866. 856 chapter desperate Tuoba Yu

When Su Xin spoke, everyone in the room suddenly quieted down and wanted to hear what Su Xin said.

Qing Li’s analysis is not wrong. Although she doesn’t know much about Human Race, their Cyan Mound Fox Race has always been like a brain, so it is normal.

Su Xin said: “We can’t directly provoke two people to do it now, but according to their current posture, it is estimated that they are almost the same, so we don’t have to worry.

During this time, I will first solve my own grievances, and by the way, I can play our own power on Northwest Road.

Concentrate your strength and get ready to work on Tuoba! ”

Huang Bingcheng suddenly took a sigh of relief, and Su Xin didn’t let them secretly move to Murong and Northwest Tribal Clans. The result is now clear to Tuoba. What does this mean?

Qing Li on the side soon responded and whispered: “The nature of these two things can be different. The people who secretly provoke the two sides are deliberate. You are an outsider after all. As an outsider, they provoke when they don’t do it. They take action, how to see this thing is not right.

The bright and straightforward Tuoba take action is a private complaint. When the two sides are full of gunpowder, other Northwest Tribal Clans will not change their plans for the personal grievances of Tuoba and Su Xin, and they may even intimidate Tuoba. Bow down to you so that you can avoid the battles of people who are blending on both sides of them. ”

Su Xin sees that human heart is very accurate, and Qing Li is not bad. After she explained it, Li Huai and Huang Bingcheng are also clear, leaving directly to prepare the caller.

After the two of them left, Qing Li said, “How, I said, I don’t understand the so-called rules of your Human Race, but I’m also thinking about how to eat Cyan Mound Fox Race. At least, it won’t delay you.”

Su Xin faintly glanced at her: “If you can now give Shaolin Temple the calculation of the extinguish sect, then I will not talk about it, immediately accompanying to find the other Origin Divine.”

Qing Li suddenly spoke, she also learned about the strength distribution of Jianghu at the time of Su Xin’s retreat. She certainly knows what position Shaolin Temple is on Jianghu.

If you want to put Shaolin Temple’s extinguish sect, this kind of thing can’t be done by her father, the previous generation of Cyan Mound Fox King.

Therefore, Qing Li had to sneak a sigh of relief: “If you give me enough strength, you can rely on your current strength to calculate the demise of Shaolin Temple. It is simply an idiot, even if you want to make a lot of money, you should at least give me Four or two, you have this power, not even 1~2.”

Su Xin didn’t argue with her, because Qing Li said that it is a fact. If you want to make a lot of money, then you have to have enough strength to make a difference. Otherwise, you will become an arm and block your car.

However, Su Xin’s words are not purely a joke with Qing Li. There is a need to have a conclusion between him and Shaolin Temple.

How many Shaolin Temple Martial Artists have died in Su Xin in the past few years? How much is the hatred between him and Shaolin Temple?

If this gas Shaolin Temple is so tolerant, then Su Xin will also say a word of admire.

It’s just because of the identity of Su Xin and the situation of Shaolin Temple, so they won’t do it, but once they find the opportunity, Su Xin believes that Shaolin Temple definitely doesn’t mind using him as an evil demon to crush the Crushing Demons Pagoda. of.

After the forces of Su Xin subordinate were all assembled, they went straight to Tuoba.

At this time, some of the big tribes in Northwest are convening their own fragments back to the tribes to prepare for the take action of Rong. After all, the area of ​​Northwest Road is very large, and the sphere of influence of these tribes is also intertwined, some even from their own tribal location. far.

Of course, Tuoba wouldn’t have this kind of trouble, because the scope of their tribes is not big, only the center of their tribes, the way it looks.

And this time, I am preparing to take action on Murong. They are also not the main force of Tuoba, or even the presence of soy sauce in the back.

Originally, Tuoba’s strength was not strong, and this time in the Monster King seal, Tuoba Yu joined Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei to kill Su Xin. As a result, he was seriously injured by Su Xin.

Although Tuoba Yu is not dead, he is already old-fashioned, and now he is hit by Su Xin. What is the strength of his strength?

Even if many of the Northwest tribes were discussing how to deal with Murong Tuoba Yu, they did not come out, but sent Clan Head Tuoba Cangyi.

Although Tuoba Cangyi is the Clan Head of Tuoba, he is really not at all convinced that he is in the Powerhouse of Lighting Divine Realm, so Tuoba Cangyi is still directly in the second-rate tribe, basically not published. Any suggestions, just follow the other Clan Heads of those second-rate tribes and accompany others.

Tuoba Yu also knows after this incident that most of them Tuoba are finished.

The Martial Artist without his Lighting Divine Realm is okay, but no one has made Tuoba Yu anxious.

Tuoba Yu complexion screamed Tuoba Cangyi palely: “I feel that I am almost out of reach, and Tuoba will hand it over to you.”

Tuoba Cangyi quickly changed the complexion: “old elder, I have sent someone to Medicine King Valley to see the medicine, your injury can be healed!”

For the current Tuoba, the existence of Tuoba Yu is extremely important. If Tuoba Yu dies, they have no right to speak in Northwest.

Tuoba Yu complexion said: “It doesn’t take a lot of effort. My own body knows that if I was in my peak period, I did have the possibility of recovery. But now I am near, and I was hurt by Su Xin. Even the Medicine King Valley Valley Lord can’t save me.

This time, I was prepared to fight my life with Murong. The rest of the tribes will also take care of my Tuoba for a while. This time, if Tuoba can rise, it depends. Yours. ”

At this moment, there was a bang in the outside, and several Tuoba’s disciplines came in loudly: “Clan Head! Elder! That Su Xin has encircled my Tuoba with the army!”

Tuoba Yu and Tuoba Cangyi were both surprised, and they never thought that Su Xin would take action at this time.

When is it now?

Murong Longqie is about to be promoted to True Martial, and the rest of the Northwest Tribal Clans are against it. It can be said that the current Northwest Road is a big whirlpool, a maelstrom that can shatter everything!

At this time, even if some of the powerful forces of Central Plains dare not intervene, Su Xin even dared to make trouble, he is crazy?

The two people looked at each other and they didn’t know what Su Xin really thought, so now they can only see the move.

“First send people to Helan, Huyan to send a letter, ask them to help,” Tuoba Yu told.

Tuoba Yu did this just in case, and the power of their Tuoba can’t really stop Su Xin.

Helan and Huyan are the best two of the Tubabs in the Northwest Tribal Clans, and the two tribes are not weak, and they all have a New Year’s Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist.

In the face of Su Xin, an outsider, Tuoba Yu turned to help, and their two families should send someone.

Beyond the gates, hundreds of Dark Guard Martial Artists have been armed with Slaughter Dragon Crossbow to target Tuoba’s gates, and the rest of the thousands of Northwest Army’s Martial Artists are also armed with a sword, directly encircling Tuoba, as long as Su Xin Under this order, this round of volley Tuoba is at least one-third of the Low Step disciple.

The door opened, Tuoba Cangyi and Tuoba Yu came out, and the Tuoba disciple, who was still chilling in the blade, seemed to have the main heart. They pulled out the weapon and glared at Su Xin and others.

Tuoba Yu shouted: “Su Xin! What do you want to do? Do you really want to go with me if you don’t care about the whole picture?

What is the current situation of Northwest Road? You should know that it is right. I don’t want to fight Tuoba, but I won’t be afraid!

Su Xin, if you are leaving today, I can think that nothing has happened. Even Tuoba Feng will be written off with you. From then on, everyone will not make a river.

But if you don’t know how to lift, there will be a day of regret you sooner or later! ”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “Guo the overall situation? Why do you want me to be an outsider to take care of the overall situation of Northwest Road?

Moreover, if I really have concerns, I will not come today.

Tuoba Yu, in the land of Monster King, you teamed up with Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei to kill me. How can this thing be broken?

Zhongli Wei is dead, how are you still Undying?

Now I will give you a chance to break it off. I can put you in a road to Tuoba.

If not, then I will send the entire Tuoba to accompany you! ”


Tuoba Yu sighed, but he did not restrain himself, and he was ready to explain to Su Xin the stakes and let him close.

But even though I knew Su Xin, I was disappointed and shook my head. “It seems that you are still Undying. In this case, then I will kill you and kill you Tuoba! I said that this must be done. One broken!”

As the voice fell, Su Xin’s figure has appeared in front of Tuoba Yu, and the whole body is full of momentum, stirring the wind and thunder!

Under the punch, Su Xin seems to have become a god, so that Tuoba Yu is shocked, and Tuoba Yu is chilling, so that the existence of his Lighting Divine Realm can not help but give birth. A feeling of fear comes!

“Lighting Divine Realm! He broke through to Lighting Divine Realm!”

The former Su Xin was introverted, and Tuoba Yu was subconsciously thinking that Su Xin is still Fuse Divine Realm.

But looking at the power of his take action now, the other party has already been promoted to Lighting Divine Realm!

When I was at Su Xin Fuse Divine Realm, I was unable to compete with each other. As a result, Su Xin is now promoted to Lighting Divine. What else do I have to stop?

Tuoba Yu At this moment, his heart has raised a feeling called despair!

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