822. 813 chapter doubts

PS: Thanks to the book friend 2017012603353349560,000 starting point for the reward.

Thanks to the book friend, I graduated from the 10,000 starting point.

Looking at Zhang (Chapter) Zhongye’s luxurious mansion, Su Xin couldn’t help but smile and smiled: “This Manager Zhang (Chapter) is very enjoyable.”

Zhang Xianting laughed twice and didn’t know how to answer it.

If he is now attached to Su Xin, he will be guilty of smashing the old master and dropping stones down the well, so Zhang Xianting has to laugh twice and not answer.

In fact, before Su Xin came to the Agent, he had to go through the information of Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye, and he almost knew about it.

This Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye is 150 odd years. For the Transforming Divine Realm Martial Artist, if you still have no entry into this age, you have to enter the stage of qi and blood decline.

Originally, this Zhong (Zhang) Zhongye should be directly retired, but he is a Military elderly, and he is not willing to let go of his power, so that the relationship has been transferred to this Northwest Road as the Traveling Military Head Manager, anyway, just a reputation Only.

In these years, Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye is hardly in charge of the activities of these cities, which are controlled by Great Zhou around Flying Dragon City. They do not want to provoke those Northwest foreign races on weekdays.

In Su Xin’s opinion, Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye has lost the temperament of being a Martial Artist, saying that a fool is almost the same.

Only everyone knows that this position is used to make him support the old, for a young Transforming Divine Realm Martial Artist, maybe people are not willing, so even if the Military knows this Zhang (Chapter) Zhongye this virtue, down No one came to control him.

It’s just that Su Xin’s only strange thing is that he only cares about the waste of pleasure, and does not threaten the benefit of some people. Who killed him?

Zhang Xianting said to the side: “Sir Su, because the incident is sudden, so Sir Zhang (the chapter) their bodies are still inside, and they have not moved at the scene.”

Upon hearing Zhang Xianting, Su Xin frowned: “What are you talking about? They? Besides Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye, who is dead?”

Zhang Xianting screamed: “There is also Zhang Zhang, the son of Manager Zhang (Cha), who also died here.”

“Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye and son?” Su Xin frowned, which seems to be not stated in the information.

Zhang Xianting explained: “Manager Zhang (Chapter) did not inherit children in the early years of the Great Zhou campaign. After leisure, I don’t know why, and there is no inheriting children.

Later, Manager Zhang (Chapter) deliberately spent a lot of money on the Medicine King Valley to ask for a High Step pill medicine, which was old and dear.

It’s just that Zhang is like a talent, and 20 is just a Houtian middle stage. ”

I heard Zhang Xianting say Su Xin suddenly.

Zhang (Chapter) Zhongye Originally only the strength of Transforming Divine Realm, his information is just a few words.

And what Zhang is only the strength of the Houtian realm, it is not good to say, he has no value at all, and even the Six Doors Agent is not qualified to inquire.

“Go, take me to see the Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye and his son’s body.” Su Xin said.

Zhang Xianting quickly went to the luxurious house with the most deepest place in the house. Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye’s body lay in it and died very badly.

Su Xin carefully examined it in front of the corpse. Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye died after a battle with the people. The Meridians were broken and the body surface was full of bloody marks.

And Su Xin can conclude that the people who killed Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye are not even Transforming Divine Realm!

In the same-order Martial Artist, Su Xin’s strength is not the strongest, but when it comes to combat experience, there are really few people who can compare with Su Xin, especially the following grams, weak and strong.

So according to some clues on the scene, and the wounds and battle marks of Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye, Su Xin can see at a glance, killing Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye is definitely a Mentalian Artist of Xiantian realm, very strong. Strong, at least with the strength of the old Human List Top 10.

Zhang (Chapter) Zhongye is a Traveling Military Head Manager, but his original strength is not very strong, and he is now old, his qi and blood has begun to decline, killing such a power with the strength of the Xiantian Divine Palace Realm peak People are not difficult to do.

At least Su Xin’s generation of Human List Top 10 can do it.

“Where is the body of Zhang (Chen Chen)?” Su Xin asked quietly.

“On the side of the ratio.”

Zhang Xianting took Su Xin to take a look at the body of Zhang (Chen Chen). The person who died was crisp and neat, and was directly smashed by the palm of his hand. Nothing could be seen.

Su Xin turned his head to Zhang Xianting and others and asked with a blank expression: “Your boss was killed in his own house, and it seems that the battle between them has lasted for more than a while. You didn’t even find out?”

Zhang Xianting suddenly screamed, he quickly yelled: “Hey adults!”

Manager Zhang (Chapter) There are so many women in the city, so there are many inconveniences on weekdays. We will not come to his house easily.

After we heard the news, Manager Zhang (Chapter) has been killed. ”

After listening to Su Xin, I didn’t say anything. Zhang Xianting, they didn’t have the courage to blend into this kind of thing. He said it should be the truth.

Only Su Xin did not know how to evaluate this Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye, this person is addicted to the color of the wine, the repair of this body is almost abolished.

If you are not afraid of getting some of the Palace Eunuch to be impeached, I am afraid he is looking for some Palace Eunuch to serve in the mansion.

This person is really arrogant to a certain realm, even the subordinate people are all driven out of the house, he really thought that no one dared to move him on this Northwest Road.

If Zhang Xianting and others are in his house, the person who killed him will never succeed.

Although Zhang Xianting and others are not very strong, they win more people. Unless the murderer of the Xiantian realm has Su Xin’s strength, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

After reading these things, Su Xin asked: “Is there any stranger entering the city during this time, or is Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye? Is there any enemy?”

Zhang Xianting bitterly said: “Adult, we don’t really know this. You should also know the situation of Northwest Road. The people at Dynasty Court are just like this, basically nothing to do.”

So even we are the same, in addition to cultivate on weekdays is to play, basically do not participate in other things, especially Manager Zhang (Chapter), his things we are not qualified to inquire about blending. ”

Su Xin waved his hand and let the Zhang Xianting retreat. By the way, the house of Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye was cleaned up. This corpse is also very unsightly.

The people of these Northwest Road Military have been abolished, and even Zhang Xianting himself knows that their group is the Dynasty Court.

Therefore, Su Xin did not talk to them more nonsense, and directly arranged all of their subordinates to all places in Flying Dragon City, officially taking over the Flying Dragon City, and the former Residence of Zhang (Zhang) Zhongye also began to be remodeled and became Su Xin. Jiedu Residence.

“Old Boss, this is the information collected by the Northwest Road Six Doors Agent.” Li Huai walked into the house and handed over a stack of information to Su Xin.

Su Xin has turned over, and most of it is only the details of the forces of Northwest Road, but there is not much valuable information.

At Northwest Road, the power of Six Doors isn’t really strong, not even a Six Doors Headquarters.

The roads of the Northwest Road are extremely exclusive, so in other places, the Six Doors Agent can be disguised as a secret probe, but in the Northwest Road, you are dressed as a loose cultivator in the Outer Circle, then the Northwest foreign race. The interior simply cannot get in.

Some Northwest foreign races are few, even hundreds, and everyone knows each other. If Six Doors’ Agent is able to mix in this situation, then the person can even play the role of Four Great Divine Bu. .

Knocked on the table, Su Xin said: “Li Huai, you take people to find the three major Martial World forces in Flying Dragon City and see if they can open their mouths. They may know something.

After all, these people are the local snakes of Northwest Road. Even if they have some transactions with the Northwest foreign race, they will know some clues even if they don’t know the specific information. ”

Li Huai’s voice is low: “If they don’t say it?”

Su Xin said faintly: “What do you know about waste, what is the use of them?”

Li Huai nodded and turned around and walked out.

He followed Su Xin for so long, of course, knowing Su Xin’s way of doing things, and the one that best suits his appetite, simple and direct.

Compared with being a power-holder, Li Huai is more willing to be a sword and a savage sword!

After receiving the instructions of Su Xin, Li Huai directly used his own next post to invite the people of the Flying Dragon City Three Great Aristocratic Families to the military camp of the original Northwest Road. Of course, it is now ready to become the Dark Guard Headquarters. .

When Zhao Lan and other three people received this post, they were shocked and quickly gathered to discuss countermeasures.

Zhuo Dongtian of Facing East Sect took the post and said: “Dark Guard Deputy Manager Li Huai? Who is this? This Su Xin is too arrogant. He subordinate a nameless generation who wants to call us. Come and go?”

If this post is under Su Xin, then Zhuo Dongtian and others will definitely come in without saying anything, and dare not have a disrespect. After all, Su Xin’s strength and status are there.

But Su Xin subordinate can do this without a nameless pawn, which is an insult to their three factions.

Zhao Lan took a look at Zhuo Dongtian. This person has some short-sighted eyes. He only cares about the three-point land in front of his eyes. He does not care about the outside world, and he needs to be surprised or unexpectedly.

Therefore, Zhao Lan had to cough and explained: “This Li Huai is Su Xin subordinate First, followed by Su Xin in Jiangnan Road clan extermination extinguish sect countless, then served as Jiangnan Road Chief Butou, Jianghuai Road Chief Butou, and recently added Four Great Divine Bu, and as the Deputy Manager of Su Xin’s newly established Dark Guard, although only Transforming Divine Realm’s cultivation, but the strength is unfathomable, even the Xiao Family people have suffered in his hands.”

Upon hearing such a series of titles by Li Huai, Zhuo Dongtian suddenly shut up and did not speak.

Even if he is an idiot, he knows what Su Xin’s heart is representing and knows what Four Great Divine Bu stands for.

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