875. Chapter 865 chapter contention of swords

PS: Thanks to the book friend Ouyang and the dog’s story vivi10,000 starting point of the reward.

Su Xin wants to stand with Yue Dongliu contention of swords, Cai Sanyuan with a smile.

He is the one who has seen Su Xin take action in genuine, and naturally knows the terrifying of Su Xin.

The most important thing was that Su Xin was only Fuse Divine Realm at the time, but now Su Xin is the Martial Dao Grandmaster of Lighting Divine Realm.

They are also the Martial Artist of Lighting Divine Realm, and naturally know how big the span between this realm and Fuse Divine Realm is.

Su Xin was able to show such terrifying fighting strength when he was at Fuse Divine Realm. He has now promoted Lighting Divine, even without other merit law. It is extremely terrifying with Yue Dongliu contention of swords.

At this time, Yue Dongliu was in full swing, which was the opposite of his usual low-key appearance.

Su Xin used to be very high-profile, but when he started, he was sharp and restrained. When Su Xin’s sword was not sheathed, Yue Dongliu couldn’t even feel the killing intent on his body.

Yue Dongliu let out a long breath, the unstretched sword is sometimes the most terrifying, Su Xin’s repair on Sword Dao is not weaker than him, has reached the level of the environment.

Yue Dongliu slammed the hand of Su Xin, and the longsword in his hand was already squirted, 滔滔Angry Billows, rolling east!

At the moment when the sword was unsheathed, the endless pressure of the sword fell, and Yue Dongliu’s sword momentum stirred the void, and a hundred-foot-length alien sword image seemed to fall down like a mountain. Although it was an illusory existence, the boundless edge was It is like a bear down with the weight of Mount Tai.

Yue Dongliu’s sword qi is Unparalleled, this is the Sword Dao that his father passed to him in the past, and his father has been sticking to Sword Dao during Sword God Mountain cultivation.

At this time, Su Xin’s eyes showed a chilling blood red color. The Flying Blood Sword in his hand has also been squirted. In a moment, the bloody wave is in the sky, and the blood red is sharp and sharp. Sword glow instantly tears Yue Dongliu’s unparalleled sword, and the sword image is divided into thousands of bloody waves that turn into Yue Dongliu!

Yue Dongliu is shocked, what kind of power is contained in this blood sword?

There is endless killing, Ruin meaning, this sword intent seems to condense all the negative emotions in this world, it is simply the magic sword from Underworld!

Because Yue Dongliu always likes to go out of cultivate, his combat experience is not too small, but he is not naturally fond of meddling and trouble, and he is also very low-key, so there are very few killings.

Such a means like Su Xin makes him very uncomfortable, but his complexion is unchanged, the longsword in his hand is horizontal, and the whole body’s sword qi is swaying, has been condensed into a substantial sword qi, like great river flows east, ho The mighty attacked Su Xin and annihilated the sword image.

Su Xin did not use Innate Broken Body Formless Sword Qi. This merit law is strictly a sword method, but it is not a sword method.

Su Xin wants to completely accept Yue Dongliu, and naturally he should be convinced.

So in the face of Yue Dongliu’s offensive, Su Xin is only prepared to win with the purest sword method.

Yue Dongliu’s sword momentum is majestic. Under his sword method, Su Xin is covered by the powerful sword qi. As Yue Dongliu squats under each sword, it sounds like a bang. Thunder is general, the situation is heavy and powerful.

From the perspective of Cai Sanyuan, he can only see that the endless sword qi will cover Su Xin. Through the sword qi, he can only see a red blood figure hitting the left and right, but he can’t get rid of the sword qi. Bondage.

Cai Sanyuan frowns, don’t look at Yue Dongliu take action. Just Orthodox Faction can’t be Orthodox Faction anymore, but Martial Artist like Yue Dongliu is actually the most difficult one.

Because the other side’s martial skill wins with Kingly Way, it has the power to suppress people, although there is no variety of irregular and strange or miraculous power, but it is just right, so you can’t find the slightest weakness.

Just according to Cai Sanyuan’s thoughts, it seems that Sir Su’s strength should not be so right. At least he knows that Su Xin can still use a few tricks.

In fact, Cai Sanyuan thought it right, Su Xin did not use it all the time, he also wanted to try the strength of this Yue Dongliu.

It turns out that Yue Dongliu’s strength is not weak, but his Sword Dao inheritance is missing, the sword method is slightly mediocre, and it is much worse than Sword God Mountain background’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist.

Sword God Mountain’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist Su Xin has seen two, a Sword God Mountain Leader ‘Edgeless Sword Venerate ‘Liu Chenfeng, the strength of the other is definitely the presence of top in Lighting Divine Realm, Su Xin can only take action at the beginning There are a few tricks against the opponent. Even if Su Xin is still playing with Liu Chenfeng, there is still no chance of winning. Even if he uses the level of conveyance of Heavenly Flying Immortal, the winning rate is no more than 10%.

And Sword God Mountain’s other Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist ‘Cyan Nether Sword Venerate ‘Han Dongting is also not easy to compete with, and its strength is stronger than Yue Dongliu.

But it doesn’t matter, Yue Dongliu is much more reliable than Cai Sanyuan. His Sword Dao inheritance is missing, but Su Xin’s cultivate notes from the antiquity Lighting Divine Realm Powerhouse from Qing Li are many of them are sword cultivators. The benefits of these things for Yue Dongliu are also very large.

After almost seeing the strength of Yue Dongliu, Su Xin didn’t want to delay any more.

Yue Dongliu’s sword method is based on pressure, Su Xin is also prepared to force people to use the strongest sword method to directly suppress it and let it be completely convinced!

Su Xin’s body bloody sword qi exploded in a flash, Flying Blood Sword spurted forward, and suddenly the inexhaustible word intent broke out, shrouded all the squares in a terrifying Sword Domain!

Yue Dongliu’s complexion has suddenly changed. It is able to condense the sword intent into a seemingly legendary domain. Is this Su Xin’s Sword Dao rumored to such a degree?

For Su Xin’s Sword 23 Yue Dongliu, I just heard that he has not seen it.

But today he saw it, and he said nothing else. Su Xin, the Sword 23, won’t pay the title of this Sword Dao Grandmaster!

Yue Dongliu has a hint of guilt in the heart, but also a trace of fear, sword user should be fearless, but in fact, this contention of swords at the beginning of Yue Dongliu has been defeated, but he does not know it.

Sword user should face everything in the face, but unfortunately Yue Dongliu thinks that he himself is not against Su Xin from the beginning, but he has to force Su Xin to use only the sword method and his contention of swords.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he took this attitude to Su Xin contention of swords, and he was weaker than Su Xin in his momentum. His own strength also did not play out.

At the moment when Su Xin made this Sword 23, the horror of Yue Dongliu made him make a great mistake. His hand shook a bit, and the word qi of the sky was scattered, for Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist. In fact, sometimes a weak mistake is likely to be fatal!

The boundless word intent is surging, and the Flying Blood Sword in Su Xin’s hand is taken out with a false image, the sword Divine, the extutuish immortals, the slay gods!


A loud rumor of gold and iron, the longsword in Yue Dongliu’s hands came out, Su Xin’s Sword of Origin Divine has come to the eyes of Yue Dongliu, there is no smashing sword intent, but the introverted power It was to let Yue Dongliu be shocked.

Yue Dongliu’s rumors above Origin Divine are similar to the usual Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist, and there is hardly any cultivate.

So hard to connect Su Xin, this sword, Origin Divine’s Sword 23, he is seriously injured.

Zhongli Yan’s strength is stronger than him. As a result, Su Xin has almost no hand in hand to be executed.

At the moment, although Su Xin only uses the sword method, the result is still the same. Yue Dongliu has no resilience in front of Su Xin.

This result can not help but make Yue Dongliu somewhat disheartened.

He has been practicing sword for many years, and his strength is not to be said for a while. At least on Sword Dao, he thinks he still has a place on this Northwest Road. As a result, he was hit hard by Su Xin today.

Just when Yue Dongliu was ready to be injured, the long image of the longsword was three inches in front of him and slowly dissipated.

Yue Dongliu’s face showed a horrible color, only Su Xin had not used all his strength!

It is more common sense to take over the recruitment than to make a move. This is common sense on Jianghu.

Some moves can make you out but it doesn’t mean you can take it back. Once you forcibly withdraw it, you will have to get a strong backlash.

Just looking at the situation at the moment, Su Xin is still very comfortable, and has not been backlash, obviously Su Xin’s understanding of the door martial skill has reached a very deep level, able to control it perfectly.

Yue Dongliu smiled a bit: “Sir Su, I lost, and since then, I Yue Dongliu is willing to listen to you.”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “Bro Yue, your treatment is the same as that of Bro Cai. It is the consecrate of my Northwest Army. I will not affect your actions on weekdays. Once you need Bro Yue, you will take action in advance. Let people know.”

Yue Dongliu nodded, his character was originally the kind of peace of mind, since he has made a promise, he also lost to Su Xin, then there is nothing to say.

Because it is not convenient to find Ji Wuyue now, Su Xin went directly to the Flying Dragon City with Yue Dongliu and Cai Sanyuan, but Su Xin’s Hell token suddenly came, and Su Xin took a look. He told Huang Bingcheng: “I need to retreat for a while. If there is something, just send me a message outside, and there are Bro Cai and Bro Yue. You will arrange them for the future of my Northwest Army.”

Huang Bingcheng nodded slightly with some doubts, and Old Boss seemed to be in a hurry.

After the instructions, Su Xin went directly into the house where he was retreating, but at this time there were two Martial Artists wearing black suits and masks, and they were Houtu and Judge Cui.

And now Judge Cui is not the Fuse Divine Realm, but the same Lighting Divine Realm as Su Xin.

Looking at the aura on him is obviously not a recent breakthrough in Lighting Divine Realm, but it has been a while.

Su Xin is facing the Judge Cui arch: “Congratulations to Judge Cui, you are promoted to Lighting Divine.”

Judge Cui took off the mask and revealed a bitter smile: “This is a compliment from someone else’s mouth, but it is a sarcasm from the mouth of your King Chujiang.”

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