1304. Chapter 1289 Meets Enemy (Reward and Replenish)

PS: This chapter is for the book friend Aka meat clip 馍 10,000 starting point of the reward of the reward

For Gong Wenyu and Su Zichen, Su Xin’s Quest can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

The difficulty of Quest is that they have no control at all. With the teaching of a God Bridge Realm Powerhouse by Su Xin, this is a big chance. For them, this is an unattainable treatment.

Ten days later, on the Qing State Road Immeasurable Heavenly Origin Mountain, countless Daoism disciple guarded the mountain road and welcomed the guests up the mountain.

At this time, the Immeasurable Heavenly Origin Mountain has been cleaned up with an enormous venue with an essential Practicing Martial Stage in the center and Outer Circle with seats specially prepared for the major forces.

At the highest peak, Zhao Jiuling stands by, with two True Martial in Profound Heaven Region, Zhang Boduan from Fortune Dao Sect, Lu Xuanfeng from Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect, and Ten-thousand Immortals Dao Sect. Zhong Chuxuan Three people.

This time, Taishang Daoism didn’t come, but it was a pity, but Zhao Jiuling didn’t care. He is quite a bit full of feelings.

Gather one God Bridge and five True Martial at once, whether it is Immortal Region or Lower World, how many people can do it?

Zhao Jiuling said that the eyes of Lower World are too small. In fact, the eyes of people in Immortal Region are not very big, but the Martial Artist of Immortal Region background, their innate sense of urgency is all Martial. Artists exist.

Now that they have found the passage of Lower World, there is no need to worry about the collapse of the Immortal Region, and all of their descendants are dead. This is a wish that will give them a sigh of relief.

In this kind of psychology, the Martial Artists of these Immortal Regions are just like the Shangguan Ling of the Cold Heaven Region. They are small and wealthy. As long as their Shangguan can be passed down, he will be satisfied, or just like the current Zhao Jiuling. A great ambition came.

Lotus Flower Zen Court The ancestors of the past can say that they want to participate in their own Zen, do not want to be the grandest oath of the next Gautama Buddha, his Zhao Jiuling is naturally ambitious, he can not become the next Dao Ancestor, But also be the only one in Daoism that can compete with Dao Ancestor!

Looking at the countless Jianghu Sects coming down, Zhao Jiuling suddenly felt ambitious and laughed loudly: “Let’s go down and meet, and the guests should be there.”

At this time, there are already a lot of Sect going up the mountain, but Zhao Jiuling and others have not met.

In their current status, it is certain that the existence of True Martial Realm will appear in Sect forces to personally let them meet.

At this time, among the several fields of Lower World, the people of Edge Heaven Region and Scraping Heavens Region have come, and the Cold Heaven Region where Shangguan Ling is located disappears directly. Now Jianghu has only Shangguan and no Cold Heaven Region.

After these people have arrived, the two columns of Buddhism’s discipline are also up the mountain.

It is said that it is two columns, because they are all Buddhism disciple, but they are distinct and even have some vague hostility.

Needless to say, these two people are the people of Shaolin Temple and Vajrayāna Vajra Temple.

The two factions were almost hit when they met at the foot of the mountain. Vajra Temple ridiculed Shaolin Temple and was attacked by Su Xin, and was almost even extinguish sect, losing face and losing substance.

Moreover, although the Shaolin Temple is now seriously injured, its strength is still stronger than that of the Vajra Temple. Of course, it will not humiliate the Vajra Temple.

Therefore, if the two sides meet, they will have to do it without speculation. If it is not Shi Daoxuan who speaks and blocks it, it is estimated that the two sides are really likely to do it.

Zhao Jiuling arched the ball against Shi Daoxuan: “Welcome to the Daoism Alliance conference, please come to the seat.”

The people present at the scene, whether it was Xuan Ming and other Shaolin Temple people or Suo Nanche and other Vajra Temple people were not seen in his eyes, only one person Zhao Jiuling is really invisible.

So even Daoism and Buddhism incompatible, but one is because of the strength of Shi Daoxuan, and the other is because he is not Fortune Dao Sect, and there is not much grievance with Shaolin Temple, so the attitude towards Shaolin Temple is still pretty good.

Now that Zhang Boduan sees the appearance of Shaolin Temple, he can’t help but smile and smile: “Xuan Ming, I heard about this thing about Shaolin Temple this time, tsk tsk, the loss is not small.”

Xuan Ming coldly glared at him and said: “Su Xin shouted out the first slogan Shaolin, in the slogan of Extune. If your Fortune Dao Sect is really emboldened, go to Northwest Road and solve the problem with Su Xin. It’s more useful than you are here nonsense!”

Zhang Boduan dismissed: “Extreme Fortune? The previous Fortune Dao Sect can’t be killed, and now it’s natural!”

At the beginning, Zhang Boduan’s plan for Profound Heaven Region is indeed awkward, but now that I have seen so many movements in the Profound Heaven Region, and it has shown such a powerful power, Zhang Boduan is also thoroughly not worried.

But at this time, a voice was faint.

“Headmaster Zhang’s enthusiasm is very big, so I didn’t put me in the eye, did you look down on me Su Xin, or overestimate your Fortune Dao Sect?”

As the sound came, Immeasurable Heavenly Origin Mountain came under an extremely powerful pressure. At this time, people at the summit couldn’t help but look down. I saw that Su Xin had led the Dark Guard and Northwest Road. The Martial Artist walks straight up the hill.

Su Xin did not choose the control space to fly, but chose to walk step by step on the steps up the mountain. Every step, his momentum will be strong, and the surrounding Force of Heaven and Earth will make a sound. The tremor of the sound, the surrounding Force of Heaven and Earth seems to be drawn by his momentum, the frequency of beating is exactly the same as Su Xin’s footsteps.

In the middle of the sky, the wind gathered, and countless clouds were scattered. In the same way as the twister, Su Xin fell on every foot, and it seemed to fall in the hearts of everyone, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

And this feeling is very miraculous, the more powerful the existence, the more you can feel the strong pressure, such as Zhang Boduan at this time, under the pressure of Su Xin, he even has a breathless feel!

He was still ridiculing that Shaolin Temple had suffered a big loss in the hands of Su Xin. He did not expect that he would feel the terrifying of Su Xin so quickly.

The other party has been promoted to God Bridge Realm, even in the mind of Zhang Boduan at this time, Su Xin brought him even pressure to catch up with his Senior Brother Li Boyang!

At this moment, Zhao Jiuling stepped out, daoist robe waved, Qiankun sun and moon, hands can hold!

In a flash, Su Xin created a powerful momentum that was directly captured by Zhao Jiuling, and Dao Gathering swayed and instantly dissipated.

Su Xin’s eyes glimpsed, and he was so arrogant that he wanted to test the strength of the Region Lord of the Profound Heaven Region.

Now he is tempted, and the other side is really the existence of God Bridge Realm, and the time to promote God Bridge Realm should not be too short, and it is a deep and mellow, not far from the God Bridge Realm such as Li Boyang. Martial Artist.

Zhao Jiuling smiled at Su Xin arching hand: “Sir Su, just coming to my Daoism Alliance is so big, this is not good?”

Su Xin also smiled two channels: “as the saying goes. The enemy meets extraordinarily, when I don’t make a bit of intense movement, I am afraid that some people think that I am forgetful, forgetting the hatred of the past. ”

Having said that, Su Xin turned his attention to Zhang Boduan: “I haven’t forgotten that your Senior Brother took action on me within White Emperor City.

Li Boyang of Under Heaven First, the scenery is very good, it is very prestige.

If he is going to be here, then I want to ask him for advice now.

It is said that Li Boyang is Under Heaven First, and he still doesn’t want this position. Since he doesn’t want it, I Su Xin doesn’t mind laughing! ”

Zhang Boduan’s complexion was suddenly black, Li Boyang was not there, and their Fortune Dao Sect didn’t even speak when they faced Su Xin.

As God Bridge Realm, now Su Xin has stood on the peak of Jianghu, and only Li Boyang and others are coming back to be able to have an equal dialogue with Su Xin.

Zhang Boduan suppressed the anger in his heart: “This so-called Under Heaven First, my Senior Brother has never been in the eye, if you want to take it, no one will stop you, but now, with Lotus Flower Zen Court The Shi Daoxuan Master is, you Su Xin a subordinate defeat will also be called Under Heaven First?”

Zhang Boduan provoked a sigh of relief. Shi Daoxuan over there just folded his hands together and screamed at the Buddha. “Amitābha, Under Heaven First is not easy. This old man can’t afford it. It’s just some of Jianghu’s people. Just kidding, don’t take it seriously.”

Shi Daoxuan This is not a modest, but a fact. There are so many Powerhouses in the world. How can he and he can afford the word Under Heaven First?

Moreover, the fame and fortune is the most disturbing human heart. He only wants to participate in his Zen, and he has never been interested in such things.

At this time, Xuan Ming and others at Shaolin Temple also looked at Su Xin, and their eyes showed their hatred.

Last time Su Xin attacked Shaolin Temple and made their Shaolin Temple vitality seriously injured. Xuan Ming didn’t feel anything yet, but when it was counted afterwards, Xuan Ming almost vomited blood.

On the surface, Shaolin Temple’s high-level fighting strength did not lose much, although several Lighting Divines died.

But the problem is that the biggest loss is the Xiantian Martial Artist under the Transforming Divine Realm. Although the young disciple of these Shaolin Temple is not weak, the people of Su Xin subordinate throw out all kinds of hidden weapon traps. Transforming Divine Realm is also able to withstand it, but the Tiantian Realm’s Martial Artist is easily killed in this chaotic attack.

Don’t look at the strength of these Xiantian Martial Artists, but they are all good seedlings selected by Shaolin Temple. Both talent and heart are made.

The cultivation of such a discipline is not as big as it is. Of course, after they grow up, they can also raise the banner of Shaolin Temple.

The result is now good, these young’s disciplines have been slaughtered by Su Xin’s subordinate by 70%, which is not a big injury to Shaolin Temple vitality, it is simply the root of their Shaolin Temple!

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