816. Chapter 807 Chapter New Emperor (Reward and Replenishment)

PS: This chapter is for the appreciation of the Alliance Lord 0o rain moo0 plus 3/8

Ji Xuanyuan’s words are like a verdict, and Ji Yanxiu is directly involved in the abyss.

He didn’t understand why Ji Xuanyuan and others did this. The result of the enthronement was to abolish the Crown Prince they had chosen before. What is the difference between doing this with yourself?

Ji Yanxiu looked up at Su Xin with a sullen look, but at the same time with deep remorse.

If he can’t guess now, this is Su Xin’s hands and feet, then he is the idiot of the geneuine.

However, Ji Yanxiu couldn’t understand why the powers of Great Zhou would stand on the side of Su Xin. He is the son of Ji Haodian and the Crown Prince of Great Zhou. Isn’t he more important than Su Xin?

Tie Zhan will help Su Xin. Ji Yanxiu understands that after all, it is also a person.

Why Lin Zongyue will help Su Xin Ji Yanxiu Although I don’t understand it, it is also possible.

But Ji Xuanyuan is a person of Imperial Clan of Ji. Why is he standing on the side of outsiders?

Ji Yanxiu Looking at Su Xin, the color of his face turned into a color of panic and remorse.

If he didn’t give birth to so many thoughts at the beginning, is he already sitting on the throne?

But now he has been deprived of Crown Prince’s qualifications, even a casual princeling can’t be!

Even if Su Xin can’t take action on him because of his identity, the new successor Sovereign Prince will secretly solve his former Crown Prince!

Suddenly, Ji Yanxiu suddenly turned to Su Xin. “Sir Su! The last thing was that I was wrong. As long as you promised to help me to board the throne, the conditions you want I will promise you now! I will promise you immediately. I will give you what you want!”

Everyone present was a frown, is this Ji Yanxiu crazy?

Su Xin shook his head in secret, and Ji Yanxiu really lost his sense of proportion. Did he really think that this throne was a drama?

Today, he has already pulled him down from the sovereign throne in public. Even if he wants to put him back to the throne, Ji Xuanyuan and others will not agree.

Sure enough, Ji Xuanyuan frowned: “Come, bring Shu King to me.”

Ji Yanxiu is still a Crown Prince, but with the Great Power’s Powerhouse statement, his Crown Prince has also become Shu King.

Two of the Palace Eunuch, which had been taken out of Lou Quanzhong, walked to Ji Yanxiu with a blank expression and made a gesture of asking, one of them faintly said with a sharp voice: “His Highness the Shu King, please don’t let 咱The family is rough, and it is not good to lose the face of the heavenly family.”

Ji Yanxiu didn’t move, he just hated the channel: “Wait until I go, I want to see, who is the leader of this throne!”

This time, Ji Xuanyuan did not force him to go out. After a short time, a small Palace Eunuch walked into the hall of the meeting with a young man in a robe, and everyone in the room suddenly widened his eyes.

Exalted King Ji Yancheng ! It turned out to be him!

Everyone knows the hatred of Ji Yancheng and Su Xin. As a result, Su Xin finally got Ji Yanxiu down. He suddenly put Ji Yancheng on the top. What is the reason?

Ji Yanxiu looked at it all the time. This time he lost his unclearness. He didn’t understand why Su Xin had such a great energy to influence the three major forces of Great Zhou. Why did he support a former one? The enemy is superior.

Think of Ji Yanxiu suddenly laughed here, until this moment Ji Yanxiu saw himself.

He always thought that he had risen from the remote place of Bashu Road until he went to Beijing to compete with the Sovereign Prince for his glory.

But until now, Ji Yanxiu knew that he was still the Shu King Ji Yanxiu who had been scared and struggling for the whole day at Bashu Road.

Everything he has now is indispensable to his own efforts, but more is the change Su Xin brings to him, so his roots are like the flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, now Su Xin gently hands up, Break it directly.

Ji Xuanyuan waved, two Palace Eunuch, and took Ji Yanxiu, who had given up the resistance.

The rest of the people at Shu King Residence are also complicated, and Ji Yanxiu is finished. They are all finished, and Great Zhou can say that there is absolutely no place for them.

It’s just that the loose cultivator Martial Artist of the Bashu Road background is better. They were originally loose cultivator Martial Artist background. When they are big, they will go back to the loose cultivator, but Fang Jiuyuan and Liu Wuqian are stupid.

They thought they were looking for a backing, and whoever thought that it was not long before the mountain fell, what should they do now?

But now they have no idea what their thoughts are, and everyone on the scene has set their sights on Exalted King Ji Yancheng.

The former Exalted King, who was so arrogant and ruthless, became a lot more stable after a big change, but it was not so calm, it was better to be more cautiously.

Just as Su Xin said to Ji Xuanyuan, some things will only be cherished if they are lost.

For the former Ji Yancheng, this throne is like the contents of his bag, so Ji Yancheng always puts on a must-see, arrogant and arrogant.

Now that he has experienced the despair of being smashed, the throne has inexplicably fell into his own hands, which makes Ji Yancheng both excited and uneasy.

With such a complicated mood, Ji Yancheng replaced the robes with the help of the clerk, and completed the process of enlisting as if he were a shackle.

This time Ji Xuanyuan, they are not ready to make any make trouble out of nothing, so the so-called Crown Prince supervised the country and gave up everything, directly let Ji Yancheng sit on this throne.

Just like Ji Yanxiu, this Ji Yancheng is really a bit worse, because now he has no one other than a personal Palace Eunuch Feng Ying.

Even if he is now a Sovereign Emperor, it is also a veritable 傀儡Sovereign Emperor.

So now Tang Xian is still **********, and it is the only power that Ji Yancheng can borrow now.

In fact, Tang Xian was very grateful to Su Xin for this incident. After all, Su Xin revealed a sigh of relief that made Tang Xian change course.

Ji Yanxiu If you are a Sovereign Emperor, with his heart and the strength of Wen Yu, Tang Xian may not be able to make a stable position. Maybe it will be kicked down.

But now I change to Ji Yancheng. When this Sovereign Emperor, he doesn’t have to worry about it.

Ji Yancheng’s only confidant Feng Ying is only the strength of Transforming Divine Realm, which is much worse than his Tang Xian.

And Feng Ying himself is taught by him. Tang Xian is even half of the Master of Feng Ying, so the position of this ********** is still to be taken by Tang Xian, even though Tang Xian followed Ji Yancheng has had conflicts, but Ji Yancheng has experienced great ups and downs and has already put down the previous things, so Tang Xian is not worried that he will be liquidated in the future.

After the ceremony was held, Su Xin was sent by Ji Yancheng to his palace because he knew that it was time to fulfill the promise.

Su Xin chose him to be the Sovereign Emperor. Ji Yancheng didn’t know, but he knew that if he didn’t honor his promise today to Su Xin, he would probably be very troublesome in the future. Ji Yanxiu is an example.

Sitting on the Dragon Chair, Ji Yancheng looked down at Su Xin below. I don’t know why, he is now Great Zhou Human Sovereign, but he has a feeling of Su Xin looking down on him. I feel that there is another name, called fear.

Ji Yancheng is really afraid of Su Xin. For Su Xin, he feels chilly from his heart.

Su Xin had pitted him many times before, and even pulled him up as a knife in the hands of Ji Haodian, which made Ji Yancheng feel only one of Su Xin, that is hate.

Only this hatred vanished with Su Xin again sending him back to the throne.

However, Ji Yancheng is not grateful to Su Xin, but some are just fear.

Ji Yanxiu has become the Crown Prince but was still pulled down from the sovereign throne by Su Xin stiff. Instead, he has re-supported his already-discarded Sovereign Prince. Su Xin’s means is not to turn over. It’s so simple for the rain.

After a big change, Ji Yancheng’s character has changed from the original violent recklessness to the current very cautiously, and even some doubts.

Just because he couldn’t see Su Xin, he would be afraid of Su Xin.

Coughing, Ji Yancheng drove away all the people in the palace, leaving only one of his confidant Feng Ying, when he whispered to Su Xin: “Cherished Minister Su, this time This King… Thanks to your help, this throne can be said, you can promise you this time.”

Su Xin smiled and laughed: “Your Majesty is still not as good as it is. If it is really daylight robbery, then Your Majesty is not useful even if you promise.”

Ji Yancheng laughed twice and apparently Su Xin said the truth.

He is now just a Sovereign Emperor. His prestige and power are limited. He wants to give Su Xin a position of Six Doors Chief Butou or Great General. Unfortunately, it is impossible. Even Ji Haodian could not do it. .

These positions are already the masters of Great Zhou. Only those who have the same strength and qualifications can serve. The former Ji Haodian is also able to directly appoint the Four Great Divine Bu or the Three Field Army’s Traveling Military Head Manager. Location only, other highs need everyone to discuss together.

These things are known to Su Xin, so he naturally will not drop stones down the well.

Su Xin directly said: “In fact, I don’t want a lot of things. This First is a my own Martial Force organization called ‘Dark Guard’. The Dark Guard Head Manager is also my own. At the same level of the three field battles, the staff is responsible for me, but the need for the Lulu needs to come out of the Dynasty Court.”

The Martial Force organization that belongs to Su Xin alone was conceived a long time ago. It is only because of Su Xin’s current strength that the Dark Guard is not a separate Martial Force organization, but its level cannot be compared with Military and Compared to the Six Doors, it is downgraded to a level with the three major field forces of Zhengjing City.

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