872. 862 Chapter Solicitation (Reward and Replenishment)

PS: This chapter is for the enjoyment of the Alliance Lord’s desolation night, plus 1/10

Su Xin slammed Zhongli Yan, which made everyone in the room react.

died? Zhongli Yan is so dead?

It’s only a quarter of an hour, and Zhongli Yan, who is also known as the Hewlett-Packard on their Northwest Road, died here, which made everyone feel unacceptable.

It wasn’t until they all admitted that the existence of Su Xin was really impossible to recognize with common sense. He had such fighting strength when he first entered Lighting Divine. After his Lighting Divine great success, Su Xin would not. Is it the next Meng Jingxian, Tie Ao?

Everyone can’t say this at all, at least Su Xin’s invincible posture has already begun to appear.

At this time, Zhongli Xing roared: “Su Xin! After that, I Zhongli and you Undying and Unresting !”

The two Martin Di Artists of Lighting Divine Realm died in the hands of Su Xin. Their Zhongli slipped from the Northwest top tribe to the middle stream, how can they be willing?

Therefore, Zhongli Xing is almost irrational at this time, and wants to go up and fight with Su Xin.

Of course, he is not indiscriminate. When he wants to come, as long as he is fighting Su Xin, he will also be involved in other Northwest Road tribes to deal with Su Xin. He is trying to pull Baili Changkong. Waiting for people to get into the water together.

But Baili Changkong, they are not stupid, the rules are set by them. Now Zhongli Yan can only complain that he is not good enough if he is dead. Can they really die with Su Xin because of this? Do not make jokes.

Therefore, Baili Changkong and others directly took action to stop Zhongli Xing, and bitterly said: “Bro Zhongli, to present situation is too important! Before you all agreed to fight with Su Xin, now lose is lost, we even It’s okay to take action.”

Zhongli Xing snorted and didn’t take action if you didn’t care? Baili Changkong and other people thought about it, but at this time he could not go to Baili Changkong and others to turn his face, so he had to look at Su Xin with sinister’s gaze and directly returned to the family with Zhongli’s recognize.

Baili Changkong sighed and turned his eyes to Su Xin. “Sir Su, now Zhongli’s three lighting Divine Realm’s Martial Artist has died two, this time you should be satisfied?”

Su Xin also knows that Zhongli compel can’t be too much now. Even if he wants to destroy Zhongli now, Baili Changkong and others will never allow it.

Therefore, Su Xin said directly: “If this is the case, then I will give you a face in the next. This matter will be said later, and I will not interfere with your plans.”

After that, Su Xin directly took people away. Baili Changkong and others did not find it when they were relieved. Su Xin said that this thing will be said later, he did not say that he and Zhongli’s grudges. Since then, it has ended.

Su Xin returned to Flying Dragon City, and Baili Changkong and others were rushing to start assembling their own strengths. They were ready to fight Murong within a few days and try to completely destroy the other side.

The record of Su Xin’s two battles was completely spread on Northwest Road, and suddenly it was a big/wave.

The Northwest Road has been calm for too long. It can be said that whether it is the Martial Artist of the Northwest Tribal Clans background or the loose cultivator Martial Artist, everyone will subconsciously stay in the line and will not do too much.

These tribes of Northwest Road for 10,000 years have died because of their own reasons, but none of them have been directly destroyed.

Although Tuoba has declined, the strength can be ranked in the middle, and the tribe has the power of Lighting Divine Realm.

Even so, he was also extrudeduish sect by Su Xin in one day. It is said that Su Xin will kill Tuoba Yu in a battle, and the power will be the same.

If the death of Tuoba can only show that Su Xin’s heart is hot and sturdy, then he will be able to show the strength and strength of Su Xin in the presence of many Northwest Tribal Clans.

None of the forces outside of Northwest Road over the years have been able to get a good deal in this group of Northwest foreign races.

Whether you are a Sect or a dynasty, look at the performance of the former Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye, it is simply one.

Those loose cultivator Martial Artists can survive on Northwest Road, but only if they are obediently and honestly, and they are far from the Northwest Tribal Clans, or join Great Snow Mountain like Ji Wuyue and Cai Sanyuan. And there’s an amazing strength, so they’re half a Northwest Road, so those tribes don’t deliberately target them, of course, if they want to get something from those Northwest Tribal Clans, then It is just as impossible.

It can be said that for many years, these Northwest foreign races will suffer and they will die, and only Su Xin is alone.

In this way, Su Xin made a name for himself on Northwest Road. He even had a fascination with the Northwest foreign race, which made many people feel incredible.

After returning to Flying Dragon City, Huang Bingcheng thought that Su Xin would wait for Murong to fight against other Northwest foreign races, but Su Xin was waiting for them to fly in Flying Dragon City. He was going to pull a few people back, which also made Huang Bingcheng and others are somewhat unsure of their minds.

Qing Li on the side said: “Before your family recruited the group of refining pills to their own troops, this time he is afraid to see who else?”

Su Xin nodded. “Yes, we are coming to Northwest Road to develop strength. Of course, we can’t return empty-handed.

The strengths of the people I am looking for can take the take action. Of course, there are many people who will go to the Dynasty Court at this time. You have to do some screening.

If you have the ability and ability to choose the Dark Guard, and the rest are incorporated into the Northwest Army, I have only one condition and the strength is enough.

Of course, now we have tower tree invites the wind, it is inevitable that there will be no intentional people to mix in, Qing Li girl, this will ask you to help, I do not know if you are willing to help? ”

The Origin Divine secret method of Cyan Mound Fox Race is very powerful. I am afraid that even the current White Lotus Religion and Illusory Demon Dao can’t match it. It is convenient to check the human heart.

Qing Li doesn’t care, nodded. “Yes, anyway, my time is a lot.”

According to Qing Li, the ally of Su Xin is still reliable, of course, if you don’t threaten his benefit.

There was nothing to do with such a small job, so Qing Li agreed with it very quickly.

After settled in the Flying Dragon City side, Su Xin was hiding from the city.

Although Su Xin estimates that the energy of the Northwest Tribal Clans is now on Tuoba’s body, there is certainly no thought to monitor other people, but at this sensitive time, Su Xin does not want to stimulate them, so be careful.

What Su Xin wants to recruit is the loose cultivator Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist, ‘Great Yin-Yang Hand ‘Cai Sanyuan, ‘Hundred Flower Valley Lord ‘Ji Wuyue , ‘East of the three Northwest Roads that entered the Monster King Seal. Flowing Divine Sword ‘Yue Dongliu and other three people.

The strength of these three people is not too strong in Lighting Divine Realm, but it is not too weak, but Lighting Divine Realm is always Lighting Divine Realm, Su Xin wants to operate its own forces like the Military and Six Doors. Existence, it is not only the need for a large number of Low Step Martial Artist, High Grade Martial Artist is also the same.

When it comes to strength, Su Xin is indeed very strong, but if Su Xin personally take action is required for every action, then the Dark Guard is too useless.

These three people are Su Xin’s goal to focus on at the very beginning, and this Northwest Road is the easiest to be recruited by him.

The three of them are also Martial Artists of Great Snow Mountain background, but they are still rejected by Northwest Road, and they entered the Monster King seal when they forced the Northwest Tribal Clans to offend them. Su Xin Take action, but have a great grasp of it to recruit troops.

The most important thing is that Su Xin now has the strength and the reputation he just made.

If there is no such thing, Su Xin will not come, because it is purely self-deprecating.

Su Xin first went to Rich and Noble Mountain Village where Cai Sanyuan was located.

Su Xin in these people only dealt with Cai Sanyuan. Although this person is blind hidden in smiles, but it is not good to hear, Jianghu can mix his head, which is not blind hidden in smiles, ?

Even if you have some famous seniors, do you know what he thinks in his heart? I am thinking of killing intent, smiling face, can make a name on Jianghu, this is just the most basic thing, but Cai Sanyuan has made this behavior too obvious, so it was put in the early years. A shield hidden in smiles hat.

Cai Sanyuan’s hobby is very strange. He likes gold and silver jewelry and enjoys luxury. His Rich and Noble Mountain Village is a scene of Northwest Road. The entire mountain village is covered with glazed tiles. The mountain village is decorated with gold. And silver jade stone, although the feeling of upstart rich is coming, but it is undeniable that this large area of ​​pearly decoration can really give a visual impact.

At the Rich and Noble Mountain Village, Cai Sanyuan is now enjoying a dish alone.

It is reasonable to say that Cai Sanyuan likes luxury. He has dozens of dishes for each meal, but at this time he only tastes one dish, but it seems a little simple.

But if someone knows what food he is eating, it is estimated that they will not think so.

Cai Sanyuan teamed up with Su Xin to take the Bā Snake corpse from Murong Zongzheng. The two sides were half each, and the Bā Snake scales were also ready to find someone to refine a Treasured Body Armor. As for this Bā Snake The meat is used by him as a delicious food.

Although this Bā Snake corpse has experienced tens of thousands of years of fleshly body, although it still exists, but the power has dissipated nine, this dish is not as powerful as a Middle Grade pill medicine, but Cai Sanyuan is still It is delicious to eat, not the effect, but the feeling, the existence of antiquity Monster King, True Martial Realm, can eat its meat, this is something that has not happened in the millennium.

However, at this time, a voice suddenly came: “Village Lord Cai is very good, braised Bā Snake, and I will enjoy it.”

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