Wunian at that time? He is already a Lightning Divine Realm peak, the existence of Half-step True Martial Realm.

Now Su Xin is just the Lighting Divine Realm low stage, and it hasn’t even been in the Light Divine Realm for less than half a year.

In this contrast, there is even an idea in the human heart. If Su Xin goes to the realm of Zhao Wunian’s Lighting Divine Realm peak, he is even more terrifying than Zhao Wunian!

Su Xin has lost five Great Snow Mountain’s Lighting Divine Realm Elder, and the power is simply not straightforward.

Elder of Fuse Divine Realm doesn’t have to say much. It is only Nalan Ronghai who has the strength to compete with Su Xin.

But at this time, Nalan Ronghai is also entangled, and he does not know whether he should take action on Su Xin.

Nalan Ronghai is undoubtedly the strongest of these Great Snow Mountain Elders. Even if he knows Su Xin’s record, he has the confidence to fight Su Xin.

But now Su Xin has fought for five people, and his own strength has already consumed most of it. At this time, let him take action and challenge Su Xin. Isn’t it cheap to take advantage of it? Nalan Ronghai can’t get a hand.

However, at this time, Tantai Mieming, who had never spoken, suddenly said: “Well, you don’t have to take action anymore, your strength is not good, and later cultivate is.”

When the voice fell, Tantai Mieming turned his attention to Su Xin. “Young Friend Su, your strength is enough to stand at the same level of Martial Artist’s peak. You don’t have to try it. Your Martial Dao has been on the two level with them, so I want to find a chance to discuss the Martial, talk of the Dao, don’t know how?”

As a result of this statement, both the people of Su Xin subordinate and those of the Northwest Tribal Clans have some changes. The word discos the Martial, talk of the Dao has two types. They don’t know whether Tantai Mieming is What do you mean?

In the past, Fortune Dao Sect’s ‘Pure Yang Dao Venerate ‘Li Boyang one person, one sword on Mount Shaoshi and Shaolin Temple’s generation of Abbot argued that the contemporary Shaolin Temple Abbot disappeared after three days.

Meng Jingxian of Go-Sword Sect also went to Shedding Blood Cyan Mountain Hall to find his Hall Lord Han Qianshan. After the result, Han Qianshan only announced the retreat directly. They did not dare to go to Shedding Blood Cyan Mountain Hall. The trouble with Go-Sword Sect.

Of course, from the point of view of the meaning of the discus the Martial, talk of the Dao is just exchanges, senior and the younger generation is the point.

Li Boyang has also invited Xue Zhenyue to speak on Observing the Heavens Feast. They are talking about the road behind True Martial Realm. The meaning of Li Boyang is also obvious.

But now that Tantai Mieming said this, everyone is not sure what he means.

If it is the meaning of First Layer, it seems that some of them do not conform to the personality of Tantai Mieming.

After all, Zhao Wunian made Great Snow Mountain’s face bigger, and Tantai Mieming didn’t take action. Jianghu people praised Tantai Mieming for his great Master.

And if it’s Second, it’s a bit wrong.

Su Xin has just beaten your Great Snow Mountain’s Martial Artist and let your Great Snow Mountain lose face. You have to talk to him about him. Is this a bit too embarrassing?

So now everyone is looking at Su Xin, I don’t know how Su Xin should choose.

But Su Xin just smiled and said: “Senior Tantai is invited, and he is afraid to die.”

Tantai Mieming nodded to the top of Great Snow Mountain, where he retired from the retreat, and Su Xin followed.

Both Huang Bingcheng and Li Huai are a bit nervous. For the existence of Tantai Mieming, the True Martial Realm, they don’t see through, and they don’t know what he means.

Qing Li whispered aside: “You don’t have to worry about it. The old guy’s mind is unpredictable, but you are not an idiot. If he doesn’t have enough confidence, he won’t promise him.”

Although Cyan Mound Fox Race is good at seeing human heart, the problem is that the other party is the existence of True Martial Realm. Even if Qing Li did not dare to provoke it during the heyday, she naturally did not dare to use the secret method to spy on Tantai Mieming’s mind.

However, during this time, she knew Su Xin very well, and Su Xin was not like someone who would easily put himself in danger.

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