1311. Chapter 1296

Zhao Jiuling looked at Su Xin. Although it seems that Su Xin is not in the eye, the vigilance in his heart has been raised to the extreme.

Although he had previously said to Zhang Boduan, Su Xin was a grasshopper, and the pattern was too small. Shaolin Temple Incompetent, the cockroaches on his ass are not clean.

But in fact, neither Shaolin Temple nor Su Xin Zhao Jiuling really despised, but instead collected their information in detail.

With the character and strength of Su Xin, Zhao Jiuling can guarantee that Su Xin will have a 90% grasp.

The Daoism Alliance made a lot of noise. Zhao Jiuling knew that there would be a lot of Sects on Jianghu who were dissatisfied with him, and even Sect forces would stop him.

These forces may be Demon Sect, perhaps the Buddhist School, and even Great Zhou.

Instead of waiting for them to find trouble, Daoism Alliance is better off taking action, finding a target to fight, is shocking and showing off Martial Force, and also wants to master the rhythm through chaos, and Zhao Jiuling’s goal is just Su Xin. .

One of them is naturally because Su Xin has enough weight, and the other one is because Su Xin’s popularity on Jianghu is poor enough.

If Xuan Ku is in, Zhao Jiuling can’t play this one. Don’t look at Buddhism. It’s always a high-profile appearance on weekdays, but Zhao Jiuling is sure that at the crucial moment Xuan Ku can definitely say that most of Orthodox Sect teamed up to boycott him. Daoism Alliance.

Zhao Jiuling looked directly at Su Xin and said: “Sir Su, give me a face of Daoism Alliance. This is the case.”

Although Zhao Jiuling used a tone of discussion at this time, his momentum at the moment was already faint. Once Su Xin wanted to kill Chen Beitang or did it, it would be Zhao Jiuling’s thunderclap offensive. .

Su Xin said faintly: “You can’t stop the person I want to kill, and I don’t want to give you the face of your Daoism Alliance today!”

When the voice fell, Su Xin stepped out of the way, and his body was overwhelming. In the air, Heaven and Earth screamed, and the clouds were overcast, like the end of the world.

Zhao Jiuling Shao Gathering swayed in front of him, and those Dao Gathering pulled the surrounding Heaven and Earth, which seemed to be a separate space, and covered him with Chen Beitang.

Su Xin’s information has been obtained. He certainly knows the secret method Heavenly Heart Tribulation and the Alarming Tribulation terrifying in Su Xin. Especially for the Low Step Martial Artist, this secret method is simply a solutionless instakill. .

But any merit law is not perfect, as is the power of Heavenly Heart Tribulation and Alarming Eye Tribulation.

Zhao Jiuling’s merit law is a secret method “Purple Mansion Dao Scripture” from the antiquity Daoism Purple Mansion. The dantian and the universe Qiankun are integrated into the body. It is the slowest growth rate in Daoism. Late accumulation is also the deepest merit law.

This merit law is even somewhat commonplace when it comes to Lighting Divine Realm, but after the True Martial Realm, comprehending its own Strength Rule, it is able to genuine the evolution of the Purple Mansion, the world, whether it is Su Xin’s Heavenly Heart Tribulation or Alarming Eye Tribulation, unless it breaks his entire Purple Mansion Qiankun world, is just useless.

But at this time, Su Xin made a move that everyone could not think of.

He didn’t do anything about Zhao Jiuling and Chen Beitang, but instead he pointed to Chu Chongshan, a Dao Sword, and instantly a gray word qi ****, the sword qi seems ordinary, but in the moment of popping up It is quickly absorbing the surrounding Force of Heaven and Earth, and by the time it falls, it has become a sword of theaging the heavens!

“Father debts, since your Master-Disciple is like a father and son, the same is true for the debt that the apprentice owes to the debt master! You go to Daoism for shelter, and your Master can’t find someone to shelter!”

How strong is God Bridge Realm Powerhouse? In Chu Chongshan’s view, this is no longer a strong problem, but under this attack, he has not even had the courage to fight back!

Everyone in the room shook their heads. This Chen Beitang is still smart, but some are too naive, especially in the face of the existence of Su Xin. Do you think that with the shelter of Daoism, you can sit back and relax?

As long as Su Xin wants to kill you, even if he kills 10 million innocent people, he will not hesitate, let alone Chu Chongshan.

This incident also gave everyone a lesson, that is, apprentice must be spotted, or it will be very miserable.

Just as Su Xin was about to fall, Chu Chongshan gave a sigh, and the blood qi broke out. Under the really terrifying of Death, he broke through the fear in his heart. Even if he knew it was not, he would burn the blood essence. Desperate!

The heavy sword behind him rolled up countless storms, and a sword broke out. The mighty power seemed to be Parting the Heavens. This sword is almost the most peak of Chu Chongshan’s life.

But unfortunately, in front of God Bridge Realm, under True Martial are all ants, Su Xin’s gray-white sword qi is not a move, but his Sword Dao.

Putting your own Martial Dao in Sword Dao, ten-thousand methods are normalized. On the surface, this sword is just awesome, but it is quite ordinary, but in fact it contains Inverse Yin-Yang, Bury the Heavens. Great Method The power to smash everything.

When the grayish sword qi fell, everything was smashed, everything disappeared, and a sword of Parting the Heavens was melted away. Even Chu Chongshan was strangled under a sword. The most strange thing is that in the sword qi Among the strangles, Chu Chongshan’s body disappeared directly, and even a drop of blood did not stay.

Only the existence of True Martial Realm can be seen, Chu Chongshan is not disappearing, but the power of this sword qi is too strong, and the power of Reversing Yin-Yang directly smashes every drop of Chu Chongshan’s blood. Thousands of copies, became the fly ash of the genuine, let alone his whole person.


Seeing this scene, Chen Beitang was completely out of control, and he ran out with a roar.

Zhao Jiuling’s complexion has suddenly changed, this idiot! Your Master is dead, what are you doing? Are you dead?

Just before Zhao Jiuling take action, just after Chen Beitang just ran out of Zhao Jiuling’s Purple Mansion Domain, Su Xin just glanced at him and everyone could clearly hear a heartbeat, only one sound. But then it was the sound of the chest bursting, Chen Beitang licking the hole in the chest, unwilling to fall to the ground.

Other people present can’t help but shake their heads, but it is a pity that a good talent is good.

In fact, according to them, this Chen Beitang is really good in the young generation, and the future achievements are even higher than his Master.

Be aware that other Martial Artists have been cultivate since childhood. Although Chen Beitang is also, he first learned the home blade method.

When Su Xin annihilated his Tyrant Blade Mountain Village, Chen Beitang had been cultivate to the Houtian realm. He was a half-way transfer of the sword method, and the result was able to cultivate to this realm, which is not easy.

The only failure of this son is that he does not restrain the hatred in his heart. In the face of the existence of Su Xin, he will not give you a chance to revenge for the second time.

Zhao Jiuling’s complexion is now gloomy to Pinnacle.

He only boasted of Haikou, saying that Daoism would be able to protect him, and the result was so fast.

Zhao Jiuling looked at Su Xin, coldly said: “Su Xin, do you want to be an enemy of my Daoism Alliance this time?”

Su Xin dismissed: “Okay, don’t play, your Daoism ambition is now Jianghu. Who can’t see it? You want to restore the glory of antiquity 3000 Dao Sects, want to be Martial World Supreme, no one will stop you. But the premise is that you don’t want to move other people’s Benefits, and you have to have overwhelming power.

A Qing State Road is not enough for you to play, but also wants to spread the entire Daoism’s tentacles throughout Jianghu. Have you ever asked me for advice?

From antiquity to the present, no one except Human Sovereign can dominate the entire Jianghu, even the dynasties of all generations will not work, you Daoism, why? ”

In the past, all major forces felt that Su Xin’s speech was a bit ugly, and even a bit too much. This time, they only thought that Su Xin said it was quite reasonable.

When has this genuine’s Martial World Supreme appeared in Jianghu for tens of thousands of years? Oral may be, Daoism has also been used, the same is true of Shaolin Temple, some dynasties also used to suppress Jianghu during the peak period, but when did you see someone genuine dominate Jianghu?

Everyone is free to use, no one wants to have a One Era Sovereign Dynasty on top of their heads, and they can decide their Life and Death in one sentence.

This situation is now the best for the entire Jianghu, Demon Dao, because of the Orthodox Dao check and balance.

Daoism and Buddhism are powerful, but they are balanced against each other, as are Heaven and Hell.

Great Zhou’s strength is not weak, you can control the Central Plains area, but if the power above the temple is too much, many Jianghu grass joints can also make Great Zhou gray.

Now this situation is a delicate balance. Whoever wants to break this balance is unable to get through with Jianghu.

Su Xin has ambitions, but he has always just tore off a piece of meat from others. He has never made the momentum to kill Jianghu, so Jianghu hates him a lot, but he It has not been crusted by the entire Jianghu because it is not worth it.

As a result, Daoism, which has always been clean and inaction, has shown great ambitions. They are also vigilant and subconsciously contradictory.

However, because of the reputation of Fortune Dao Sect and the power of the current Daoism Alliance, there are not many people who dare to face Daoism directly, but Su Xin is definitely one of them.

Zhao Jiuling looked at Su Xin and said: “So, what do you mean now?”

Su Xin said faintly: “It’s very simple. You want to independence between Daoism. I don’t object, but I will collect all these useless calculations for me. Otherwise, it’s not just that your allances will not be achieved. After that, you will be hanging on your Daoism Alliance. The famous Sect, see one I destroy one, I would like to see, who in Jianghu dare to join you Daoism Alliance!”

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