855. 845 chapter containment

Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei can’t wait to kill Su Xin, but Su Xin counts the time, Ke Yanyue, they should hear the wind coming soon, and supporting themselves for a while is not a problem.

So Su Xin fearless due to strong backing said: “You two can’t wait to kill me? You kill me under the eyes of the public. Do you think of Great Zhou’s revenge?”

Both people were snoring and didn’t speak, but the whole body was really qi. It broke out in a moment and stepped out to Su Xin.

When they continue to resist the chaos, they have already started, and Great Zhou’s revenge will be said later.

However, at this time, a knives of the knife was falling from the sky, as if to smash Heaven and Earth, directly interrupting the offensive of Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei.

Two people and the knife and the light hit a bang, but the powerful 凛冽blade intent is out of the bones, suddenly let two people snorted, his eyes showed a horrible color.

Taixing Mountain Camp , ‘Under Heaven There Is No Head ‘Ke Yanyue !

Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei two have also played against many Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artists, but they have not played against the level of Ke Yanyue.

With a knife and a smashing of their offensive, they can feel the embarrassment of Ke Yanyue with this trick alone.

Ke Yanyue, who holds the Fire Chī Waning Moon Blade, sneered in front of Su Xin: “2 versus 1? You guys are good at looking at the Northwest foreign race. Are you so interested, not as good as My One to play with you? Two together, My One goes on!”

As a person of the Great Zhou Imperial Family Consecrated Hall, Ke Yanyue has not yet brought himself into this identity. For him, he is still the Camp Lord Ke Yanyue of Taixing Mountain Camp.

Only Ke Yanyue knows that his Taixing Mountain Camp is in the Dynasty Court, but Su Xin is in it, and the Dynasty Court is not too thin for them. They pay for it, so Su Xin They have a good time at Taixing Mountain Camp, and this Ke Yanyue must be reported.

And this action is Ke Yanyue first time represents Great Zhou action, if he let Su Xin go here, where is his face?

So in public in private, he can’t let Su Xin have an accident here.

Murong Zongzheng squinted: “The world has said that you have a lot of Taixing Mountain Camp heroes. Why did you even turn to the Dynasty Court and become the Imperial Court’s Hired Thug?

You Ke Yanyue is known as Under Heaven There Is No Head. Do you dare to hold a knife in front of Great Zhou Human Sovereign? ”

Ke Yanyue disdainfully smiled: “Let’s talk to My One about those useless, My One is not a hero, you are not qualified to comment.

You guys, the Northwest foreign race, still look down on My One. Isn’t your entire Northwest place called the Northwest Road?

If you have the ability, you are rebellious and self-reliant. If you have the courage to establish a country, My One will come to you immediately. Do you dare? ”

This time, not only Murong Zongzheng and Zhongli Wei, but even the Powerhouses of other tribes who came to the scene were black and staring at Ke Yanyue.

It’s said that Taixing Mountain Camp’s gangsters are stinking, and now it’s not a good idea.

This Ke Yanyue spoke and spoke, and as a result, he taunted all of their Northwesters.

Some of them have the mind of the founding of the country, but how many dare to establish themselves?

If they set up a country before Northwest Road, Great Zhou wouldn’t bother to take care of them. Just like the Western Region 36 Nations, the entire Western Region 36 Nations is actually much better than their Northwest Road, even the 36 Nations. Not every country has a Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist.

Therefore, in terms of strength, Northwest Road can actually stand on its own, although the strength of this country is weaker than that of Golden Horde, and it can only be slammed by Great Zhou like East Jin and Western Region 36 Nations.

But the problem is that they have already surrendered to Great Zhou at nominal. If they are half-way to establish a country, then it is to be rebellious. Can Great Zhou sit and watch?

At the end of the Great Jin, the Northwest Road, this group of people gave birth to a different kind of mind, want to build a country, but unfortunately the last abortion, the reason is very simple, the real Jianguo, which tribe to become Imperial Clan?

And if a tribe like the Western Region 36 Nations is a country, then everyone can form an alliance. But the problem is that the power is scattered, and the power of the so-called country is too weak. There is no difference in the identity of their current tribes.

Although the land of Northwest Road is large, it is bigger and bigger than the Western Region 36 Nations. It is sparsely populated and simply not qualified for nation-building.

So when I hesitated to the present, it was no longer a chance.

However, Ke Yanyue’s sarcasm is to anger the rest of the tribe. When there are several tribal Martial Artists who rank Top 10 in Northwest, they stand out, surrounded by Su Xin and others, including five Lighting. Divine Realm’s Martial Artist is standing next to the two, a sturdy look.

Ke Yanyue is strong, but even if he is strong, can he still rival the presence of seven Lighting Divine Realm?

Seeing this scene, Ke Yanyue frowned. The most troublesome thing about Northwest Road is this. A tribe has an accident, and all other tribes have followed.

In this case, it will be a headache for anyone, so Central Plains’ Martial Artist is looking for some opportunities to go out, some to the Western Region 36 Nations, some to the Golden Horde, and even to overseas, but Rarely come to Northwest unless you are confident in your strength.

Now the ‘Fighting Origin Heavenly Venerate ‘Zhao Wunian just like this way of Great Zhou, he used to fight the Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist in Northwest Great Snow Mountain. Although it is not a siege, it is a wheel battle. The specific number is not I know, but how can I have about ten people?

So if you don’t have the strength of Zhao Wunian, don’t get into trouble on Northwest Road, otherwise your next estimate will be very miserable.

But on the side of Su Xin, there is no Weird color on the face. Will this Northwest foreign race continue to be so united after the end of this incident?

At this moment, Su Xin suddenly found a person. He immediately said: “Village Lord Cai. We had a very good cooperation before. Now I am in trouble. Are you not ready to help?”

The Cai Sanyuan complexion hiding in the crowd suddenly became black. Su Xin was really insidious and even bit him out at this time.

Sure enough, with Su Xin’s voice falling, Murong Zongzheng suddenly turned his eyes to Cai Sanyuan. He didn’t forget that he had dared to join Su Xin to take action against him and snatch his Bā Snake will.

However, Cai Sanyuan is also a decisive generation. Since he offended Murong, he simply offended it, so Cai Sanyuan smiled and stood on Su Xin’s side: “Sir Su, since I am an ally. I seem to be a bit unreasonable when you are so pitted?”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “I am not here to hang you, but to help you.”

Without waiting for what Cai Sanyuan asked, Su Xin said loudly: “You should know everything about the Monster Race seal, but I don’t know what you have grabbed during this time. I am still afraid. What are the situations that have been forced to retreat by the various tribes in Northwest?

You are fighting each other. If you meet alone, it’s better to say, but if the two tribes come together, they must first expel you and discuss them separately. So, you can take things in this seal. How many?

Now that you are not standing out, are you still ready to return empty-handed? ”

Su Xin’s voice fell, Zhongli Wei quickly shouted: “Su Xin! You don’t want to seduce human heart here!”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “I am not tempted by human heart. What I said is only a fact. Do you not see yourself?”

The faces of those in the Northwest Tribal Clans couldn’t help but change, because Su Xin said yes, they have been doing this before.

In fact, from the very beginning, these Northwest Tribal Clans wanted to exclude Su Xin and others.

It was only at that time because Su Xin and others joined forces to compel, so they only gave up.

So now that they have entered the seal of this Monster Race, these Northwest Tribal Clans will naturally subconsciously unite and first exclude Su Xin’s ‘outsiders’.

In fact, Chang Yifan, who is talking about Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect, and Xue Jiuyin of Yellow Springs Religion, are not bad. One-on-one Northwest Tribal Clans can’t compete with them, but if it’s two-on-one or even more?

Among the Northwest Road loose cultivator, Ji Wuyue and Yue Dongliu stood up and walked silently to Su Xin.

In fact, they are the most unlucky, because they have not been able to catch the hair from now on.

First is naturally because of their bad luck, and Second is because their strength is not good.

Like the strength of Chang Yifan, even if they met a Northwest Tribal Clans, they would not dare to compete with Chang Yifan, and even two families would not dare to go.

But Ji Wuyue and Yue Dongliu were basically unable to make opponents. They were all acting alone before, even if they found a chance, they were all occupied by the Northwest Tribal Clans and drove him away.

Among them, only Cai Sanyuan had a lot of gains by joining hands with Su Xin, so even if Su Xin didn’t stand up and say this, they are also going to join forces to search together.

Xue Jiuyin of Yellow Springs Religion also sneered out and said: “You guys on Northwest Road do this without rules. If that’s the case, then I can only find an ally here.

Sir Su speaks, Camp Lord Ke is also the hero of Jianghu, standing on their side is always better than nothing. ”

Among these people, Chang Yifan didn’t move anymore. Of course, he also has this self-confidence. Even if they don’t join Su Xin, they can compete with the people of Northwest Tribal Clans.

He brought a lot of Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect disciple, looking for some unmanned space to see if there was a final report of the well-preserved Monster Race.

With his strength, as long as it is not a combination of several Northwest Tribal Clans, Chang Yifan is not in the eyes of 2~3, so this time others have not gained, although he is also in the Northwest Tribal Clans. The pressure has retreated several times, but his harvest is still quite rich, and the will of the Thunder-winged Tiger King was also found by him. The secret technique rune of Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect is also there. It can be said that this time Chang Yifan’s Quest has actually been completed, and he continues to stay here for the benefit.

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