1307. Chapter 1292 Chapter Brother Disability

In the face of Su Xin, the leader of Divine Blade Gate, he retreated without hesitation.

His troops are not alone, but the entire Divine Blade Gate is held in the hands of Su Xin.

He had no doubt, as long as Su Xin now pass a message back, they Divine Blade Gate and down, young and old, will definitely be ruthless Guard Su Xin subordinate to those of the Dark Martial Artist to Tu do it!

Only at this time, Zhao Jiuling’s complexion is gloomy.

What does Divine Blade Gate stand for? On behalf of him Zhao Jiuling can not protect his so-called Daoism Alliance, representing Divine Blade Gate that Su Xin is stronger than his Daoism Alliance!

This is also Zhao Jiuling too confident, Fortune Dao Sect’s power is indeed strong, but mainly above the power of the former Li Boyang.

Moreover, although his Zhao Jiuling’s strength is strong, but the prestige is far less than the fierce Su Xin.

In the eyes of the Martian artist of the Divine Blade Gate Leader, the difference between True Martial Dharmalakṣaṇa and God Bridge is simply not available.

Anyway, in his opinion, Su Xin killed several True Martial, and now also broke Shaolin Temple, which is already the most fierce murderer in the world. At this time, to recruit Su Xin, it is purely seeking death.

Therefore, he did not believe that Zhao Jiuling’s face could be used in Su Xin, and he chose to take it decisively.

Su Xin looked at Zhao Jiuling and said: “Dao Monarch can see it. Now he himself admits that he is not a person of Daoism. Do you want to force the Martial Artist on Jianghu to recognize an ancestor? ?”

When the words came out, everyone in the room suddenly gave a sneer and looked at Zhao Jiuling’s eyes with a little ridiculous look.

People who haven’t lost money in Su Xin’s hands don’t know how difficult this is. Zhao Jiuling didn’t put Su Xin in his eyes. He now has a dark loss, in the face of Su Xin. It is simply helpless.

Su Xin can be unreasonable, threatening Divine Blade Gate to kill his family and let him quit, but can Zhao Jiuling do this?

Su Xin’s reputation has long stinked, he can not care about fame, but Zhao Jiuling is the Profound Heaven Region Region Lord, but the owner of the Daoism Alliance can’t do anything like this.

So this thing he can only bite his teeth and recognize that the complexion is leaving.

It’s just that there is a Divine Blade Gate’s foresight. Other Sects that were going to join the Daoism Alliance feel a bit wrong. The Daoism Alliance doesn’t look as strong as they think.

Divine Blade Gate was threatened by Su Xin. As a result, the Daoism Alliance was unable to suppress Su Xin. If they joined the alliance in the future, if they encountered this situation in the future, would the Daoism Alliance care for them?

It is estimated that some small forces are still not a problem, but it is not a problem to encounter the existence of Su Xin.

Think of it this way, even if there are some small forces who quietly retreat.

Although the retreat is like the Divine Blade Gate, the Sect that has nothing to do with Daoism, but it still makes the Zhao Jiuling complexion gloomy, including other Daoism Martial Artists.

Although it is not a big deal for the entire Daoism Alliance to get rid of these small forces, it is a serious damage to the prestige of the entire Daoism Alliance. It can be said that the start is not good.

Zhao Jiuling coughed a sigh: “The stage is open, and all the generations and the previous generation of the young generation Martial Artist can enter the ring.”

At this point, everyone turned their attention to the ring, and the young Jianghu Martial Artists are ready to enter into it.

What is most important for these young Martial Artists? In addition to the strength of the opportunity, it is famous.

When they used to compete for the Human List ranking, they had to come to challenge one by one, but now someone has arranged a ready-made platform for them. There are countless seniors on Jianghu who are watching here. I am able to be among the best in my life. It can be said that it is both fame and fortune. I am famous for Jianghu.

Su Xin is facing the side of Gong Wenyu and Su Zichen: “You two go up.”

Gong Wenyu and Su Zichen are both simultaneous: “Yes!”

For them two, Gong Wenyu is relatively calm, after all, he used to be the previous generation Human List Top 10, and the reputation he enjoyed has been enjoyed.

Su Zichen’s strength can be ranked in the Human List, but unfortunately he is a Dark Guard background, Quest performs a lot, and there are many people killing, but the most recent appearance is only a few battles to the Central Plains when the Xiantian realm, just Being placed in the Human List, he changed his face because he needed to hide his identity, and he didn’t use his original name until Transforming Divine Realm.

So this time, the competition can even be regarded as the first battle of Su Zichen’s famous Jianghu. He represents not only Northwest Road, but also Distant Tranquility Hall Su Family, not Su Family of Direct Descent Bloodline, but Su Xin as Family Lord. Su Family !

The downfall of the Daoism Alliance is not small enough to accommodate the array of Martial Artists.

In fact, there are not many people who are qualified to participate in this downfall. There are only 500 people. Most of them are Martial Artists of this generation and the previous generation Human List background, and some of the larger forces or some of Jianghu. The descendant of the loose cultivator Powerhouse.

Although they are not listed in the Human List, as long as they go to the Daoism Alliance, they can of course participate in the competition. After all, the main purpose of Daoism to make this match is to pick out the non-Great Faction background on Jianghu. Young generation Powerhouse.

The two generations of young Martial Artist played, with the Xiantian realm being eliminated the fastest, and the rest were dozens of Transforming Divine Realm.

Among them, Gong Wenyu is very eye-catching. His Black Demon Blade is both overbearing and very ruthless, and he is now cultivate Alteraing Divine, Exchanging Blood Great Method, but there is no Blood Demon Religion Martial Artist. The problem is that the qi of blood apparition is integrated into the Blade Dao, and it is like a knife. In the same stage, there are few people who can stop him from being able to stop.

Su Zichen also performed well. He had studied with Li Huai for a while. When he took the action, the very ruthless of the kill kill and the strange speed, the Martial Artist who played against him usually could not support Three strokes will be defeated.

After an hour, the remaining Martial Artist will only have 20 people, and the rewards prepared by Daoism will only take effect in Top 10. After half a break, the remaining 20 will be drawn and will be a big one. The block is not the same as before.

Gong Wenyu grabbed First, but when he took his knife to the ring, his complexion was slightly changed, because his opponent was his old acquaintance, and he was one of his few friends. One, the legacy disciple of Fortune Dao Sect Zhang Boduan, was also ranked as Human List’s ‘Ash Feather Zhenren ‘Liu Gongxuan.

When Gong Wenyu was sinned by Tang Sect and was chased from Bashu to Central Plains by Tang Sect, he knew very few friends. He even said that there were only two people, one was Liu Gongxuan of Fortune Dao Sect and the other was It is He Feng of Sword Mountain Village.

Later, Gong Wenyu chose to join Su Xin troops, and he never saw them again. Now, when he meets, Gong Wenyu has a feeling like a world.

However, Liu Gongxuan looked at Gong Wenyu at this time, but his face was full of complex colors, regrets, and hate iron.

“Bro Liu, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Gong Wenyu first greeted him.

Liu Gongxuan shook his head and sighed: “Yeah, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I didn’t expect you to be a tiger for the last time, and I was a running dog of Su Xin!”

Gong Wenyu frowned: “Bro Liu, what do you mean by this? You and I are all for the Lord, you will not even see this point?”

Liu Gongxuan said that he hated iron and couldn’t make steel. “It’s certainly possible for everyone to be a master, but it depends on how you cast it on the other side!”

Su Xin Didn’t you know when you were a person? How many Jianghu smashed this person, how many Martial World heroes died in his hands? It’s more demon than demon!

You put his subordinate into a tiger, even if you have stepped into the evil demon, you are so self-satisfied, can you afford to repair your body? ”

For Gong Wenyu, Liu Gongxuan really regarded him as a friend of his own genuine, so now that Gong Wenyu has turned to Su Xin’s subordinate, he is really sorry for stepping into the evil demon.

Hearing Liu Gongxuan, the look of Gong Wenyu is gradually getting cold.

“Bro Liu, you are the legacy disciple of Fortune Dao Sect. Your Master is the Headmaster Zhang Boduan of Fortune Dao Sect. You are destined to have a glorious future from childhood, and become the youth outstanding talent on Jianghu, and I am Gong Wenyu. The knife in the hand, nothing!

Don’t talk to me about things like Orthodox Dao Demon Dao, Jianghu Chivalry. When I was chased by Tang Sect for thousands of miles, why didn’t anyone come out to help me? Not because Tang Sect is one of Unorthodox Dao Eight Sects, they can’t afford it!

And why are the so-called Orthodox Sects that can provoke Tang Sect not take action? Still not because my low person is not worth their take action?

If there was no Sir Su at the beginning, I was afraid that this life would have been lost.

Now Sir Su helped me to destroy Tang Sect, but also passed me merit law, gave me the power, even if I stepped into Demon Dao, my Gong Wenyu did not have the slightest remorse, give me another chance, I will still choose this! ”

Seeing the attitude of Gong Wenyu, Liu Gongxuan had to pull out the longsword in his hand: “Bro Gong, the sea is boundless, the back is the shore, you regret it is still too late, my Daoism Alliance is established, if you are willing to repent, I can report Master Let me Daoism Alliance take you in, with your talent, abandon the demon merit, and in the future, you can name Jianghu.”

Gong Wenyu also pulled out his hand Black Demon Blade and said: “martial merit can be divided into Virtuous and Wicked Orthodox and Evil, why should I abolish? And I will not betray Sir Su.

If you don’t speculate, Bro Liu, needless to say, I didn’t have a formal discussion at the beginning, but it was a pity, this time just to divide a high and low! ”

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